
Im Just a Normal Character

A university student who have arrived at home, and was about to start read a new novel he found, but was reincarnated.

magicalduck333 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

It was currently night where Alvis was relieved of his duty. Alvis entered the Isbert Hourse library, and immediately started to look for books about magic.

As time passed Alvis found the book that was especially about the magic ability. He reads through the book and learns a few things about magic ability.

One, the beginning of their 9th birthday which is at midnight. That is when their magic ability awakens.

Two, to use magic ability one must have mana, the more mana the more magic you can use. It's like having stamina. And to have more mana capacity, one must constantly use mana. The more the better. And when the user uses all their mana they will have a dizzy sensation.

"Ah! It is the basic cliche of manga and novels." Alvis mumbled to himself.

Three, magic ability can be evolved to something more stronger. Mission will be given by World Message, and be inputted into your system.

Right now no one knows exactly what this World Message is.

Alvis didn't care about the theory's, right now all his interests have geared towards the word 'System.' He looked through the stacked self and found a book called "System Usage."

When Alvis started flipping through the book. He learned that there are two commands for the system, and each command can be said out loud or in your head. The first command is 'Status.' This command keeps track of your body ability, and everyone has access to it.

When measuring the body capabilities it ranks from the lowest which is F- to the highest S+. S+ is the highest, where humanity has ever seen. This means that there are also some humans who have reached a higher realm, but currently hiding themselves

Alvis wanted to try out this command, (Status)


Time: 10:00 PM

Name: Alvis Walker

Age: 9

Ability: Modeling

Description: The ability to create an object of what the user has seen. But the object the user created will be weaker than its original. (Magic Ability cannot be created)

Current Rank: Low-F

Strength: F

Defense: F-

Speed: F+

Stamina: E-

Mana: F

Magic Power: F-

Skill: [Model]

Ability Advancement: The user's ability have not reach the required amount to undergo advancement


(Woah there's a clock too?!)

The other command is called 'Status Share.' This allows the user to share their status to the person they want. Alvis continued to flip through the book and found nothing interesting that would be helpful.

Alvis decided to go to the next section of the book genre which was history, he wanted to know about this world.

On the Vian Continent there are mainly 5 important countries.

In the North there is a country called Nevesena. This country is located in a cold place, where it starts snowing during fall and spring. And once winter starts water begins to freeze, while their summer feels like fall there is no heat. Despite that climate they boast about their great defensive battle, it was once said that no one has broken their defense for 500 years.

In the South it is Helenzane. It is the polar opposite of Nevesena; it has a very hot climate most of the year. This country focuses more on weapon/technology production such as swords, armor, etc. And since they focus more on production naturally meaning high quality weapons, creating a strong military weapon.

In the West there is Saint Divinity. The country is more focused toward religious beliefs, for example on how the world's magic ability is granted by the God's. Kinda like during the medieval ages, where the people rule with religion, and people will follow them 100%.

In the East, where Alvis and the others are, the country is called Magenology. Its focus is on the magic ability development, in Saint Divinity they power their magic power mostly through natural way, in Magenology they would create ways to power up ways that are unorthodox to Saint Divinity.

And in the center of all these 4 is the Neutral Land. This place is popular with merchants around the world looking for opportunities to do business and gain wealth. And the most well known part of Neutral Land is the Wisdom Academy where all the young generation from Vian continents comes and study.

At 11:00 PM I went back to his room to sleep.


6:00 AM Alvis went to the Isbert training room. The training yard can be used by the servant and hired soldier. As the main member of the house they have their own training place.

Alvis was eager in the morning since it was finally his chance to use magic. Since modeling creates what the user has seen, Alvis recalled the sword he had seen in the barrel, when entering the training yard.

In approximately 3 seconds a long sword appeared in his hand. But suddenly Alvis felt extremely dizzy.

(Seriously! Creating one sword took all my mana!)

A few minutes of break to recover his mana, Alvis was feeling a lot better. He also wanted to test out the sword he had created. He went to get the original sword that he saw earlier.

(The original sword compared to the model I created is a lot heavier. What about its attack power?)

Alvis tested out each of the sword attack power on the training dummy.

(The attack power from the original is also stronger. Then I guess the durability is also weaker.)

(There is a problem.)

(I don't know how to use a sword or any weapon)

Alvis' previous life lived in a world where there is no war, even if there is a war it mostly guns and no sword. And he doesn't even know how to fight either.

After a 30 minute break Alvis was able to get up from the ground and feel a bit more exhausted. But he can feel that his mana has recovered a tiny bit.

Alvis learned that if he used all his mana he would have to wait 30 minutes to get back up

At this moment Mason entered the training yard.


"Y-yes father?" Alvis was surprised by his father's raise of voice that he stuttered when he replied.

"From now on I will be teaching you how to fight properly for a month!"


(Where did that come from?)