
Chapter 39


Mark was sleeping soundly beside me and all I could feel is happiness. I never thought I could feel more complete than now. I thought that everything between us was completely gone but I should thank the heavens for this new chance.

I trace Marks nose, his face, i still can't believe he is really here so I can't help myself but touch him. He breathes slightly then he starts holding me more tightly burying his face on my neck. I smiled at his sudden gesture and I encircles my arms around his neck, I left small pecks on his forehead and I can feel him smiling on my neck.

My iwatch suddenly reminds me my later appointment with one of secretary Jisoo's friends. Jisoo only told me that this person wanted to meet with me and that I really need to give this person some of my time. I was already planning to discharge Mark so he could go home but he wanted to stay a little bit longer with us two laying down cuddling.

"Mark we need to go now" I try shaking him a little but he wasn't waking up "Mark please, I really need to go home now. I also need to discharge you from here so you can rest at your dorm" I tried telling him but he was just groaning under my neck. "Mark seriously you need to wake up, we need to go before someone catches us"

"Let them" he squeezes me tightly "so they'll know your mine"

I can feel my inner being smiling but I have to keep it all inside or Mark will never listen to me so with everything in me, I pushed Mark away from me so I could get up and do his discharge papers.

"Im going to discharge you now, I'm going to call Jackson to take you home. I still have appointments later so I'll see you when I see you" I rushed away from his warm embrace and went to the door before I change my mind and stay beside him.

I went to the nurse station and took out his files, I signed his discharge papers and went to the doctors lounge to take my things. I took out my phone and decided to call Jackson.


"Hey loser has e is good to go. Just pay his hospital fee and he is good to go"

"Okay, manager hyung will fetch him. Thanks Eunjeeeee. Im busy so im going to hang up now but I'll see you later" He didnt let me say good bye he jus straight out hanged up on me

I changed into my casual clothes and went to get my things before going to my car. I checked my phone to see how long do I have until my next schedule for the day and fortunately i still have hours to spare, so with a happy heart I went to the mall to shop because I dont usually do that and I might just need another pair of underwear. Just in case I'll need one someday.


Kang Jins assistant told me to wait while he talks to Eunjee and ask her if shes coming and just after a few seconds Ji soo told me that she was coming. At that point all I could think was, what if she wasn't the one Gran and I was looking for? What if I was just really pushing it? I just dont want to disappoint Gran.

"Sir, Do you want me to serve you some wine while you are waiting?" the waiter in-charge of my table asks me. I could use a little bit of wine in me and so I nod. He bows then goes to the back to get me my wine. Not a second longer he came back with a wine glass and a bottle of wine, he serves me with a smile on his face then bows again to excuse himself.

I grabbed the wine glass and took a sip, tasting first the wine. The wine was sweet with a tinge of bitterness which suits my taste really well so not before long i was able to drink the whole thing.

After a few more seconds of waiting, I felt my chest slowly tightening and my breathe coming out short, I gasped for air, pulling everything that is near me. I tried calling for help but no one came, my vision started to fade then I head a light thumping and girls voice shouting for help.


"Eunjee-ssi, Its no nice of you to give us a spare of your time. He is waiting for you upstairs" Jisoo leads me inside the hotel to where his friend wanted to meet me, dont get the wrong idea, although we are at a hotel I only agreed to meet here because this hotel has their own private room for party and special occasion, plus I made sure Jisoo stays with me.

"Who is he anyways? Why does he even want to meet me?" I asked curiously. For all I care, i might just be Kang Jin messing up with me again.

"He is someone very known to the business world. He is also President Lim's closest friend. For the reason why he wants to meet you, you'll know very soon" He tells me and the elevator dings bringing us to the floor where this unknown person is.

Jisoo leads me to the farthest room and my heart started beating wild, I held on to my pepper spray inside my bag just in case. Jisoo opens the door and what surprised me was not the guys who I assumed would do something bad to me but a guy struggling to breathe and latching to whatever he catches. I rushed to his side right after he lose consciousness, "Call for help now" I shouted and I checked the guys pulse. I could sense Jisoo rushing and panicking behind me as he calls for help.

