
Chapter 20 – He who makes the rules…

On the other side, Poppy saw, for the first time, the sphinx village. It wasn't overly large, but it had quite a few buildings with inward slanted walls, almost like an homage to a pyramid, with large doors, and a few windows that she could see. The next thing she saw was a small river which was running down the side of the cliff the village was built into, into a shallow basin, before spilling over the cliff, and out of sight.

There were quite a few sphinxes she'd not seen before, too, and she suspected Harry had been recruiting. She couldn't know that Harry and Anakratu had been out recruiting more than just sphinxes. Well… Fleur had gotten involved somewhere along the line.

Off to the side she saw a few other male Sphinxes, pointing their claws, from which unmistakable spells flew, to either cut into the side of the cliff or to direct the produced rocks to another location, where a team of females were also using magic to transfigure the rubble into building blocks that were then stacked on wagons, off to the side. If she wasn't mistaken, they were expanding the village and using the produced bricks for their dwellings.

As if to confirm the thought, a new male sphinx showed up, stepped in front of a wagon and started pulling towards where what looked like humans were building dwellings for the sphinxes, also using magic, but not wands.

"They're also sphinxes." Harry said, as he stopped next to Poppy and looked where she was looking. "It's a temporary change with a bit of a system, to allow them to use the bodies as directed by their thoughts. Hands are easier for building and detail-work than claws."

He spotted Moody, who was talking to Anakratu, having already decided to find out more from him. He allowed them to talk, because Harry suspected Moody would like to find some of this out for himself.

"You gave them all magic, and your system." Poppy said.

Harry looked at her and saw that she was smiling. "Kind of." he said. "I was always going to. It would be a waste, otherwise. These are fully sentient beings, with minds, desires, and most of all, a willingness to earn what they get. I offered to build them houses, but Anakratu decided that it would be best to let everyone work together, so that the different prides could more easily get along."

"What do you mean, kind of?" Poppy asked.

"I made a system for that, too." Harry said. "They all have access to a pool of cores that I built for them, and a collection of spells, which can be cast at will. I'm still working on setting up individual repertoires, so that they can learn, but also earn new spells, as per another request from Anakratu. He feels that it comes too easily, right now. He wants them to study and practice, so that it's not abused or overused.

"As for the cores, they are in a remote location. It's like all of them run out of magic, when those cores are overused, but without the possibility of magical exhaustion, for the sphinxes." Harry finished.

Poppy's eyes had widened as he told her this. "So… you're going to let them go to school? Learn control, proper processes, risks and warnings?" she asked.

"Basically." Harry said, nodding and smiling. Magic shouldn't be free, after all. There would need to be responsibility, too. "See?" he asked, as he pointed at another male, who'd shown up to come get the next load of bricks. "They know that there is a limit to the magic, so they choose to do labour still. Anakratu wants there to be a proper respect for the gifts they receive. They switch out labourers and magical workers, so that everyone does their fair share. There are hunters and gatherers, cleaners, messengers, general jobs, and teachers, too."

"Teachers?" Poppy asked.

"Oh, normal stuff for older Sphinxes." Harry said. "They aren't as physically fit, so they teach their histories, traditions, and proper etiquette, to the young ones. It's apparently how they do things, and that's one of the rules of the Mage Isles. Everyone is supposed to respect that everyone else has their own traditions, and ways of doing things."

"Mage Isles, as in, more than just the one?" Poppy asked, as she started walking to the cliff's edge, where Moody and Anakratu were still talking.

"Five, for now." Harry said, as they arrived on the edge, and looked over at a large tract of forested land, with a large lake, right in the middle.

"Harry!" Poppy said, in shock. "How… How did you do this? Did you steal land, or something?!"

"Our king is not so unwise." Anakratu said as he walked closer, with Moody following, already smirking. "After he raised our island from the bottom of the ocean, he spent much time to change it, to be able to support life. We have liberated the trees from forests that were in danger of fires, and other uninhabited places, where we were also certain not to endanger the life that currently lives there."

"King? Raised?" Poppy asked. "You used earth-magic to raise an entire bloody island!?"

"Well… yes." Harry said. "I wasn't silly about it, though. I went to a place where there was land just under the water and did it slowly. I'm not Merlin, or something. I can't just click a finger and suddenly there's land."

"But this is an entire island!" Poppy exclaimed. "How many kilometres is it?!"

"A couple." Harry said, shrugging.

"Our king is being modest, I suspect." Anakratu said, smiling indulgently. "He didn't want us to live without anything we might need, and I've escorted him while he worked on his islands. While the process does take a while, he uses up the magic of many of his reserves to achieve this feat, over multiple visits."

"Well, it does take a lot of power, and I would have had to work for years on it if I didn't cheat." Harry said.

"I'd hardly call it cheating to use your own advantages." Anakratu said.

"He's got Veela, goblins, werewolves, and even a few Vampires on some of his islands." Moody said. "Your boy's been busy."

"Werewolves?" Poppy asked.

"They're only a threat, for three days of the month, and for that, we've got the third island, Wild Isle. It's rather large, and it's where we intend to put our bigger wildlife, and things." Harry said. "It won't be for sentient beings. That one will be like our… wildlife farm, for the creatures that like, or need to hunt. I've not figured out what we'll put there, yet, but it's still only mostly grassland, at this point. Came out a bit on the hilly side, so I thought, why not, you know? I already have bigger flatter one for farms."

The werewolves could choose to be petrified during full moons (an idea Harry had tried to implement), but apparently the curse didn't like it when they were able to skip a full-moon, and the victims tended to suffer pain the day after they'd skipped a full-moon, so that's why Harry had decided to set up the Wild Isle. Werewolves wouldn't hunt in a place like that because they tended to look for humans to kill, as was part of the curse. It's also why the Marauders became animagi when they decided to keep Remus company.

