

Soomin was on her phone chatting with Vick which was a frequent thing now. Ever since she met him, both of them just clicked and they had decided to stay in touch.

Since she didn’t have a lot of people to talk with besides Haeun and Jacob, she was really happy that she found a new friend, someone whom she could tell her problems and he’ll share his too, someone she can openly be with without thinking too much about his existence.

A warm and nice friend whom she wished she was friends with since her elementary school. But what was gone was not worth crying and she was happy that he was really supportive.

Maybe because he was a med student and this was normal for him, but she had stopped thinking about reasons why someone would talk to her and instead embrace it.

She smiled at a funny story Vick had sent her, both of them were almost comfortable with sharing things and it made her happy that he was opening up to her unlike Jacob who was a mysterious entity in her life.