"They'll send help here in 5 minutes. He can't die, you need to save him Eunjee-ssi" Jisoo tells me. His pulse was weak but its there so I start doing chest compressions just to keep his heart going. I looked for something that could have triggered this collapse

"Does he have any history of heart related illness?" I asked

"Not that I know off, his always been healthy" Jisoo tells me. I checked his breathing and its getting weak, I searched for any sign that could help me diagnose his situation. Then I smelled something, it came from the crashed wine bottle beside the person.

"His been poisoned" thats why his collapse was sudden "He needs to be at the hospital now" I told Jisoo and he calls for help again, not a second longer the paramedics finally came and brought the guy in the stretcher "He needs to vomit out whatever poison he took in. Also I need someone to collect this liquid and also the bottle and deliver it to JK, Im doctor Kim Eunjee, Ill be escorting this man to the hospital myself" I told the paramedics and they gave me a nod. I rushed to the ambulance together with the paramedics, Jisoo was left behind to inform Kang Jin and also to find out who poisoned this person.

My phone started ringing and it was Kang Jin, I answered the phone and what I heard first was his breathe coming hard.

"Eunjee, dont operate on him, Promise me you wont touch him until I reach the hospital. Let others cure him but not you" He tells me which makes me mad because who is he to tell me who Im supposed to cure and not. This is a life and death situation, some poison can be cured others can cause rapid death, what his asking me is against my oath as a doctor.

"I already performed the initial check up on him, he is my patient whether you like it or not" I can hear the sirens and the driver cursing at the drivers who is not making way for him.

"Trust me you wont like it if you somehow messed us on him, His way too variable for you" He tells me and that made me more mad because I dont understand him.

"Look, I know you are my boss but this is not negotiable, his person who needs medical attention and I happen to be that medical person, so whether you like it or not, I am going to treat this person with all that I have" I was fuming by the time I hanged up on Kang Jin because he was just infuriating and I just cant stand him being this controlling bastard.

*Skipping to the hospital*

We rushed inside the emergency room and I could already see nurses and doctors preparing to help.

A sudden pull from my arms stops me at my tracks and I was face to face with Kang Jin himself.

"I cant let you treat him, its against out rules" He tells me

"What rules? He is a patient thats need my attention right now and I am giving him one, I am not going against your stupid rules" I tried getting back to my job but Kang Jin pulls me back again.

"I'm talking about treating your own family kind of rule" He is seriously crazy.

"This guy is not my family"

"I cant believe Im the one telling you this he is your cousin Eunjee" Kang Jin tells me like he was some kind of a genius for saying that.

"You seriously need to talk to someone. He is not my cousin, and I don't have one because my father happens to be the only child of his parents. Its simple genetics idiot"

"He is your cousin from your mother side. He is from the side of your mother" He pauses "The people whom you never met"

*Sorry had to skip on this part for less drama*


I was at our dorm and the guys are busy with their own schedule, I was given the day to chill and just do something I want but tomorrow I have to do some shoots and some ad campaign for some companies I was signed in for.

I decided I should probably do something productive since Eunjee wont be around today aswell so I'm all by myself.

I was feeling cheery today so I had the thought of cleaning my things and reorganize them, I even segregated my things to the ones i'm done using and the ones I still need to use. Then while I was rummaging through some of my things I came up with the things I got from my fans. I always keep everything that I receive from the people that supports me. This one was just one of those boxes full of letters that I still need to read. I decided to read them after im done fixing my things and I did.

I went out my room with the box of letter in my hand and sat on our couch to do a live stream while I read some random messages from my fans just so I could tell them how much I appreciate them and also for them to see that we actually read their efforts.

I logged in to VLive and went to the live stream section to great our fans first.

"Hi guys its me Mark and as you can see im all alone here, but thats okay because its like im in a date with you all. The guys are not here today they have their own thing going on and so I decided to be productive and do some reorganizing and then I found this" I grabbed the letters and showed it to the camera so the people watching can see what I was referring too. As expected, I was already hitting millions with the people watching worldwide. Our fans are really supportive and I can't thank them enough.