"And the other two?" Moody asked, already having heard how many islands there were.

"Humans and other magical folk." Harry said. "I'm going to make one tropical and the flat one farmland, as I said. I suspect it will become necessary at some point. For now, we can buy most of what we need, and once we get muggleborns here, we can start investing in an economy, with someone in charge of purchasing necessities."

"And the last one you raised?" Poppy asked, trying to keep track of a lot of information.

Harry rolled his eyes. "The bloody dragon." he said.

Anakratu chuckled. "It seems our King met a dragon recently, and she somehow tracked him, while he was here." he said.

"Lizard will bring more lizards." Hedwig said, as she landed on Harry's shoulder, having been on her way to him, when he turned up. She had a very large tree that she had claimed, and made a nest of sorts in, for when Harry worked on the islands. "Need space. Doesn't listen. Won't leave." she added.

"The Horntail?" Poppy asked.

"She decided to keep me, or something." Harry said, rolling his eyes again. "Apparently, I'm useful. Had to send Hedwig to go tell the keepers that she's with me. They had a couple of issues with my refusing to tell them where we are, but I'm not bringing them here."

"Lizards will become more." Hedwig said. "Chick's lizard told them she would fetch them. Doesn't listen. Understands, but doesn't listen. Bad familiar."

"What?" Poppy asked. That had been a bit much, for her to figure out what the owl meant.

"Lady Hedwig considers all who dwell on the Kings' land, his familiars." Anakratu said. "I think it's just her word for subjects, or a lower form of friendship, where the King is above those who live on his land."

"I never said I own anyone." Harry said. "I did, however, claim the land. I made it, after all. I think I'm allowed."

"Lady Hedwig?" Poppy asked, sighing.

"She is our King's familiar." Anakratu said, nodding. "She's strangely intelligent, too, so we show her the respect she is due."

"I don't like this 'king', thing." Poppy said, finally getting to that.

"I didn't do that." Harry said.

Anakratu chuckled. "Honestly, I didn't either." he admitted. "It's just how we show our mage respect. It is his power that gave us the freedoms and power we have. To treat him as a friend, or an equal, would not work in our culture. Since he is English, King is the proper term. In our land, he would be Pharaoh. He under who's gracious kindness we are permitted our lives."

Harry just shook his head, as if he'd already given up on trying to convince the sphinx. "Just… don't build any altars or monuments in my name or something, okay?" he asked.

The sphinx actually laughed at that. "It would be impossible to raise anything more worthy than what you yourself have. The Mage Isles are already a monument to your power. All who live here, see the wonder of your majesty, in everything they behold." he explained.

"Ugh." Harry sighed, again. "See what I've been dealing with?" he asked Poppy. "It's like they do it just to annoy me." he added. "I'm 'My Lord', at the least, to the Veela and to the goblins, no matter what I say to them."

"Technically he's Mage and King, to our prides." Anakratu said. "But we only call him king, in deference to his wishes. Less would be an insult, though."

Harry just shook his head, again, and gave Poppy a pointed look.

She sighed, too, but smiled at him. She was proud of him, after all. He'd been up to much more than she'd suspected. "Well, if it's just a term of respect, it's not much worse than Lord Potter, in our own culture." she allowed. "It might be a good idea to encourage that, if the titles they give you bother you so much."

"I think we can safely drop this subject, now." Moody decided to say. "I'd like a tour of the other islands. I am your Police Chief, after all."

"Taking the job, then?" Harry asked, smiling.

"Let's rather say, I like what I'm seeing, so far." Moody said, smirking.

"Fair enough." Harry said. "Let's go see your office first then, shall we?" he asked, as he turned and held out a hand to Poppy.

Moody, not one to play around, and suddenly quite curious, took his shoulder, while Poppy took the hand and the hat landed on Harry's head. They suddenly appeared somewhere new.

It looked much like an office building, with corner offices, and a lot of space on the open-plan floor, for desks or cubicles. Harry didn't stop, so that Poppy could complain about him apparating not just himself, but two others as well, and moved to one of the corner offices. Poppy hadn't been about to complain, though. She'd known him long enough to know what he intended when she took his hand, and to have faith that he'd probably put apparition into his system, with some sort of security, or extra process to ensure splinching didn't occur.

"Welcome to the Mage Isles Police Department." he said, as he stopped by a door, and turned to look at Moody, before pointing behind him at the door, where there was already a plaque, 'M.I.P.D. Police Chief – Alastor Moody'.

Moody didn't wait to go in, trying to open the door by the handle, but it didn't budge, for just a moment, and then they heard quite a few locks unlock, inside. "Funny." Moody said, as the door finally opened. He knew what that meant. Harry had apparently already attuned the thing to him, with security wards, multiple redundant locks, and everything.

Inside, there was a large desk, and a comfortable-looking, but straight-backed chair, which had a curve in the lower back. The table looked very nice, with an amber wood-grain around the edges, and a leather top. There were also a few metallic plates on the table, which Moody would soon discover were interface displays, with multiple connections for different views around three of the islands.

He went around the desk and looked out of the window though, where he then looked down on what seemed to be a deserted town of rather unimaginative buildings, around a central cobblestoned plaza, with a water-fountain, which was already spraying water, out of the mouths of five animated lions, whose heads turned in synchronization to make a pattern which constantly changed.

"Tall building." Moody commented.

"Fortified, flying, invisible triple-story building." Harry corrected. Well, most would say it's flying, considering it was protruding up from a floating invisible teleportation portal. "You've got cells in the lowest level, with entrances to the second level from different places around three of the islands, using permanently connected Teleportation Portals. You can also move the building between the islands, by simply activating an interface transfer, which I setup for the building. This means that nobody will ever know where you are, but can always contact someone on the second level, where your reception and beat-cop stations will be. The upper level, where we are now, will be for detectives or seasoned police, who have the clearance to enter and who can only enter with access through the wards from one location. Basically, your office is also a bunker with multiple levels of redundant security."

