
Im Not Heart Less

Xian found his boyfriend kissing a girl in a party, but despite all that he didn't break up with him. Their relationship continue and so is his boyfriend cheating, each night he would bring home a girl in their apartment. He could hear the moans, grunts the slapping of the skin, but he doesn't bother to do anything. Does this two even have a chance for a Happy ending together? (Picture in The cover is not Mine)

XyderHale · LGBT+
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Josh Barged in the Clinic and See Xian Lying on the bed bruise with wounds Cover with bandage, His Anger turned into worry for his sleeping Lover, The sight broke his heart because he wasn't there to protect him, He notice Drew was sleeping in one of the chair and then his Anger came back as he rush to the Sleeping boy and grabbed him by the collar.

Drew was shaken awake and his stupor was gone when he saw that he was being held up, "What the fuck did you do to him" He said through gritted teeth because he didn't want to shout and wake up Xian.

"Who are you?" Drew said as he pushed Josh away, It was not Drew's Turn to get angry "Who the fuck are you to Xian" Drew question angrily he didn't notice how loud he has been, so he looked at the Sleeping Xian, he was thankful that He hasn't wake up yet.

"Im his Boyfriend you fucker" Josh spat out of Drew's Face, Drew Laughed it almost looked like he just came out of an Asylum, Josh look at the laughing boy with confusion.

"Boyfriend?" Drew asked "Well for a Boyfriend you sure are Useless, Where were you when Xian was getting beat up? Huh!, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE WAS LYING ON THE FLOOR COVERED WITH BRUISE BLEEDING AS IF HE JUST WENT OUT ON A WAR" He added each word was harsher than the last.

Josh was now silent because he couldn't answer him, It was true though, everything Drew said was he was useless, he was an asshole, Now his regretting everything he has done.

Drew was so Furious at Josh because he let Xian, In Drew's Eyes Josh was a piece of shit, a useless garbage, a selfish bastard, He just met him today and yet he felt so much hatred for Josh.

The Nurse came back to the Clinic when he saw the two boys, He reassured them that Xian will be fine and that they should go back to their class, And they did.

Josh was still in deep thoughts because of the words that Drew threw at him in the clinic, one of Josh's fling  saw walking in hallway, the girl walked towards him grabbing Josh in the cheeks Pulling him closer for a Kiss, Josh was surprise but he didn't deny the kiss in fact he kissed the girl back, He was putting his frustration and Regret to Lust, and soon their kiss became a make out session, He's Thoughts was blank as he kissed the girl, he forgot what he was thinking about and he felt good about it.

Drew was behind Josh when they left the clinic and As he walk behind him he saw a girl walking towards him then pulling him into a kiss, Drew stopped walking as he watch the two suck their face off, He is making out with another girl while his boyfriend was confine in the clinic, Drew saw red as walked closer to the two his only intention was to hurt Josh.

First he wasn't there when Xian needed him, now he is cheating on Him, when got close enough he grabbed the collar of Josh shirt as he pushed the girl away then he punched Josh in the jaw making Josh groan in pain as he stared wide eye at his attacker.

Drew continue to punched Josh "You cheating Bastard, How can Xian even fall in Love with you" Josh heard what Drew said 'How did Xian fall inlove with an asshole like me' he thought to himself and it made Josh pushed Drew away as he punch back Drew, His knuckle coming in contact with Drew's Cheek.

Drew Endured the throbing pain in his cheeks "You know nothing about our relationship!" Josh said his voice lace with malice "Youre right I know nothing about your relationship, but didn't you think for one second that maybe just maybe... Xian is hurting as you go around fucking with people cheating as if you rule the world, You dont deserve him in fact you never did" Drew walked away from his with Josh because he didn't he might lose control and kill the bastard.

Josh was shock by how accurate Drew's Perception about him, 'He was right I dont deserve Xian' Josh didn't even realize that he crying until he felt water streaming down his face, 'I love Xian, I really love him' Josh kept repeating those words to himself so that he could escape the Guilt that he is feeling.

Hours pass by the and it was already the end of the day, Xian got out of the clinic minutes earlier to go home, He walked home limping trying to endure the pain because he couldn't risk to waste money for a cab because he need it to move out of their apartment.

Drew cut a few minutes of his class as he rushed to the clinic to take Xian home but nurse told him he walked home, Walked? He ask, why would he walk in the state that his in, Maybe I could rush out to him and give him a ride, Drew Ran out of the campus to find Xian.

Josh was eager to come home to see Xian, He promised himself from here on out he will change, For Xian, He will be a better lover for him, a deserving one, Josh ran home to apologize to Xian.

Drew Saw Xian the same goes for Josh he was running fast when he saw Xian Walking his legs limping and that got him feeling more guilty then He already was, The Two boys saw Xian as was crossing the road.

"Xian!" The boy heard two different voice calling out for him, he stopped on his tracks as he looked back, there stood Drew and Josh, as the two of them started towards Xian and Xian did the same.

What they didn't know was a Truck was Running fast and they didn't notice it until they heard a loud Horn coming from the Truck, All Xian could do was look at where the sound was coming from and then....

The truck hit Xian, The driver didn't even bother stopping as he continue his drive, running away from the scene.

Josh and Drew stood shock their world has fallen apart they fall on their knees feeling weak, 'Why? Why did this happen' Josh ask himself as Tears threaten to spill from his eyes 'Were suppose to be home, Why did this happen' Josh whispered to himself as his sobbed got louder.

Drew on the other hand was frozen as if he was a statue, but his expression says it all, Tears falling to his cheeks but no sound came out, He cant explain his heart was shatter in one swift.

In Xian's Final moment before the truck hit him, he made a wish and that is for the two of them to be happy, They deserve happiness more than I do. Thats what he said before all was white.

Quote For Josh

"Your Love was never real, so why are you the one hurting?" -Xian

Quote For Drew

"I hope you find your happiness, After Im gone" -Xian