
Imagination is Reality

This novel is for those who love imaging to escape from there reality,and i want you to know our imagination could be our reality.

mercy_fantasy · Teen
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7 Chs

Who's the pervert here?

That night when she told her dad what happened he wasn't happy about it and told her "nothing happens over a night, it's ok you will get good marks if you keep on working harder." she was expecting this kind of reaction from him normally her dad is a man of few words but what he said really got her it became her motivation to work harder.

It was the weekend angela spends most of her time alone so she got some hobbies to keep her busy some of them are art,music ,movies,learning cooking and makeup from YouTube she tries her best at cooking and makeup but she wasn't that good at it .she was talented at art she shows her feelings through it ,so art became her favourite hobby .so she draw foods,people ,schools ,different buildings and anything she finds around her.Most of the time she draw her dad and show it to him not just because he praise her but also she loves him alot but today she draw her mom when she was done she was so surprised because that was the first time she draw her after her parents divorce. angela wanted to show her drawing to her mom but her mom wasn't in the country so she put the drawing a side and ate her lunch, after that she was even more bored so decided to watch some movies.Angela was addicted with k-dramas she loves watching romantic ,family,friends and comedy dramas maybe because she have non of those things.she is super addicted if she's not watching k-dramas she will imagine a whole new life for her how she is close with her mom what kind of boyfriend she have how much he loves and treat her something like that but most of the time she likes putting her self in the drama she watched instead of the female leads and making different choices and imagining how good the drama would've been.she also listens to break up songs even though she never dated anyone ,romantic ones are her favourites she would imagine one of the hottest male leads loving her and singing the song to her showing his love .That's why she loves imagination because her reality wasn't that fun,because her reality wasn't worth leaving.

she wanted to take a shower but the hot tub wasn't working and she hates showering with cold water so she called her dad...

Angela: "dad the hot tub isn't working can i shower in your room?"

Andrew : "hi darling ,how are you,how was your day?"

Angela: "dad focus ,the HOT TUB isn't working you said you would fix it 2 days ago and because of that i haven't showered for 2 days and after today I'll start to stink do something !"

Andrew: "darling you can just shower with cold water its good for your health."

Angela: "dad i HATE showering with cold water how about i just shower in your room?"

Andrew: "darling you can't shower in my room ,your the one who said you wanted a small house and things like this happen in a small house just shower with cold water honey."

Angela: "i know what i said dad you don't have to remind me besides why can't i just shower in your room?,i swear i'll clean it up after, can i please daddy?"

Andrew : "darling my room is messy i also lost an important flash in there and i have a feeling it's in my room once i found it you can eat ,shower even sleep in my room but until then please don't get in my room,that flash is important try to understand darling."

Angela: "ok dad i understand ,but i don't want to shower with cold water."

Andrew: "I'll figure out something and call you back ,don't worry darling."

Angela: "ok daddy ,by." hangs up the phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*after 10 minutes *

Andrew: "Angela i made some phone calls and made a way which you could shower in hot tub but..."

Angela: "that's a good news,but what? ,what's wrong?"

Andrew: "don't be mad i did this for you..."

Angela: "tell me dad what's wrong?"

Andrew : "you can shower in Mr John's house."

Angela: "ok,send me the address but who is Mr John is he a relative or my cousin?"

Andrew: "he's your neighbor ,Alex's father."

Angela: *shouted* "what!? are you kidding dad ,there is no way I'm going to shower in a neighbor's house let alone Alex's house."

Andrew: "That's your decision to make,mr john said it's ok so if you change your mind you better go now."

Angela: "but I'll stink if i don't shower,and why should i go now?"

Andrew:"well are you gonna go in the middle of the night?,it's your decision either you shower with a cold water or you shower in a neighbor's house ,choose."

Angela : "ok fine I'll go now."

Andrew: *shocked* "go where?"

Angela: "Mr John's house to shower dad, Are you having amnesia or something?"

Andrew:"no i'm ok ,I have to go by." *hang up * he didn't expect that ,he just wanted to make her shower with cold water so she will survive the world. he mainly wanted to teach her that if things don't go her way that she should just adopt with the situation and just continue her life.

Angela got ready packed all the things she needs in a small bag and went to her neighbor house

*knock knock* Mr John opened the door and welcomed her, he showed her around

Mr John: "This is the living room,this is a guests room and lastly that's alex's room do you need me to get you anything?"

Angela: "no thank you,where is the bathroom ?"

Mr John: "there was two in this house one in my room another in alex's room but mine is broken you can shower in alex's room he've been in there for a while now he'll be out in a minute you can wait in the living room until then."

Angela: "Is he showering?"

Mr John:" ya he'll be out soon,I'm going to the store to buy some stuff is there anything you need?"

Angela: "can you get me chocolates?"

Mr John: * surprised* "sure I'll get you chocolates"

Angela : "Thanks mr john"

Mr John: "no problem at all,make your self at home I'll be right back." *john left* she then did as he said making her self at home ,so she went to guests room lay on bed put her songs on shuffle put on her earphone closed her eyes and started listening .

*5 mintes later* she felt a breath on her face a water dropped on her cheeks then she slowly opened her eyes alex was in front of her he was inches away from her lips his face was wet so was his curly hair ,his eyes are shinning like stars ,his face looked so soft and his lips were as red as cherry then she pushed him away that gave her the chance to look at his body more she noticed he is saying something but all she hear is

*were discovering something brand new🎶 I'm in love with your body🎵🎶* he was still talking but she didn't care to listen instead her eyes were looking at his body he have adam's apple that's the first time she noticed ,his abs were so perfect he looked like a statue then she looked up he was coming closer he was saying something but all she here's is *come on be my baby come on 🎶,come on be my baby oowa huwa huwa I'm in love with your body🎶🎵* he came close enough and took off her earphone.

Alex: "don't you see me talking to you couldn't you took off your earphones your self?"

Angela: "I didn't ask you to do it! ,what were you saying anyway?"

Alex: "I was asking you to give me the shirt next to you *picks it up him self*,well not anymore." starts dressing up....

Angela: *shocked* " what are you doing?"

Alex : "I'm dressing up ,are you blind?"

Angela: "Then why are you dressing up in front of me?"

Alex: "Then Where should i do it?" *finished wearing his shirt *

Angela: "In your room you pervert!,you can't just dress up in front of me I'm a girl and your a boy you understand!?"

Alex: *came closer to her inches away from her lips*

" Nah,I'm a man while your my women ,who's the pervert here? you or me? ,my dad told you to stay in the living room and you chose to stay in my room while listening to a song that says I'm in love with your body and you also have dirty thoughts i know people like you when i see one,and for your information you can take a shower now princess."

*about to wear his pants then turned around *

"are you gonna keep staring?"

Angela: *ran into the bathroom and closed the door* "what was that,so weird,this day could not get any worse!" *preparing to shower ,whispering to her self * " I thought this was guests room,I really am bad with directions but this is nothing but a bad luck and this kind of misunderstanding is really bad,may God help me in the future."

Alex: "She's cute."