Moody continued to look out the window, as a smile grew on his face. "What are we above, then?" he asked, in a normal tone. He didn't want the kid to know how much he appreciated the effort. People would think he was getting soft.

"Town hall." Harry said, as he walked to the window. "Made sense to me, that we'd eventually have at least a mayor, and maybe some other people who'd handle things like town planning and expansion. I intend to leave politics to other people, since I really don't want to become some sort of high-and-mighty king, or something."

"And this?" Moody asked, indicating the plaza.

"Central shopping district." Harry said. "That's why the buildings are rather drab. I'm thinking I don't need to do too much effort, because decoration will be handled by whoever decides to start doing business here. Well, if people end up doing that, I suppose. I still don't know how successful the islands will be, if at all, but the goblin in charge of the goblin settlement, which is under the town, seems to think we'll do rather well, considering he's in talks with their king, about opening a teleportation portal from them to here."

"Them?" Gryff asked.

"Oh, right." Harry said. "When I approached the goblins about this place, I obviously needed security on the conversation, so I made a deal with one of them, and we sort-of have the beginnings of an agreement, to do open business with the goblins. They like the idea of openly doing business with all the races that end up coming here.

"That's another rule here in the magical world, as opposed to the wizarding world. Every sentient being is equal. Magic is not the only requirement, either. If we excluded a muggleborns' family, then we'd be just the same as the wizarding world. I intend to allow people who, by the standards of the ICW, are allowed to at least know about magic, to come here, and maybe even settle, with a bit of work into protecting our secret, obviously." he said.

Moody considered that. There were quite a few beings in the magical world, who'd love something like that. Some centaurs and some vampire clans, the selkie, merrow, fairies, pixies and dwarfs, too. Most of these creatures were seen as lesser beings to wizards and witches. While he'd met quite a few of these creatures, and spoken to a few of them, he didn't know all their needs. Somehow, he suspected he'd be seeing all of these, and more, in the near future.

"We're going to get busy." he finally said. "You do realise that it will likely be a good idea to put the goblins in charge of finances, and probably to take out a large loan from them, right?"

"Why?" Harry asked. "I mean, I do know that they offered us money to help start things, here, but I don't know why, really."

"It's because all sentient beings that are capable of understanding such things, would require pay, for services rendered." Moody said. "A team of dwarves, for example, may love the idea of building a whole town from scratch in a hidden location, and enjoy the work, but if they're not paid, they'd just think they are being exploited for their labour and might be thrown out later, after they've done all the work."

"I think I see what you're saying." Poppy said, nodding. "Goblins aren't the most social creatures. They're culturally mistrustful of altruism. If you don't take them up on that offer, they'd also think that you are just using them. If you do take them up on it, though, they'll be much more willing to socialize and do business. For all their faults, goblins are masters of subterranean architecture, and very loyal, once their services have been purchased."

"And while goblins like to expand down, Dwarves love going into mountains." Harry said, knowing that bit of lore, at least. "I hope they like dragons, then. The last island I raised isn't all that wide, but it's got a bit of a mountain on it. I was thinking of bringing it up some more, too, so that the dragons would have more space."

"Not a bad idea, really." Moody said. "The dragons like caves, too. If they can stand the dwarves, then they can, maybe, work together. The only problem is that dwarves like their gold and jewels, just about as much as goblins, and they might get upset at being left out. If the dwarves try to bring anything they find out of those caves, the dragons might get a bit territorial, too."

"I'll just have to make an artificial mountain, then." Harry sighed. "The South-Eastern part of this island has a small mountain, already. I'll just have to raise it, some."

"Why not ask the dwarves where they want it, when they arrive?" Gryff asked. "Tell them that they can choose, and then just make one for them. I bet they'd get a kick out of that. Or raise a new island, so that they can have their own, if it's not too much trouble. I bet you can negotiate a percentage of anything they find that way, too, which you can invest directly into the economy."

"Either way, we don't have dwarves, yet." Harry said. "Let's get to that, when the time comes."

"Right." Gryff agreed. They were planning for something that they didn't even know would happen. Well… he didn't really doubt it. It was more just a matter of time, in his opinion.

"I'll need my police to have direct access to movement around the island." Moody said, also deciding to change the subject. "And training facilities, and a law-enforcement interface load-out, and uniforms, and-"

"Yes, yes, we'll get to all that." Harry interrupted. "I've already looked at your latest document, and let me tell you now, we'll not be able to accommodate every single thing on that list. To give you all that would require months of work and even longer to train your people to use. Let's go with a standard load-out and increase their capabilities as needed with what we find is necessary, okay?" Harry asked.

The man grunted as he turned around and went to take his seat, sitting back as he did so. "Aah." he sighed, as he felt the lumbar-support pushing his back in just the right way. "Good chair."

"Muggle chair." Harry said. "Supports the back, for a person that spends a lot of time at his desk, and considering the time you put into that list, I'm thinking you'll have more work in front of paperwork, to accommodate as much of that as you can."

He walked up to the desk, and tapped the three metallic plates, which instantly displayed the different locations around three of the islands, with three large overhead displays and similarly sized ones at the bottom, but with multiple smaller displays in the bottom ones, so that he could see all the options for the different locations, which he could then select and put up on the overhead displays.

"Fortunately, you won't need to go too far to get a general idea of what is going on." Harry said, as he indicated to one of the smaller displays, and it instantly popped up to the big interface above it.

Moody smiled at that. "Security system, right?" he asked.

"That's the idea." Harry said, nodding. "I'll have to teach you later how to make new connections, and to set them up here. I've got fifty more of the devices ready for you, but I didn't want to decide for you, where they should go."

