Another FF from the Gamer series. This time in DC.
Wade returned to the apartment really mentally exhausted. Because, first of all, he had to fight the Doctor while taking care not to send his rays onto the buildings for Wade. Because he remembered what those rays had done to the door, and the fact that it was reinforced steel or just steel. There was a risk that any of the rays would burn through the glass or stone. And Wade did not know if anyone in the building behind him had no bed by the window and was he asleep then.
And if any of the perpetrators suffered in Wade's fights against crime. There was quite a lot of risk that the Justice League would visit him because it would find him too irresponsible and a person posing a greater threat than the threat he was trying to contain. And they either locked him up or took him to training, and he was forced to hear lectures from heroes. And this is only the most delicate scenario.
There is also the question of morality when someone dies because of your fault. But never mind that. Wade decided not to think about it, but to focus on getting stronger and going with the style as before.
Coming back. After returning to the apartment, Wade chose to relax. He made a fairly good dinner, watched a few episodes of Season 5 Overlord (T-T). And after the bath, Wade went to sleep.
The next morning, Wade made himself a few sandwiches and headed for the bay. Wade planned to review most of Gacha today because he has already accumulated quite a lot. Besides, being able to view thousands of Gacha is interesting. If you read their descriptions, and sometimes you find a Gache that Wade had but didn't even know. Because Gacha unfortunately does not have a function that allows you to show the Gacha that he has. Not all of them.
As Wade sat on his favorite rock and eaten his sandwich, he gazed at the Teen Titans towers. And he wondered.
Wade understood why Dick didn't come down to him here after yesterday's action. That's because Dick told him a few meetings ago that he works these hours. And that in order not to burn the cover, he does not come. Though it's stupid and Wade stripped that theory away.
Grayson probably, judging by his character. Due to his character and their relationship, he refuses to come over and say, "Hey Bro. Im Hero and I know you are the husband. Although I will introduce you to my team. "Grayson probably wants to ... talk to me while I'm in hero clothes. And then convince me to at least visit the tower. And then he'll probably take off his mask and scream." I'm Nightwing. " Or something similar. And his decision is keeping the team from harassing Wade. However, not all of them.
Wade is lying leaning against her favorite stone with her feet facing the water. He noticed that from the top of the tower, a small bird flew out ... a green bird. The color of the Wade spotted when a green bird, possibly a sparrow. He flew past the white pillar of the tower. However, Wade pretended not to look in his direction, but did so at the same time.
Wade spotted BeastBoy as he turned human for a split second. And he hid behind a rock after landing as a bird.
Wade saw him watching him. However, he decided to pretend to be ignorant and see what he was up to.
After a few minutes, when Wade was eating another kanpke. Beastboy turned into a green snake and slipped into the water and probably turned into a fish there. Because he swam to the shore pretty quickly. Or the snake it turned into was a species that swims fast. However, once the BeastBoy went ashore, not far from Wade. Wade saw that he had liquidated as a mouse, a little green mouse. And when Wade notices the BeastBoy in the form of a mouse, he walks over to him. Wade had a really bad smile in his head.
Wade waited for BeastBoy to come over and, cheerfully, the green mouse walked over to Wade's knee. Wade guessed, pretending to focus on the sandwich. That BeastBoy wants to check its character or share food with the mouse. Or whatever else.
Then Wade looked slightly at the mouse as the green mouse saw. Then Wade slowly swallowed what was in his mouth. And using her acting skills and imagining the most disgusting thing she can think of for better effect. Wade was beginning to have a terrified expression and stood abruptly to his feet at the bewilderment of the mouse. Which did not miss mouse see Wade's terrified expression.
Wade in the next second literally kicked the green mouse like a tennis ball. Which flew back to Teen Titans Island and hit somewhere near the entrance.
Feeling watched, Wade continued the performance. Holding on to his chest, he tried to breathe as violently as possible. To then sit down, leaning against a rock and pretending to be trying to calm down.
After a dozen or so minutes, Wade internally satisfied. From a soft joke, on his most disliked Titan. Wade took the energy drink out of the pocket of the "Equipment" jacket. And, drinking it, Wade started looking at Gacha.
