
The Balance of Creation is Tricky.

I set out on my new quest that could very well take all eternity. Yet why would I care, I got eternity and more to finish, but I wanted to see my creation as fast as possible. Although I didn't want to rush my creatures as then id feel bad for changing what could've been, so I'll first try out something natural, like flowing water.

That's when I closed my eyes, I started thinking of things like atoms, those were very complex and all, but I wanted something more than just atoms to be here, I wanted a whole new source of energy that can be used by all beings carbon-based and not, alive and dead, animate and inanimate. That's when it hit me, the magical energy I read about in my past life, mana!

That's when it happened, I opened my eyes to see a small ball of brightly glowing dust in my hand, practically the size of a baseball, so I decided, why not see what I can do with it? So I threw it out as hard as I could, I'll be honest, even with my non-existing eyes which should have no limited eyesight, I couldn't even find where I threw the damn thing.

That's when I saw it, a giant dazzling blaze of light flying towards me at an almost impossible speed, and I realized what I just did. I made the big bang of this universe! As the light seared past me, I could feel the new energy in the universe. It was time to start the basics, I first commanded for stars to be made, as mana was an unstudied yet dense energy, it pulled in atoms and mana within the few first million years and quite a few stars were born, I simply let this cycle repeat itself while I took a quick billion year nap. I was pleased with the number of solar systems I saw.

I went over and chose a nice solar system with a blue star as its center, and at first, I was surprised since I saw orange stars and tried feeling them, but they were the heat of red stars in the old universe. That's when I realized, the effects of mana had changed the color and altered the life cycles of stars altogether. The old blue giants have now colored a dazzling purple! I did see one green star, but it was so hot even my non-corporeal form felt like it wanted to sweat a drop or two.

So after finding a nice solar system to settle down in, I made a planet for my new inhabitants, it was 5x the size of earth, which yes is quite big, but I felt it was proper for the new inhabitants. I made the planet be firstly filled with water, then I put it on to it 6 continents. With these continents, I made my first creatures. To the first continent which I just called [Area 01] until its inhabitants named it, the elves, I gave no races a starting advantage, only racial advantages, for the elves I gave them acute hearing and an adaptability to world essence, which was the mana absorbed in the creation of the planet and released throughout all creatures made on it, which plants had quite the amount of.

On the second continent which was also named [Area 02] till its inhabitants named it, I put man, the first humans to ever be on this world, they would have a benefit of faster intellect growth rate, but shorter normal lifespans. The third continent which was called [Area 03] till its inhabitants named it, would be the continent of beastmen, I would give them the attributes of beast, which I simply willed to follow according to whatever beast they showed aspects of, for I was not bothered enough to force them to be beastmen of only certain kinds of animals.

[Area 04] and [Area 05] are special, this is where the danger would lie. [Area 04] would be a continent full of people of different skin colors, from purple to red, or just normal skin tones. And other features that could only be described as 'demonic' by my limited vocabulary which causes prejudice, for them I grant increased offensive magic adaptability and longer lifespans, but lower reproductive rates, and for the beast there, they would be some of the most hostile of any continent, yet the beast would have a lower intellect than almost all.

[Area 05] will be the land of minor races, but they are by no means unimportant, for the fifth continent is the largest of them all, it would hold the dwarven people, who would by nature be short yet have some of the best enchantment magic and flame control of all races, they could make a finely tempered furnace and burn even obsidian into a blade using their special flames and carve enchantments into them to! On that continent also lye the pixies or fairies, whichever you prefer to call them, they are extremely rare and live in a fogged forest in the corner of the continent, which only they can seem to navigate, they have immensely small bodies but one of the highest magic abilities of all the races, yet they can not use any magic other than spirit, healing, and fairy magic. Then on that continent lye a very small race, but only small in number... the titans, the giants, the men of old, standing at an average of anywhere from 20-30 feet, they are one of the biggest races, and live deep in the mountain on the end of the continent, making their tools out of giant rock and the wood of hundred year old trees.

As for the sixth continent, that is the continent of the gods, it can not simply be reached by boat without the treacherous journey, I put the vilest of creatures in the mist that covers the sea to the land of gods. That is where I made the only individuals that honestly took more time than an hour

per one.

The Gods go as follows ;

Maria - Goddess of Nature and Spirit - Worshipped by the Elves, Pixies, and some humans

Asaria - God of Thought - Worshipped by Humans, and some elves

Jamil - God of Incarnations - Worshipped by the Demons, and some humans

Brill - God of the Wild - Worshipped by the Beastmen, barely any humans, some elves

Issac - The God of Invention - Worshipped by Dwarves, some humans

[ The Giants to do not pray to any of the singular gods ]

Then there is I, of course, I didn't want to be left out of this whole worship business, id like to get some credit where credit is due. So then there was I, the god of balance, in all scriptures, none left out wroten by the other gods, my section was said to be mandatory and always said the same.

" The god of balance, the one who made the other gods and deemed them worthy of what they got power over, the one who made all of creation and has never shown himself, and the one sought for all trials, as only true balance can be reached by a being that encompasses all, for there is no imbalance in such a being. The god of Balance Oktober ".

I will give more details on the gods in the next chapter, it was just so you could get to know there basics here so you didnt have to wonder who was on the island of the gods, so dont worry, I dont forget to describe my characters, usually....

RestingTreecreators' thoughts