"Can't know where I'll need them, before there's been some expansion." Moody said, nodding as he indicated to an image, and it popped up overhead, showing a few Veela sunbathing by a pool. "Can't think that they'd like that we're watching them." he noted, looking at Harry.

"That's a public pool." Harry said. "They know that we can see in any public place. I made sure to tell them about the security system."

"Smart." Poppy said, noting that one of the younger ones were frolicking in a children's pool, completely naked. Harry either didn't care, or he realised it was just an innocent little girl, so he'd not even looked, past a glance. She liked knowing that he didn't see it as nudity, as opposed to a child at play. "Veela do tend to have issues proving that they weren't the aggressors, normally. They'd like to know that someone is watching."

"We'll need to warn them about nudity, though, once more people show up." Moody said, as he switched to a new display on that same list, where a normal looking man, likely a werewolf, was walking with a Veela woman, carrying a bundle of firewood, and chatting amiably, while the woman smiled and responded. It was actually a very nice scene, to him. Just people going about their business, and living their lives, in peace. This had always been his goal. People deserved this. Freedom, happiness, and peace.

"Fine." he grumbled out, smirking at Harry. "I'm in. Put me on your payroll, or whatever."

"Already done, old man." Harry said, smirking back. "I've taken the liberty of setting up a small apartment for you, through that hidden door." he said, pointing at a wall, where Moody's magical eye instantly went, to find the door. "You can stay there for a bit, until you've made other arrangements. If you want, I can pop a schematic and program through to your interface for a standard two-bedroom house, but you'll have to choose your own spot, and go write your claim up in city hall, at land registration."

Harry had done something special in Moody's living room, too. He had access to interface doors which went to different locations, so that he could basically choose to cool his place down, when it was warm, or to heat it up, when it was cold, by opening what was essentially a window that went to different places with different climates.

"Land registration?" Poppy asked.

"Just an interface with a map of the island, but with functionality for people to choose a plot." Harry said. "Everyone that comes here would end up paying for theirs through taxes, which I'm sure someone wouldn't mind handling down the line, but I can also exempt people from needing to pay, like the exception I put in there for all of my friends and family."

"I'm assuming there's limits?" Moody asked. He was thinking that disputes about who owned what, would eventually crop up. That was something that he and whoever ended up working for him, would need to get involved with.

"There is a maximum, for the time-being." Harry allowed. "The bigger the plot, the more it will end up costing, monthly. The funds that we make from that will go to city hall, and they'll need to handle things like expansion and buying building materials. Besides the sphinxes and creatures like them, that will prefer to live separately, and therefore use the land to build their homes, I don't want people digging without permission, or using the natural resources of the Mage Isles, for housing. Otherwise we'll end up seeing people breaking down the island and chopping down the forests, to build bigger houses."

"I'm assuming that this will be a form of rent?" Moody asked. "Nobody really owns a plot, but they can rent it from you?"

"For now, yes." Harry said. "The thing is, I don't mind people coming here, but if someone causes problems, I don't want people complaining that they spent a lot of money buying a plot, and building a large house, and then complaining to the ICW that they went to a place, that they cannot tell them about, and were swindled out of a bunch of money when we kick them out.

"If need be, we can even give them their house back, but I will not tolerate trouble-makers. People that think they're better than others, or that act superior, gets a warning, and the next time it crops up, they're out. I'm hoping that one example is all it will take, but people can be stupid." he finished.

"Too true, lad." Moody said, nodding. "I'm thinking we'll need someone in charge of justice, and since this is your land… I'm sorry to say, I think you'll need to be involved there."

"Nah." Harry scoffed. "We'll just set up a community hub, of sorts, with representatives from whatever species comes here. Then they can all decide together. Let it be a democracy, since that's the only fair system, where people choose who represents them, but with the full knowledge that they can be outvoted. Since this is my land and my laws though, I'm permitting full use of veritaserum, since not allowing it is just a way for people to get away with stuff, in my opinion."

"And for creatures that can't take that potion?" Gryff asked.

Harry frowned, not having thought of that. "Hmm." He hummed, as he considered it. "Legilimency?" he offered.

"You'd allow that?" Poppy asked, having thought that Harry would make that particular skill illegal, since it invaded people's rights and privacy.

"Everyone that comes here, will be connecting to the…" Harry said, before he trailed off. "Right. I never told you, did I?"

"What?" Gryff asked.

"It's a program that is currently the required load-out for all citizens." Harry said. "Werewolves will be forced to leave communal areas before the full moon. Veela can only use their powers in their own homes, and with permission, or where exceptions are made. Vampires won't be able to drink from unwilling people and can't turn or drain anyone. Sphinxes can't attack anyone for perceived slights, when they can't answer a riddle. It just makes sense to enforce those rules with the interface. So things like legilimency can't be used on people, without just cause and officials that give them permission present, while under a vow of privacy, so that they can't look for or reveal things that aren't the scope of the allowance."

Moody grinned. "That sounds pretty interesting." he said.

"Well, I did have time to consider quite a few things, as I focussed on raising islands, which left me with a lot of time, while I powered the magic and waited." Harry said. "There's an interface device at town hall, where every new arrival will need to accept the program before they can get access to anything else, and they'll only be allowed to leave town hall after accepting the program, because the only way out is if you have at least that program. If they don't accept it, they don't see as much as one blade of Mage Isles grass."

Moody's grin had only grown. "I'll need to add a few things in there." he said.

"Not to burst your bubble, Moody, but we can't write all the laws of the island into the forbiddance, like that." Harry said. "It is just to help people trust the other people that they will meet. For some things it takes away free will in some circumstance, and we can't do that with everything. Freedom is not freedom, without liberty."

"Agreed." Gryff said. "You must be able to break the law, and choose not to, for it to be the right choice, rather than a magical compulsion."

"I have some ideas about that." Poppy said.

