
Im an ace pilot and i was sent to another world

During a mission a renowed pilot gets sucked in a black portal to the void he shortly after dies there, but soon after the god of the void out of boredom revives him, makes him his apostle and sends him to a galactic world then the pilot becomes a teacher to a young noble what will the middle age pilot do in this new unknowed world? (This is my first book and i am dislexic i have tried my best to correct my typo please feel free to bring to light any miss spealing)

ScrunglyAsh · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

A new body, a new life

Capital of the border galaxy of Dorgalex Lumini

Samuel was getting transported trew a hallway

During the time Samuel was getting transported he though about some things like the fact he couldnt shake of that bad feeling about his current situation, although he couldnt put his finger on the reason why, he knew something felt very wrong with him and his surrounding

``So master how was your wolrd, i am very curious since you must be the first ever person to have came from another world``

(well to begin with we dint put our wounded in big water tank, we used medicine...i mean bandages stitches and the such)

``I see i believe ive read in the history books that we also use to only use those``

(Second my worlds version of humanity as not achieved the title of a space fairing civilization, actually my plane is the first aircraft to have had ion thruster meaning at this point it is more a space ship then an aircraft but still)

``...i honestly cannot imagine that``

A door then opened opening into a massive room filled with medical personnel, they all seemed exited perhaps because their wasnt a lot of people that had the money to use such a treatment which made all their equipement go unused for at least one or two year at a time, or maybe some of the bio medical staff were simply estatic because they had learned they were allowed to use Samuel for testing since he was anounced as a human holding the dna of the past human that used to live on terra which had a life cycle far shorter then the current human`s

(For beings that live for so long you all seem extremly energetic, so mutch my measilely `child` brain is having problem keeping up)

``What can i say its not every day that you can experiment on a hero`s body``

said Zach with a shit eating grin, well actualy it wasnt a shit eating grin but Samuel saw it as such

``Marvelous he has finally arrived, nice to meet you hero``

(hold up, why does news spread so fast in space?)

Samuel looked at Zach with a piercing stare, he just knew he had done something

``Well normally it dosnt, but i made sure it did! The news is already being spread all throughtout my territory that first my brother as recovered, second i am giving him an entire galaxy as a recovery gift and finally he has awaken as a hero, if you cant tell i made you my `brother`, my real brother as actually died a couple years back but it was never announced``

(Why can i hear you in my head now)


Samuel tried to sigh bur somehow just choked on water tears then started to form from his eyes immediatly deluting in teh water like substance

(...this is gonna be such a pain to deal with i can already tell)

Samuel thought with an expression showing he wasnt anticipating what was gonna happen next, well at least until he remembered he was gonna soon be a young lad again

(goodbye the back pains!, HELLO THE PAPERWORK!)

he tought enthusiastically

`` alrgrith sir, ludovic were all set, soon youll be knocked out and when youll wake up youll be a young man again``

(Thank you, i cant wait!)

``No no we should be the one thanking you, after all its not every day that you get such exotic material!``

After hearing this Samuel shuddered and simply thought

(God i dint like that one bit that was creepy, it made me shudder)

the bio medical engineer just shrugged and went back to do what he needed to do

the process took awhile around, far longer then Samuel expected it, for some odd reason he expected fot the proceedure to last one or two hour, because magic, but to his suprise it took an entire day, after a bit of reflection on his part he realized that even if he had expected the impossible, one day is still an impresivelly short amount of time.

when he came out Samuel looked no older then 17 compared to his `brother` which looked around 14-15

``Well mister Ludovic thats one third of the deal now we will be taking sample of your blood, bone marrow muscle tissue and well quite a bit more but no worry it wont feel too bad``

``Head doctor! dont say it like that it feels like your trying to take his kidneys, Mister Ludovic, i see you seem a bit confused we are going to be taking ample sample so that we can try and find ways to extand you life like any normal citizen``

