
The Depth's are Hollow

On the fifth continent of Area 05, their lye many nations, the most of any continent actually.

There's no objectively dominant race on the continent, but all of them are well known.

In the depths of the Tikyu-ro Mountains, there lye Mt.Sevestry, the largest mountain in the mountain line, said to be the home of the ancient dwarves with a blocked-off entrance and with inner-rock to hard to break into with conventional means.

There lye rumors that the treasures of the entire dwarven race lye within, and the only thing stopping people is an entrance that only the Dwarve's King[1] knows how to open.

On this auspicious day the King Jewleth was in his study looking at the suggested policies from his advisors who have been listening to public opinion on the implementation of a City to city teleportation network ran by the nation, while its expensive initially, over time it will most definitely make its profit back by a lot and from current predictions, since teleportation is instant it won't become inefficient compared to future methods of travel, and it will also raise the other nations opinion on the prosperity of the dwarven kingdom, giving them some more power in the political side.

A royal advisor hurriedly opened the door and gave a quick bow of respect, though this was a sign he was in a hurry and the king wasn't a big stickler for customs so he didn't mind if he didn't bow at all.

Following behind him was the royal magi, he was a magician with knowledge of 1 5th level spell provided to him for his loyalty of 40 years to the kingdom and always aiming to benefit the kingdom and further himself in his research into the magical, he was a highly respected man within the inner circle of nobles since he didn't involve himself in politics and would willingly give up his position if someone beat him in a challenge of knowledge, sense his power will benefit the nation even if there just normal royal mages.

The dwarven king was actually not too adept at controlling the natural mana produced by the world since he was groomed to be a king sense young and trained by controlling the natural mana that came from mountains and volcanoes, so while his fire and earth-based spells were more efficient than others, he was highly inefficient in almost all other areas of magic.

The Royal Magi quickly pronounced his words before the king even asked,

" My King, a wave of negative energy is rapidly expanding across the world, if we assume by the direction it originates from, it can only be from the Elven or Beast continent. "

He nodded along as it was general knowledge that demon beast and dark magics such as;

Shadow Magic, Curse Magic, Dark Magic, Blood Magic.

All benefited greatly when there was dark energies to use for casting or growing.

So once the king heard it was over-looming the whole world, it couldn't be a good thing and could be considered a omen concerning the fate of the world, he quickly stood up and changed into some light clothes such as a sleeveless wool shirt and some shorts.

The Advisor and Magi followed as he called up the Magi, " Get us to Mt.Sevestry, now. "

The magi nodded along and quickly set up the ritual as he didn't have an aptitude for spatial magic and had to use rites to transport more than just himself using the natural mana.

Soon they were transported to the outside of the mountain at the doorway, he in his 40 years of being the Great Magi had never been here with the King, nor had anyone as far as he knew.

But the king wasn't worried about such thing, sense in reality he didn't know how to open the door either, no one would ever know either sense there is no way to, its just solid stone and its how would there ever be a mountain which no one had the ability to dig into?

It was simple, this was the residence of the god of dwarves, the god of invention, its said hes the best blacksmith, engineer, and best researcher out there, for others its inconceivable to hold all 3 titles, but for a god who's domain is such a broad area as invention, if he wasn't the best at them all, who would be?

He put his head down and prayed directly to his god, he knew early on that his god gave the least blessings of any other god, why still believe in him if the people need benefits? Simple, he gave the best benefits, and when he was inaugurated 70 years ago, he figured out why his god didn't give as many blessings, he was simply to busy to care about little priest, he only got his blessing because he became the king, so he knew his prayer would get through.

A few seconds after praying, the door opened slowly, he had only been in here 3 times before. The first time was the day after inauguration , the second was when a explosion caused by an evil magician blocked off the many routes in there largest mountain mine, causing there main export of precious metals to be stopped, and it would take a year with even a normal magician to clean it up and repair it fully so its safe for the workers.

So he contacted his god and the next day the paths were clear.

