
Imagination is Reality

This novel is for those who love imaging to escape from there reality,and i want you to know our imagination could be our reality.

mercy_fantasy · Teen
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she went back to class to enjoy feeling special something more like in the fairytales but ended up walking to her death trap when the teacher arranged students"randomly " for a science project. she and her misfortune are a team which is obviously "random." both of them weren't happy she was even more angry because she was sure her father was behind all of this and realized it was nightmare instead .They both decided to finish their project faster so was working hard,normally angela is more like an average student but the way she was focused on the project made her father happy because she was proving him right that "she would learn a thing or two from alex. " Actually she was trying to get rid of alex but all her dad see is how hard she was working and this misunderstanding lead to Andrew liking alex to the point which he wouldn't mind if she made alex her boyfriend but her plan is to avoid him at all cost which wasn't working.School eventually was over so they walked home together as when she was about to get in her house alex asked for her phone number she was not expecting that "wasn't destroying my life home and school enough you want to do it on the internet too seriously !" "it's not like that, we could share ideas about the project we don't have much time anyway." "we have 3 days alex that's more than enough." "3 days would have been enough if we had ideas don't act like your going to do it on your own ." "i can do it on my own then i won't have to see you or give you my phone number , nice idea I'll do it on my own." "with all due no respect your dumb angela ,i don't want to fail an easy project i'm not crazy to let you do it!!!" "haha so funny alex your the smart one fine then you do it N-E-R-D" then he said "I'm not going to work hard to let you take the credit just give me your phone number"and she wrote it to on his phone to see her number already saved with the name"spoiled girl" then she said "why did you ask when you have it?" he then said"so you won't ask me where i got it from,or maybe so you won't think i'm stalking you! and also so you wouldn't waste your time thinking what i named you! i know your pretty delusional" "but you are stalking me otherwise you wouldn't have my number! by the way where did you get it?" "I'm not telling you " then went into his house after saying you better use your brain for the first time and send me some ideas" she was pissed off but couldn't defend her self because her grades were low. The assignment was to show whatever they like from this world in a scientific way.She tried alot but couldn't find a good one so she texted him "how about we describe flowers there are many kind they smell good and we can make a perfume using a science"he rejected the idea saying anyone in the class could think of that and told her to think of something else.her second idea was about love "we can show love ,we need friendship and family so we won't be bored even though we can't use chemicals to show it but it's a living fact that people need this things so they won't feel lonely because lonelyness could lead to depression and depression lead to death and we don't need that So what do you think?"

He didn't like that idea too he said" its too hard the teacher wants us to use chemicals and all ...have an early sleep today will figure out something tomorrow. " The next morning they walked to school together but their ideas were to lame so decided to talk about it on the recess.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _on the recess angela was tired and as she always do she took a nap forgeting all about the assignment then when she woke up she found alex staring at her then shouted at her saying "your sleeping in class when all we have is 2 days left no wonder why your grades are so low"

"can you stop shouting i told you my ideas but you think its too lame so where is your idea ?,what! didn't you said im too dumb to do it on my own then what should we do mister smart one!!!"

"i don't have ideas yet "said alex with a soft voice

"exactly,then what's so bad about me sleeping ?!" they have no idea what to do then after sometime school was over but couldn't find any good idea they both went home and another day came,this time they have to think of something since tomorrow is when they will submit it so at school alex told her his idea but she didn't like it at all

"are you serious alex this idea is super lame we rather not do the project in this case!"shouted angela

"come on its not that bad"said alex hearing this Monica asked what they were talking about she is Angela's best friend and unlike others she didn't get close to angela because of her money so angela trust her more than anyone so she told her what they were talking about

"don't get me wrong alex but i liked Angela's idea you guys should do flowers"

"your saying that because your her friend ,angela trust me i know what i'm doing you won't be disappointed "

hearing his words angela trusted him and they submitted his idea and monica asked for their permission to submit a project about flowers and they agreed .

The day of the results came in and submitting a project talking about "soaps" wasn't a good idea the teacher loves telling everyone their results in front of the class so he said "angela and alex you guys tried but your not kids you should think about your future more "then gave them C+ this mark is the worst not because they were the only one's who got it but also the teacher never gave marks lower than B+ and also what made the situation more complicated is that monica got A+ and the teacher even praised her for her idea.angela looked at alex as if she would stab him if there was a knife i guess he was lucky.

later that day when they were walking home after school angela wanted to make him mad so she said

"trust me i know what i'm doing,ow what was the second one? was it you won't be disappointed? i don't know who said that, do you know who said that?"

"ok i got it my bad i thought it was a good idea you know because soaps are good for cleaning and all"

"soaps are good for cleaning!,seriously i told you your idea was lame ,I should've said no but instead monica got all the praises even A+ we could've gotten than if you listened to me"

"ok next time i'll try my best to listen to you"

"I though you were smart,you're not even apologizing !"

"what should i apologize for? you agreed to it,you didn't have the nerve to even stop me when you thought it was lame ,don't make it all my Fault"

"do you know our science teacher never gave any one marks lower than B+ ? its his first time ,you know what the worst part is that now every one will think you got lower mark because of me,you got that?!"shouted angela they were almost home so Alex just said"whatever "and walked faster and went in his house.

"what a jerk he could've at least say sorry,it wasn't that hard,let's see what dad will say now!"