
A Lively Meeting

On the elven continent, in a living building complex in the capital,

There sat 6 people.

In two lounge chairs sat a beautiful woman and a peaceful looking man.

This was Maria and Asaria.

On a couch laying down was an eccentric man with a man who seemed a little to tense,

This was Jamil and Jared.

And on two kitchen chairs pulled into the room sat a burly man who wore no shirt with pulled-back hair and a calm young man who wore a vest with neat clothes beneath.

This was Brill and Issac.

The gods were not disguised in their mortal forms right now and all taken there original appearance, except for Brill who had transformed from his bear legs to normal human legs.

Jared could tell just by there appearances who they were, who in this world didn't see the depictions, the statues, or see the effects of having a blessing.

It was so quiet you could hear a pencil drop if it did.

Then, " So what did you do. "

Everyone looked at Jamil as Maria's eye twitched,

" And why would it be something I did? "

Issac looked over and scoffed, " Who else on this continent could've instigated such negative energy wave over the planet. "

The others nodded and looked at her waiting for her excuse.

" Ha, don't be such a bastard, if I had sent out such a wave, I would've already at least ruined one city or a plague would've started. " She chided back.

" Also can you stop flicking through fucking channels " She slapped the remote out of Asaria's hand.

" What else am I supposed to do? Listen to you guys bicker like old married couples, we stopped living together for a reason. " He said while thinking back to the days where they stayed on the God's Continent together.

He was also missing the ManaNetwork since the human continent hadn't set-up one yet, and the only one he knew about was withheld by the royal family and only nobles saw it, it was basically like trying to watch Government Controlled Media when you saw the hundreds of shows available on Public Media.

" Yes, if you want to keep up your profound image then you should be the one to think on the issue. " Chimed Brill.

Jared wanted to know what they were talking about but he decided to stay quiet.

" Oh, maybe my brains just to full, do your instincts know the issue? " He snarked back at brill.

Brill just looked away and started talking to Issac, while mortals may consider Asura the smartest god, Issac was considered the most practical in the group since he was a no-bullshit kind of guy, if he knew it, he knew it.

Asura couldn't be bothered to try and restart the argument and just went back to changing the channels by pressing the remote with mana.

Jamil started talking to Jared and Maria just sat there with her face in her hands.

" How did our first meeting in 800 years go so fucking wrong. "

As she pulled her hands down her face the others looked over, Asura felt a bit guilty since he wasn't paying attention in the first place, while Jamil realized his joke may have sparked it, he knew she didn't actually do anything sense if she was enraged they wouldn't be having this meeting in a room but in a crater.

"Let's get back on track then, Maria, can you tell the others what we've gathered. "

Issac had already been here for the longest since he took no time to site-see and teleported straight here.

" We've pinpointed the exact place of where the negative energy released to be somewhere within the Elven Forest, about 50 miles into the forest of a beaten path near the capital, it seems to come from an old cottage we found but it didn't seem to have anything of note inside, and seemed to be recently left. "

As she informed everyone keened in since this was the time to be serious.

" Do we know who lived there? " Asked Asaria.

" Sadly no, but we did find a grave that was recently made, that may have something to do with the intense output of negative energy. "

" Who on this continent is strong enough to output such a wave of negative energy? Or was it a group of powerful people mourning? " Asked Jamil, he was the one who understood the manipulation and causes of dark and negative energy better than anyone.

" From what we know according to some of the units in the local scouting regime an Old man has been seen there, and from what we could see in the grave an old man's body was there. He apparently had two adopted kids who he took care of. "

All of the gods scratched their chins or scratched there face in confusion, even if two of the best mages on the planet were his kids, they're mourning couldn't affect the whole planet, at most they'd cause an influx in undead or make the plants sicklier.

Jared was honestly very scared to speak right now, while Jamil had told him to not lower himself in front of them, he almost instinctually bowed when meeting them, sure he didn't pray, but they were still gods, basic respects are in order. He was stopped by Jamil though when he put his hand on his collar and lifted him up straight by force.

From what he could gather a wave of Negative Mana which is known to feed undead and dark attuned creatures, has rippled over the entire planet.

From what he knows Negative energy can only be caused by natural phenomena and the emotions of sentient creatures, even humans when there sad produce a minuscule amount of it naturally, but it's unnoticeable. Though mages have been known to release larger amounts of mana based off their emotions, meaning a happy mage may boost the growth of flowers near him, while a sad mage may make the plants wither faster.

If none of the gods around him we're sad and they didnt cause the wave, and as they said no mage could've done it.

He coughed, " Uhm.. "

All the gods turned and looked at him, Jamil even seemed to have an expectant look in his eyes.

" Could it of been the God of Balance? " He piped out.

You could practically hear all of there brains flat-line.

Id like note the reason for this one taking so long.

I don't write dialogue much, I'm not good at it especially and find it awkward to write from other peoples perspective and much prefer third person styles like describing actions and saying "He Said, She Said" but I know it gets very repetitive when reading dialogue of multiple characters since I have to put in their names, so its only really comfortable when you can see the characters or there's only two it could possibly be.

Though I finally got more comftorable with it and this was the Draft I preferred the most, updates will come sooner now that im more comftorable with conversation writing.

RestingTreecreators' thoughts