
Imagination is Reality

This novel is for those who love imaging to escape from there reality,and i want you to know our imagination could be our reality.

mercy_fantasy · Teen
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she finished showering ,when she got out from the bathroom he was on his bed she was only covered with towel

Angela: "can you leave your room for a while until i finish dressing up?"

Alex: "sure ,here is the chocolate you've asked, my dad bought you 10 chocolates do you need more?"

Angela: " no they're enough ,I'll thank him after i dress up."

Alex: "ow too bad he left for a late hour work,I'll tell him you said thanks."

Angela: " sure , by the way what is his job? "

Alex: "He is a lawyer."

Angela: "ok go now." *dragged him out of his room, dressed up fast*

*got out of the room after 5 minutes*

Alex: "your finally done!,so..."

Angela: "so what?,is there anything you want?"

Alex: "I was just wondering ....my dad is not here so is yours and..."

Angela: "and?..."

Alex: "I was wondering if you want to stay watch Netflix and chill."

Angela: "No thank you ,I've got Netflix at home."

Alex: "are you sure?"

Angela: "yes by." *grabbed her chocolates and stuff then left.*

The next day was her father's birthday so they wanted to celebrate it at their new house and invited few people including their neighbors. she chose a beautiful black dress that made her look super gorgeous that everyone at the party kept complimenting her.

*alex came with his dad saw angela and walked up to her*

Alex: "you look beautiful angela."

Angela: "not you too,you don't have to lie."

Alex: "what are you talking about I'm not lying."

Angela: " I know other people are flattering me because they're nice but you don't have to act like them you know don't have to lie to me."

Alex: "I'm not you really do look gorgeous ."

Angela: "Thanks, your late not to mention how much close your house is"

Alex: "ow people are busy unlike you ,you just know how to have parties, I was right when I said you were spoiled."

Angela: "ya right!, so do you think i did a great job with the party?"

Alex: "It's not bad..."

Angela: "by the way i was thinking of giving a speech as a surprise for my dad what do you think?"

Alex: "I think that's lame,why would you embarrass him like that?!"

Angela: " it's not lame I think it's cute wait how about you listen to my speech and give me a feedback

*stats reading her speech to him*... *after 2 minutes *

Alex : "stop I've been listening for five minutes and its so boring I'm here to have fun not to listen to this stupid speech, and for the record I still think it's lame.

Angela : "wait but i just started!" *alex left quickly waving his hands saying later girl*

Angela: "he thinks my speech is boring no his boring."

then she saw monica in the party took her aside and read her speech. monica said it was good then said

Monica: "by the way don't you think alex looks extra good today ?"

Angela: "really ,i think he looks the same."

Monica: "no ,I mean with the suit and all...,come on he's handsome!"

Angela: "no his still the same,but if he does plastic surgery maybe then he will look good until then garbage is much prettier than him!"

Monica: "he does not need surgery ,just because your obsessed with your childhood crush you can't say that about Alex like that,what was his name again?"

Angela: "James , his name is James and he is the most handsome guy in the universe ,his sweet and generous respectful caring you know I don't have words for him he's just the perfect guy in the whole world."

Monica : "ya ya but i still think alex is much better."

Angela: " Wait a second do you like Alex?"

Monica: " yeah dummy you got it now finally so you know what your next step is right?"

Angela: " kicking his ass!,i got you on that don't worry!"

Monica: "no ,study him for me like you know what he likes what he hates what kind of girl his type is things like that..."

Angela: "are you sure you don't need me to kick his ass!?"

Monica: "no thank you,girl do you think he have abs I've been thinking how good his body will look with no shirt on."

Angela: * starts remembering last night's incident * *went to the rooftop saying she needs to practice more, she finally snapped out of it and relaxed*

it was finally the time for her speech so she started speaking ...

Angela: "my dad is my hero my one and only his my family as you all know family ends with ily which stands for I love you and I love you too dad thank you for always being there for me and protecting me happy birthday ."

everyone clapped for her while she hugged her dad then the cake came So everybody started singing happy birthday to her dad she also joined and Andrew cut the cake They also took pictures to remember this moment then after a while when people are dancing she went up to the rooftop to get some air and while she was up there Alex also came out of nowhere and joined her...

Alex: "You did great ,I'm proud of you."

Angela: "so now you think I'm great ,and who are you to be proud of me!"

Alex: "see this is why I don't say this kind of words to you ,just say thsnk you."

Angela: smirked " Thank you alex,it must have been hard for you to say that!"

Alex: "No problem." *they both laughed * "by the way isn't life wonderful i mean it's full of surprises and all you know what i mean..."

Angela: "it is ,its always full of surprises."

Alex: " ya,anyways Mr andrew is looking for you so come back to the party and enjoy the night."

Angela: "you go back first I'll be right there ."

Alex: "ok,ow i almost forgot Last night you were in my room now my bed sheet smell like you we're discovering something brand new 🎶you're in love with my body whoa whoa whoa 🎶🎵You're in love with my body🎶🎵

Angela: * nervous*"what ,what are you talking about!"

Alex: "you know what I'm talking about ..." * showed off his abs a little and left while she is shocked up there*

she got a notification and opened it to see James with another girl and his caption says my one and only lovely girlfriend she got mad took out her cigarette she smokes sometimes when she's stressed out and when she sees James with another girl She hides the cigarettes in the rooftop so she took one out and smoked it she was so mad and sad at the same time This wasn't the first time when James posted a photo On social media with his girlfriends but it always hurts her like it's the first time.

Angela: "looks like every one have something to show off,i should do the same" *posted a photo which she and her dad took together with the caption saying happy birthday dad then she ate a gum and joined the party.*