When Wade started browsing, he noticed that he already has Skill Gacha 26. However, he went on because he decided to browse further. I saw over a dozen Gacha's on medical items, everyday items and much more. However, he kept walking and around 369 Gacha Wade saw something interesting. "Gacha Ticket System Functions". And that it had 1 free Spin. So curiously read the description.
Wade found out that the mentioned Gacha adds extra features and that he can get "Map, Store, AI Assistant and more." There were just examples, but it was emphasized that it was random. it will affect him too much, directly. Possibly make him stronger and help. Wade decided to use the new Gacha.
[Used: System Functions Gacha Ticket.....Spin.....Recived:Gacha converter.]
Wade took a concrete sip of the drink and started the description with a smile.
[System Functions Gacha Ticket.]
[The converter function allows you to convert 5 gachs of the same type to get a random gache. According to previously selected user criteria.]
Wade thought about it, and, in fact, this function was perfect for him. Because if he didn't, most of the Gacha would have been largely ignored. Because in some traces, like Monster Gacha. Of which Wade had 12 out of nowhere. (Guess.)
Wade did not use it because there is a risk that he was turned into a zombie or something else. So it is possible to exchange this Gacha for example 2 Gacha MK Skill. It would be really appropriate and that way Wade could develop with more control. So Wade, without extension, took on a new function. And he did one take per test.
[Gacha Converter.]
[x1 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ]
[ MK skills but magic Gacha Ticket.] (70%)
(If you are converting many gacha and want to get a specific gacha. Select a Gacha from the list and the chance of receiving a specific Gacha will increase.)
Wade was curious about the new feature, but he didn't want to waste a single Gach. So he chose a predetermined Gache that interested him some time ago. The chosen Gacha gives him magic which is chosen based on the Mortal Kombat character. For example, if he had drawn Raiden, he might have received Lightning Magic. But all the movements the character was making. Wade would be easier to control.
Wade was curious about the new feature, but he didn't want to waste a single Gach. So he chose a predetermined Gache that interested him some time ago. The chosen Gacha gives him magic which is chosen based on the Mortal Kombat character. For example, if he had drawn Raiden, he might have received Lightning Magic. But all the movements the character was making. Wade would be easier to control.
There was also the risk of gaining divinity by cultivating Lightning Magic, for example, if obtained from this Gacha. If it was a Raiden, but if he got Sone or someone other than a god then it wouldn't. It's just a sideline or magic with extras. But Wade was more than interested as a fan. So he immediately added two more Skill Gachs to get 100%.
[Gacha Converter.]
[x2 Skill Gacha ] [x2 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ] [x1 Skill Gacha ]
[ MK skills but magic Gacha Ticket.] (100%)
(If you are converting many gacha and want to get a specific gacha. Select a Gacha from the list and the chance of receiving a specific Gacha will increase.)
[Converting 7 Skill Gacha Ticket .... Spin .... Received: Smoke Magic (Smoke).]
[Smoke Magic (Smoke) added to skill for the "Mana Sorencer" class.]
Wade couldn't have been more pleased. Because if he did not have a class, he would have to develop each skill, or rather receive it as his level grows. However, its class, rather than leveling. It focuses on the self-development of the user, so instead of tedious farming of levels. Wade can master anything he wants on his own, and he already had plenty of ideas.
Because having already extensive experience in developing unconventional skills. Wade knew he could even modify magic itself. For example, Wade knew how to create a laser from black fire. However, Smoke Magic, which Wade plans to use as a backup. It has a number of other interesting uses.
Wade took his laptop out of his backpack (inventory) and began going through material on chemicals, chemistry itself, and biology.
Wade knows there are many dangers in this dawn. And there is even a risk of Superman becoming angry. As in Injustice, so it's better to be prepared to fight enemies stronger than him. So the possibility of firing a cloud of paralyzing smoke and kryptonite. Or, in short, a paralyzing kryptonite smoke attack. Wade could defeat Superman with the usual Loki-style action and shooting a cloud of poisonous smoke at his opponent.
It could also be the perfect way to neutralize criminals without damaging them. So Wade started learning.
If you don't think this magic suits the MC. Or it spoils the novel. Give a better example and I will change the chapter. Because I'm not sure myself. Or Provide your own ideas.