

Even though it was the fourth Sunday of the month, Jacob had this sudden urge to see Soomin as he was busy most of that week and hadn’t seen her in a while. He went to her house late knowing she was going to be out with her friend during the day but was surprised to find she had still not returned. It was past her curfew time so he was scared. Only when her mother reassured that Soomin was stuck in a traffic, he took a relaxing breath and went back to her room.

Jacob was flipping pages of a magazine that he found on her desk while waiting for Soomin in her room. Soomin being a photography student, had a lot of those lying around in her room.

He was still a bit scared because she was never this late. He looked at the clock and it was around 6. He had to go back home too before dinner.

He decided to message his brother that he will be late but then before he could grab his phone out of 'very secret' pocket, Soomin barged in.