"Can we discuss that later?" Harry asked. "Dumbledore's calling."

He took the call and confirmed that the headmaster was ready to come through, and they soon left, to go get the man.

They took him through town hall, though, because he wanted to show Moody and Poppy what Harry called, 'the forbiddance'. It was a room with an interface, which was built right into a pedestal. On the walls, inscribed into said walls, were the rules, which the interface would apply. They had titles, too, like 'For Vampires', or 'For Werewolves'.

The only entrance was through a teleportation portal, and without agreeing to the forbiddance the only place it would take you was back to a designated location, which just so happens to be a cell in M.I.P.D.'s Police lock-up.

Dumbledore had a few questions but ended up easily taking the forbiddance by placing his hand on the interface and reading one mandatory line that applied the magic, "I agree to accept the limitations this will place on me, in regard to these protected lands."

And that was that. They all walked out through the portal which led them to the outside of the town hall, where there was a different entrance to the 'administrative block' as Harry called it. He quickly went to show Moody the map, with the land registration, before leaving again.

Dumbledore had been amazed at seeing the fountain and the cobblestone plaza. Then, they took to the sky in a Transportation Shield, after leaving the shopping district. When he saw the large town-hall building and the surrounding land, which Harry had left open, he was even more impressed, since there was already a park and grass.

Seeing the small town, currently containing mostly just Veela and werewolves further out, had him starting to wonder what all Harry had done. They even had a public pool, with people seemingly just having fun, and houses with gardens and more pathways!

Harry lifted the shield up, and they saw, for the first time, the size of the island.

"Harry?" Dumbledore asked. "Where did you find this island?" he asked.

"Raised it, and the other four." Harry said, nonchalantly. "It's all protected by Fidelius and unplottable, don't worry."

"You missed the first island." Poppy said, proudly. "The sphinxes seem to have gathered more of their kind and they have a wonderful little village up on a cliff overlooking a lush forest and a large lake."

"Freshwater, too." Harry said. "Had to use a few runes to clean it, first, but now, the island doesn't have issues with fresh water, at least. That lake is actually all the islands' main source of water. The sphinxes have made it their primary duty to protect it."

"Oh." Poppy said, before nodding. "They are a dutiful lot, it seems."

"Honourable creatures, sphinxes." Moody said, nodding too. "Then again, guarding things is a hereditary trait, for them. The pharaohs often used them as guards to their treasuries, back in those days. Well, when they weren't being used for labour."

"Didn't know that." Harry admitted.

Dumbledore's eyes had grown large in the meanwhile, because they were now quite high up and he was finally seeing the edge of the island. "This… is a lot of land, Harry." he said.

"Thanks." Harry said. "I'm quite proud. It took a bit of time, but I got it there." he added, as he steered them to the next island over, which was even larger. "That one will be our farming island." he noted. "I'm thinking we have enough space for quite a few crops, and some livestock."

This island was even bigger, yet it seemed that it was already overgrowing with grass.

"How is it already so vibrant with life?" Dumbledore asked, not understanding.

"The Veela." Harry said, simply.

"Veela?" Dumbledore asked.

"Some of them brought forest nymphs." Harry nodded. "Apparently those two groups often work together. You should hear them singing, while they work. It's really very pretty. This grassland was basically not here, a month ago. I'd done some work to make it more fertile, and to work the soil over with a bit of nutrients, but those nymphs are something else. Apparently, they just came here, to see what was here, and the next thing I know, boom, this." he said, indicating towards the land.

"I didn't know that they could influence plant-life." Dumbledore said, frowning.

"Well to be fair, they didn't really show me, as much as I heard them at work, while I was flying over the island. Considering their natures it makes sense that they are skittish and could sense me still." Harry said. "I didn't see them then, but the only logical leap I could make was that they used a transportation hub to come here and explore, and then did this."

They moved off again, until they found another large island, with more grasslands, but also quite a few mountainous outcroppings.

"Basically more of the same, but this one will be used for wildlife." Harry said. "You know, for hunting, and stuff."

"I'm assuming you don't mean that you want to hunt?" Dumbledore asked. His head was slightly spinning. He didn't think he could do this, so he was really starting to wonder about Harry's capabilities.

"Creatures, werewolves, whatever." Harry said, shrugging.

When they landed on the last island, Harry had already transfigured a bit of stone out, so that he could land the ground they were flying on, into it.

No sooner had they landed, than there was a roar, and the large beast they were there to visit flapped her wings, and started descending to the group from up on a high ridge. This island had lot of peaks and looked like a mountain had decided to just grow out of the ocean.

"Great, she spotted us." Harry said, sighing.

"She?" Dumbledore asked, slightly worried, now.

"The dragon from the first task." Poppy said. "Apparently, she's another of Harry's familiars, now."

"That's only what Hedwig called her." Harry said. "She thinks I'm her bloody servant. If I don't come and feed her and her little ones, at least once a week, she shows up wherever I happen to be, on the islands, and just stares at me until I leave to go get her something. Bloody spoiled dragon."

The dragon came down for a landing and touched down, relatively gently. Then she looked the group over, smelling the air before looking at Harry, apparently in question.

"No, they aren't food." Harry said. "They are companions."

She seemed to sniff, turning her head, in what actually looked like a pout.

"I fed you yesterday. I know you had enough, so don't start giving me attitude." Harry said, putting his hands on his hips. "If you want to have fun, go take a swim in the lake with the little ones, again. I know you do that, already. You could always also go fish. I made sure that there's more than enough fish around the islands."

He just got another pouty sniff.

"Anyway, listen, Hedwig tells me that you intend to bring more dragons here." Harry said, apparently talking directly to the dragon. "I don't know how you got into my Fidelius, but I swear if you leave to go get more, I'll move the Mage Isles, or something. I can't feed that many of you. I'm not made of money, you know. Cows cost resources."