The third time was when a plague ran through the capital city, it was a devastating plague that when it first showed up, in 3 months had infected a large portion of the dwarven nation entirely, they tried to stop the spread till a cure could be made but people simply couldnt live off un-employment coin provided by the kingdom sense unemployment would stop being provided after a while by law. This makes it so many still go to work, and while thats an acceptible thing, some refuse to wear masks, clean there hands, not touch their faces, and stay away from others if possible, which have been shown to lessen peoples chances of getting infected drastically.

So he went and in a few weeks people seemed to just be cured naturally.

He had no doubt it would be like all previous 3 times when he entered and met his god, and its also the reason he learned to wear these clothes after the second time he went in, its unbearably hot within the mountain.

As he walked in, the door surprisingly didn't shut and allowed for the advisor and magi to follow him in.

As he entered, the inside of the cave was actually hollowed out and there were pipes running all along the eastern wall leading into multiple machines, a giant furnace on the northern wall that seemed to be made of pure cold steel. The west wall had a small building surrounded by crates, while the south wall, well had the door they just came in through.

It was incredibly hot within the mountain, (100 F / 38 C), though unbeknownst to him, it was actually even hotter within the mountain but his god was keeping him cool so he didn't get brain damage or even die.

He walked towards the small building and entered, where there stood a man with brown hair that went to the back of his neck and he was looking over some blueprints for a device he could'nt understand.

The man turned and looked at the king, ignoring the other two,

" Alexander " He'd nod. The king politely bowed to him.

" I know what your here to inquire, and the answer cant be given to you right now. " He shook his head at the king.

The king was baffled sense his god always acted quickly and seemed to have an answer to everything, " My Lord, what should my people do? "

Issac rubbed his chin, " If the other races pope's or head of religion call for you, answer it, I must discuss with the others to see what will happen and what we'll do. "

They were quickly sent out and while the Magi and Advisor talked to there king with more worship than before sense he seemed to be able to have a conversation with even there god.

Inside, Issac sat down on a stool. Ever since he started gaining experiences he found being polite but no bullshit was what he liked, he didn't care about others positions even the other gods and would always give people a nod as he respected the individuality of people sense they all had there own experiences and thoughts, no two are the same.

Which also led to him not holding his position as a god high, he understood the abilities and power he held and his responsibilities towards his believers. In return he was given great freedom by the great god to do whatever he and the other gods wished, causing his respect for individuality, sense that was something he learnt by example of the great god, who didn't interfere with their operations and ways of running the world even during plagues.

He thought that even if he killed off an entire race, only the other gods would complain, the great god also wouldn't interfere if the other gods killed him, so he always knew his opinion and stance and said his stance, what was the point of politics between the gods, they may disagree in some places, but are disagreements worth it to fight, to kill a god even if all 5 teamed up on 1, at least one or two continents may be destroyed in the process of the one god defending themselves.

So he stood up and took a drink of water and teleported over to the elven continent, he didn't take much delight in wasting time and smelling the flowers, he was always a person who was on top of things and liked to do his own stuff.

[1] While yes, everything I've mentioned has a modern aspect to it developed through magic, the King of dwarves is just a title, but it does hold real power and he is the head diplomat for foreign relations. Unlike with queen Elisabeth (or her future heirs), the Dwarven King is chosen based off his prowess in politics, his personal strength, and his likability in the eyes of the people. If you want a real name for the type of government it would fall under, I do not have it but you can think of it as a Fantasy Technocracy.

[2] The Dwarves call the Head Mage of the Royal Mage's the Royal Magi, while the normal royal mages are just called Royal Mages.

[3] Dark Magic that doesn't fall under the majorly known types of Dark Magic such as Shadow Magic, Curse Magic, Blood Magic,etc. Are all just referred to as Dark Magic as it uses mana falling under the dark category or uses evil/dark ways of casting.

[4] The Dwarves don't have a organized church and just have a biblical text made by there god, the person who can be the closest to being called the pope would be the King sense every king is directly given a blessing, so he will be the one called upon for the meeting of popes.