"Today Im going to read this letter to you guys, well some of them then ill read the rest later because if i read them all to you know, we might take until tomorrow to finish. So im just going to read a couple of letter to you guys, this all came from you and if your the one who wrote the letter im reading please do say so in the comment section. Before I start reading, I want to say thank you to each and everyone, because of you undying support, Got7 got in this place. I truly love you all guys, you are all awesome and wonderful beings." I bowed in front of the camera as if I was talking to them in person "So lets read our first letter for today. Let me just shuffle everything first" I rummage through the letters without looking and picked one letter and pulled it out. I looked at it and it came from the Philippines "So our first letter came from the Philippines, now I do believe that we have so many Igot7 in the Philippines and I do wish that we can go back there and perform again because they are all lovely people. So lets see whats inside... ohh it has my picture with coco, thank you so much for this" I opened the letter and saw a piece of band-aid inside it "This also has a band air, dear mark-oppa, I love you so much oppa, thank you for bringing colors to this world. You've been my inspiration since you debuted and I can't wait for you to perform here again in the Philippines. I placed a band aid inside because you can easily get hurt with the stunts you're doing so I hope that even if its just a little band aid it could help heal your wounds oppa. Take care always oppa and thank you for existing. Saranghae xx. This letter does not have a name so I hope whoever you are, i hope you are doing good and thank you so much for all your support, Got7 will surely comeback there in the Philippines someday and I hope I could meet you again Band-aid girl" I smiled at the camera with the band aid on my hand, I was doing just that and I was down to two more letters "Okay this is the second to the last one letter Im going to read for today, this one came from Seoul" I opened the letter and it only has a single paper inside, i opened it and for some reason I felt like I recognize the hand writing from somewhere, it has no name just a pure message " This ones interesting again guys, this letter has no name again but I will still read this because I kinda feel like I recognize this penmanship from somewhere.. I see you smile and I see you frown, But even then, I only have one feeling inside me. I see you in better days and I see you in your worst days, But even so I still see you the same way. You gave me everything while it gave you nothing, You only wanted happiness but it gave you sadness. You wanted to fight but I gave up. I simply gave up. Then you were gone, but it felt like you were gone not to leave but to support. You only wanted one thing and it gave you selfishness. But even in heartbreaks you find answers. And this is my answer to your moment... I love you with everything that I have. Keep going forward and Thank you for existing" I finished the letter and i knew who this letter came from "To you who made this letter, you really are awesome and incredible, I hope you find happiness and I hope that the time comes again, you'll accept."

I ended the vlive sooner than expected because I wanted to find out if what I was suspecting was right.

I called Eunjee and she wasn't answering. She did say she'll be very busy today since she has appointments and so, but I really need to know. It can only be her an no one else. Without thinking twice, I rushed to get my coat and my car keys.

I drove back to the hospital, just to check if Eunjee was there and if shes not then I'll just check on her somewhere. My phone rings and it was a call coming from my manager.

"Yeah hyung"

"You did great mark, After your live show, your fan base and got7's fan base skyrocketed. The people must have seen your sincerity that they are now supporting you. Fans did love what you were doing, you should keep doing it to gain more support"

"Yeah sure hyung, listen i need to go first. Call you later"

"Sure sure, enjoy your day" My phone went silent and I tried calling Eunjee again but she wasn't answering.

I rushed inside the hospital and luckily I found one of Eunjees colleague.

"Excuse me, Have you seen doctor Kim Eunjee somewhere?" The lady whom I assumed was one of Eunjees interns came and grabbed my arm pulling me to somewhere more less of a people, the I realized I was only wearing my coat and I wasnt wearing any disguise. So anyone can recognize me.

"Here, wear this first" the lady hands me one of their face masks and she also help me put on my hoodie "You should be careful going out like this. Noona is going to get in trouble if someone sees you in here. Some of the nurses here have their assumptions but they never got to see you too in actual so you should atleast try to be careful" the lady tells me and I was just wondering if she knows something "Stop, I already figured you two are together, im not an idiot you know"

"Im sorry, i believe we haven't properly met" I asked for her name

"Im Yuyu and Im Doctor Kims First year resident. She is currently dealing with one patient right now. I last saw her going in witn the patient at one of out private rooms. I can go and inform her your here but you need to hide somewhere first before anyone recognizes you." She tells me but I can't wait any longer

"Cant you just bring me to that room?"

"I cant do that, thats just causing disturbance to the patients health. Plus thats just rude" She tells me and she was quite right.

"Fine tell her ill wait for her at her office" I know she has her own office and that she rarely uses it but its my only option and I really need to see her.

"okay then. make sure you are not seen" I nod at her and she left me to wander off in their hospital. I do know she has her office, but one thing i forgot to mention was, I dont know where it is.