The dragon's eyes narrowed, as she looked at him.

Dumbledore was picking up that the dragon was actually saying something, because her gaze was just too focussed, directed, and then she looked off to the side and back at him, lifting her head as if she was looking down on him.

"Oh, come on!" Harry objected. "That's so not fair! You can't just show up here and decide I'm your bloody keeper!"

The dragon growled and took a few steps closer.

Dumbledore made to pull his wand, but Moody stopped him. "Wait." he said. He knew Harry and knew that there was more going on. Harry also didn't seem scared, which was also a good indicator.

The dragon stopped in front of Harry, narrowed her eyes, and reached forward with a claw, before tapping Harry's chest softly. Then she indicated to herself, tapping her chest too, and then she lifted her chin again.

"It's not a compliment, if you're blatantly planning on using me." Harry said, sighing. "But fine. I'm not opposed to helping, but you're in charge then, okay? I don't want you scaring anyone on the other islands."

The dragon didn't seem surprised at his response, but somehow seemed satisfied. Then she lowered her head, and gently tapped Harry on his head with her chin.

"I'm not a baby, damnit." Harry muttered, as she stepped back again. "I'll get you sorted in the next week, okay? Give me a bit of time to figure it out."

The dragon's head tilted to the side, then. Another question, apparently.

Harry sighed. "Fine." he pointed a hand, and a goat-carcass appeared there. "It's not cow, but it should suffice as a snack."

The dragon seemed to actually smile, revealing a lot of teeth, before she went to the carcass, picked it up and flapped her wings, before taking off again towards the ridge she'd come from.

Harry sighed.

"What just happened?" Dumbledore asked, frowning. "Can you actually speak to the dragon, now?" he asked.

"It was Hedwig." Harry said. "I'm technically connected to her translation, right now, and she just allowed me to use her as an intermediary. Apparently, she's tired of dealing with the 'stupid lizard'."

"That's possible?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course, it is." Moody said. "Kid just did it, didn't he?"

"What does she want, Harry?" Poppy asked.

"Really?" the hat, still on Harry's head, asked. "But, aren't they resist… Oh, I see."

"Can you please stop reading his mind, just to make us curious?" Poppy demanded.

Gryff was still rather shocked, but kept his trap shut, because he couldn't reveal what he'd read. He also knew that Harry had allowed him to read those thoughts, on purpose. "Sneaky bugger." he finally said.

"What?" Dumbledore asked.

"It's a secret." Harry said simply, before he turned and went back to start up the shield again.

"That wasn't very nice of you, Harry." Gryff said, aloud.

"I know." Harry said, smirking. "Fun, though."

"Ha!" Moody laughed. With him moving to the island, he didn't need to know immediately. He'd find out, while the other two would be going back to school, which would be starting in a week. He doubted that Harry would be staying away, because there would be a lot to do, in the coming year.

'I'll tell you later, Moody.' Harry sent to him, in a mental message. 'This is a security issue, so I actually have to.'

'Got it.' Moody sent back, without so much as a look. "So, are we taking Albus back to the Sphinxes?" he asked, aloud.

"It seems like the thing to do." Harry said, nodding as he took off. Then, just to shock the people with him, he apparated the entire transportation shield, and all its occupants to the first island.

"Apparition?" Dumbledore asked. "I didn't know you could do that. You do know it's illegal, right Harry?" he asked.

"Maybe in England." Harry said, smirking again, as he directed the shield towards the Sphinx village.

"Harry makes the rules in the Mage Isles." Moody said, grinning again, as they set down. "After all, who tells the king what to do, on his own lands?" he asked.

"It is true." Anakratu said, as he approached. "You visit us again, my king. Should we count ourselves blessed?" he asked, with a bit of humour, as he suppressed a laugh, which Harry could actually see in the big monster's chest.

"You're a comedian, Anakratu." Harry said, as he stepped away from where they'd landed.

"Alpha." Dumbledore said.

"Sphinxes, much like lions, don't have alphas." Anakratu said. "While I am the leader of this village, our society normally revolves around our females. They form a central group, or den, from the different prides, while males are normally considered little more than breeding stock. We males do consider ourselves the protectors of our lands, though, and I am still the strongest of our prides."

"Just call him by name." Harry said. "He didn't give you his name, but he knows you know it."

"Would be a little difficult to explain the name of the village, otherwise." Moody said, still smiling.

"It's called Anakratu Village." Poppy said, before Dumbledore could ask.

"Ah." Dumbledore said, nodding. "Very well. Good day Anakratu. I hope you are settling in nicely?" he asked.

"Our king has provided for us, and we lack for nothing." Anakratu said, as he turned around, and looked at the village. "We have been hard at work building our homes, and we rest well after a day of earning it. Our children also quite enjoy having so many other young ones around to play with, and so much space to do it in."

"I personally quite enjoy the view of the lake and the forest, at night." a female said, as she walked closer, rubbing against Harry familiarly. "My king." she added, nodding at him.

Harry smiled and put a hand on her upper-back. "Hi Tena." he said, smiling at her. "How are the little ones?" he asked.

"Thriving, my king." Tena said. "You truly have kept your word and so much more. I will sing your praises until the day that I die. I swear it." she promised.

"Can't we just be friends?" Harry asked. "All this… 'my king' business… You really can be more familiar and call me by name."

"Of course, my king." the sphinx said, smiling at him, but not giving in.

Harry just sighed.

"I'll explain later." Poppy said, when Dumbledore made to ask about that, too. "I hear you promised to protect the lake for the Mage Isles." she said, looking at Anakratu.

"Water has always been a valuable resource to our kind." Anakratu said. "Being dessert-dwelling creatures, we need less, but it is always a worry. Now, we can walk to the edge of our village and look down on our primary resource. At night, it sparkles with reflections of magic and stars, and it reminds us that we are very fortunate, indeed."