``Ha! i see thank you, i dont see any problem with that young la- i mean sir``

The doctor showed an amused smile at Samuel because from his point of view he must have had to deal with people treating him as an old man for his entire life, leading Samuel to develop a sense of naming like that

``Ha ha, alright just lay on the bed for me and ill knock you right out with some anestetic gas``

``huh wait right now!?``

`` i mean yes why not now?``

``i...ok nevermindi just kinda wanted to see myself first, you know``

``HA! OF COURSE!!, I am sorry sir Ludovic, follow me please there is a mirror in the next room where we go to desinfect ourselfves before any major emergency surgerie``


the doctor then proceeded to walk Samuel to the next room and shortly after Samuel saw a young man, it was a face he hadnt seen in a very long time


honestly he was cought off guard because he expected to be handsome FOR SOME REASON but he just looked like he had, 20 odd so years ago

``i need to recheck my expectation, i am expecting too mutch,its what the third time now?``

the doctor looked at Samuel with a perplex look on his face

``My lord what are you talking about if you dont mind me asking``

``Oh its nothing i was talking to myself``


Shortly after getting all the sample collection done Zach quite literaly pulled Samuel outside and told him to follow him for a walk

``Hey master?do you have somewhe- wait you dont``

``huh? whats that about kid- i mean.... what do i even call you``

``You can call me kid or Zach i dont care, So youll be living under my roof from now on k?``

he said as he shrugged innocently

``I dont see why i should refuse- Wait! are you not in active duty right now? Or is active duty not a thing in this world?``

``It is but i am not in active duty im too young after all ive just been pushing myself onto random fleet under the direct control of the Willheim house which is under me, so they cant argue they can only deal with it hahaha!``

Samuel facepalmed and mumbled something under his breath

``God i knew it, he is gonna be a hassle to deal with``

After 15 minute of following Zach around he realized somethings`first he had no clue where they were going, and second was thathe noticed that he was acting like a long life friend with this man, this man gave and gifted youth back to samuel under the pretext of `teaching`but it dint feelright to him that he was being so friendly with a man he met less then 48 hour ago, that wasnt how Samuel was he actually has slight difficulty trusting new people if he was slightly uneasy with after their first conversation three or four conversation, and he has definitively gotten that feeling with Zach, but he dint feel like the noble was of a bad nature so he put that thought to the side for now

``hey master since you were so old, i mean in your standards did you have kids before coming here``

``Actually yes i had a single daughter but she died a decade ago, why the suddent question?``

``My condolences, but i was thinking it was strange how fast you accepted your current situation and how little you questioned your situation``

``Ì was also thinking the same it also feels unreal to myself how i am treating all this like another sunday aftrernoon``

``haha, your sundays must be pretty strange then``

``you would be surprised to know they always are really strange just last sunday one of my squadron leader bought a coffee fountain, it was like these chocolate fountain but with coffee...do you know what eather coffee or chocolate is anyway``

Zach looked at Sam with half circle eyes

``Of course i fucking do im not an ignorant swine``

``My bad ,my bad so where are we going i failed to ask earlier``

``A holo library id like to give you some books so you can learn about our world and about magic, you never know as a hero you might have extroardinary magical ability, which would mean more things to teach me, i actually have never been able to quite understand magic``

``Ill say this before i cant anymore, but i feel like this deal is unfair for you under so many level,``

``When you think about it i dont realy lose anything from giving you all this other then a galaxy even then that galaxy as never realy been of any use to my family its not very developed but since soon youll most likely no longer affected by such things such as age it wont matter right?``

``Honestly i guess so, altough i would have prefered big administration work but i can make it big myself, i am happy i was getting conflicted about getting everything so suddently on a silver plater``

Samuel said so with a big smile plastered on his face

``Ha! there it is the library... or at least i think it is``

God i need to stop being a lazy bumhole and publish at least every 2 days i just spent a sleepless night to publish this damn chapter lol well anyhow i hope you all enjoy reading this chapter purely fueled by sleep deprevation and a single massive suddent burst of insperation.

with love, Rockstorm

ScrunglyAshcreators' thoughts