"Reflections of magic?" Dumbledore asked.

"You'll have to come visit at night, some time." Harry said.

"You can always stay for dinner?" Anakratu offered. "We are carnivores, but we do cook the meat, sometimes."

"I'm afraid that I'll have to decline." Albus said. "I have to go back to the school. There are many things to arrange, before the new school year starts. I'll just have to come solve this mystery, another time, if I'm able."

Anakratu nodded at the man, before looking at Moody. "Steak?" he offered.

"Sure thing." Moody said easily. He'd like to stay anyway, considering he'd be responsible for security on the Mage Isles from now on. "I'd like that. I've got a bottle of firewhiskey in my trunk. We can have a drink and discuss security."

"I think it's time to go, anyway." Harry said. He'd had a long day.

Harry quickly took Moody aside, to explain to him how to connect to the transport hubs, so that he could move between the islands using them, and how to leave them, so that he wouldn't be stuck there, and then he took the others back to the school.

"What about Hedwig?" Gryff asked, once they'd stepped through, and the headmaster left the hospital wing.

"She can leave, using the postal transport system." Harry said. He shook his head, then. "Honestly, I think she's the one that brought the dragon to the island. She's the only one that could, in fact."

"She'd do that?" Poppy asked. She wouldn't think that Hedwig would put anyone in danger, and dragons were not what anyone would call tame. Then again, she still didn't know what the dragon had asked of Harry, but suspected that Hedwig would only do that, if it would benefit her 'familiar'. She really was a frightening bird, sometimes.

"Only if she thought it was a good idea." Harry said, almost reflecting Poppy's thoughts. "After my discussion with the dragon, I'm thinking I understand, now."

"What was that about, anyway?" Poppy asked. "The headmaster is gone now, if he's the reason you didn't tell us."

"He was." Harry admitted. He considered it for a few moments, while the other two watched him expectantly. "The thing is, dragons work on instincts, true, but they aren't stupid. The one on the island was quite capable of understanding what magic is, and how beneficial it could be, when used in certain ways. She is of the opinion that I could help her kind understand people better, something they apparently wouldn't mind, and maybe that when they do, we could be more useful to one-another."

"Give her a human form." Gryff said, instantly. "You did it for the Sphinxes, after all."

"It's not quite that simple." Harry said, even as he nodded. He'd had that idea, too. "Think of how Hedwig talks, right? She knows what we say, and she has the ability to speak normally, I've realised. The issue is, her instincts tell her to communicate a certain way, and she doesn't want to fight them. Fawkes is also a bird, maybe a more magical one by nature, but still a bird, and he chooses to speak like a person, though I know for a fact that he's still in the habit of following his own instincts.

"Now, consider the dragons, who are not born with human minds. They don't understanding the needs of humans. Even if I can turn them into humans, or more likely, give them a way to do it themselves, that doesn't mean that they'll have the capacity to function as humans. The sphinxes are, because they actually are partially human, or at least a creature with a facsimile of humanity to them, with an understanding of how humans work.

"Giving a dragon a human form, even one with a control system that allows their minds to control their bodies, like I did for the sphinxes, doesn't mean that they'll know how to wear clothes. Would they even want to? Will they be the same animal, but just smaller? Will they expect to still be able to fly, or walk around on all fours?" he finished.

"Hmm." Gryff hummed, as he considered the problem. "I think I see what you're saying."

"Is that even really an issue?" Poppy asked. "I mean, I should mention that I'm really impressed and worried that you can even do that, but why would that be a problem? Just make sure that the control system includes things like a need for modesty, or build it in, and then give their forms wings. Maybe even a tail. That way they'd feel more like themselves, even in human form. Just remember to make it so that they can't use that outside of the Mage Isles. I don't want to know what would happen if people found out that you can give any creature a humanoid form."

"Hmm." Harry hummed this time, as a thought came to him. He closed his eyes as he considered it, and allowed his perceived time to increase while he considered things. It took him only twenty seconds before he opened his eyes again, with a gleam of excitement in them.

"Oh, dear." Poppy said, sighing again. "What did you decide?" she asked.

"Dragonkin." Harry said.

"Ha!" Gryff laughed. "That's brilliant!"

"Like, from that game?" Poppy asked, as she frowned. As she recalled, Dragonkin were a form of humanoid dragons that were supposedly the offspring of humans and human-form dragons, due to them being able to magically turn themselves into humans. Sort of the reverse of Animagi. They were human-level intelligent creatures, though. At least, in the DND fantasy world. Still, those dragonkin looked everything from mostly human, to an amalgam of human and dragon. "Do you think that would work?" she asked.

"It's just a game, I know." Harry said. "And I'll likely need to discuss this with both you and someone that is an expert in dragon physiology, to incorporate things so that the dragon feels at home in their bodies, along with some of their natural gifts, like strength, flight and fire breath, but I don't see why we can't do that with a bit of work."

"Are you thinking more human, or the amalgam?" Poppy asked.

"Amalgam." Harry said. "People should know that they are speaking to a creature, in human form, so that they don't forget to respect that they are different. Maybe I'll go for human skin-colour, rather than their normal primary colours, though, but with markings on their faces and bodies, to indicate their normal colouring. Horns, wings and tail could also indicate their normal look. That way it will look more like a natural change, rather than them forcing themselves to look human."

"So, kind of like an Animagus form, but in reverse?" Poppy asked. "Or at least, partially?"

Harry nodded, as he considered it. There was still the issue of speech, and how the creatures normally moved. Chances were, he'd need to incorporate quite a few things, considering it was a large change. The Sphinxes had been rather simple, considering he was only changing part of their bodies, and allowing them human movement, but because they were of human intellect, it made things simpler.

"I'll be busy for a while." he said, finally. "But I think… I think we have a good idea, here."

"You do realise that if you succeed, and the dragon likes the change, that you'll likely see a large increase in dragon numbers, on the Mage Isles?" Poppy asked. She had no doubt that that would eventually happen, but she also didn't know if the dragons would even appreciate the effort it would take to set all this up, or the ability to be human.

"One can only hope." Harry said. "If I can make her and her kids human-sized, at least, they would take less feeding, which was kind of what she'd been asking. Well, she actually asked for me to come up with something to solve the problem, and then called me almost dragon-smart, in an attempt to compliment me."

"That's what she said." Poppy said in realization, nodding and remembering the dragon indicating to him and then her, and Harry's response. "Why did you say you're not a baby, when she tapped you?" she asked, after remembering that particular scene.

"She called me a hatchling." Harry said. "Or at least, what amounted to that after translation. I'd like to think that I'm more than that, by now. She was basically telling me to run off and play with my 'little friends', once I give her a snack."

The hat started laughing.

"It's not funny." Harry said, petulantly.


Later that evening, Dumbledore was sitting in his office with a grin on his lips. Harry had certainly succeeded in making something completely new and amazing. Whole Islands? He knew he could likely do something small, but even with a whole holiday, and using all the power he was capable of, he didn't think he'd achieve a single percent of what Harry had in just a little over two months.

Still, he was not upset nor jealous of the achievement. Harry was just doing what he thought was right. And he didn't deny that, either. With that 'forbiddance' magic and the security it ensured, he was certain that some creatures would love to take part in the Mage Isles, and what Harry had created it for. It was for that reason that Dumbledore had been ignoring certain indicators that something large had been going on for the last month or so, when people started noticing missing creatures, or abandoned places where they'd usually been.

Well at first, he'd been worried, but the hat had snorted. That was the only thing he'd done. He'd refused to say anything, but it had been enough. Harry was obviously involved, and since he knew some of the plans for the holiday, he'd made an educated guess. The sphinxes having left the castle shortly before those reports came to him, was also a sort-of give-away. No doubt, they were even involved.

Still, he'd not expected to see so many intelligent beings already. As they'd flown over the land, he'd used a bit of detection magic, and detected hundreds already. There were already homes and roads and parks and even a public swimming pool. There was a town hall, and a central market district, and all sorts of facilities, which would likely become quite lively once things started picking up pace.

What had affected him the most, was when he'd seen the Sphinxes, though. He'd not expected to see so many of them, obviously, but seeing them all working together, hearing the sounds of the small ones laughing and playing in what was basically a town just for sphinxes, and seeing the community that had sprung up there so quickly, had made him realise that this was a big step in the right direction.

Harry had mentioned that he'd been affected by the knowledge that intelligent creatures were being mistreated, but he'd not known how much, apparently. The respect they showed Harry wasn't hollow. It wasn't like the lords of the ancient houses in the wizarding word, where people smiled and acted courteously because of tradition or because it was expected. When they spoke to Harry, it was like he could see the respect they had for him.

There was something deeper, too. Something primal, almost. He'd not needed to see it, to know that those creatures would be quite willing to lay their lives down for him, if he only mentioned that it was necessary. Not that he thought Harry would ever allow that to happen, of course. Harry likely felt the same.

When he was younger, Harry had once asked him why they weren't allowed to help normal people. They had the power, and they could do pretty much anything if they put in the effort. He'd explained about laws, rules, society, fears and keeping the secret. Harry had frowned though, like he didn't understand. That was back in the time when he was still struggling to understand people, though. Still struggling with the concept of fitting in and normalcy.

Now, Dumbledore suspected that he understood. The boy hadn't been asking why they couldn't do that, or why they weren't allowed. He'd been asking why they didn't do it, anyway. It may be against the law, but it was the right thing to do. They had the ability to hide themselves, after all. They could get away with helping, without anyone ever realising it was magic. They could help people in need of rescue. They could grow crops for staving people. They had the power but didn't use it for anything but their selfish desires.

The Mage Isles was Harry's answer to him. He might not be allowed to go out and do things for people, rescue creatures from their mistreatment, or save them from their 'owners', but he could make a place for them, and empower them to do it for themselves. And now with the Isles and owning the entirety of the place where these creatures now lived, he could set the rules. He could help anyone that could make it to him. He could fix the injustice that the wizarding world had been committing on innocent beings, either through ignorance or arrogance, and nobody would be able to stop him.

Dumbledore's smile did not diminish as he came to that realisation. In fact, it grew. He was so proud of the boy in fact, that his eyes teared up as his emotions brimmed. He couldn't be prouder of Harry if he tried. And he loved the boy dearly, after getting to know him over the last few years.

He'd realised it the previous year, when he'd seen Harry chatting and laughing with his friends and the other champions. He'd realised it, because when Harry had laughed, it had made him feel wonderful. Like the world was a brighter place, with that wonderful young man in it.

"You have redeemed yourself." a female voice intruded his own thoughts, shocking Dumbledore enough to almost fall out of his chair in shock. He turned and saw the Sorting Hat just looking at him. "Love, Albus. Love is the only cure for what ails the world." the voice said, from the hat's mouth.

"Helga?" Dumbledore asked, looking around. He recognised the voice.

There was no answer, and the hat's eyes drooped and shut.

Dumbledore was still shocked, but he knew what this meant, because he suddenly felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted off his chest.

He sighed, before he decided to say something, anyway. "You may have punished me out of righteous anger, but if it wasn't for that I'd never have been able to get where I am today. I would not have your heir in my life, and let me tell you Helga, you should be so proud of him. He is the most amazing person I have ever met. Thank you, for giving me the kick in the arse I needed, and for saving my soul."

AN: It turns out we're getting closer to the end than I had suspected. Only a few more chapters to go. I think the next one even has some action. ;P

burnablecreators' thoughts