
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Neva and Rhett, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. Illusion is where we live; in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man. Illusive is serenity; an evermore sanguine of love. Illusion of Eden in the new earth; sows hope deep in the soul. Illusive pleasure of the world; shall brings us burns in the ocean of fire. Illusive Eden is peace. Illusive Eden is tragedy. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

Nehapriaa · Urban
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97 Chs

Unsecured ponders

The Red Ferrari comes to a halt following a continuous drive of three hours.

"Did we arrive?" Neva probes gazing out at the resort standing before them.

The coffee coloured home-like structure, the tenuous vines of flowering little ruby roses decorating glimmers Neva's eyes.

"Yep. It's a secluded resort in Eudora. We are out of your city. We are safe here. Atleast until tonight." Sky responds mumbling the last share in a way only she can hear.

"Let's go Angel." Rhett steps out the car offering his hands for Neva after. She holds his hand—getting outside.

Neva senses a person near her to the side, and catches a glimpse of Ace. Discerning her gaze on him he tilts his head as their eyes meet. Ace smiles at Neva as she returns him a warm one. Ace feels his heart skip a beat, she had such lovely smile.

She slides the jacket off her shoulder. "Thank you for your jacket. I'm sorry I got it all wet and mucky." Neva hands it to him. Ace shakes his head, "It's fine. You can keep it." He grins, honestly meaning his words.

Neva to refuse agapes her mouth, when Rhett grabs the jacket from her hands and hurls it to Ace. He instinctively seizes it.

"Keep the Damned Rug to yourself." Rhett glares at the man. The bystanders, Hunter and Sky, exhales in weariness.

"We should get inside." Sky remarks, strolling towards the resort. Hunter follows suit, while Rhett grasps Neva's hand leading her in. Ace sighs, fatigued of his leader's temper and ambles behind.

Soon after, they were settled in their own rooms. Drenched in wet clothes the whole ride Neva goes in to get a refreshing warm bath.


An hour later both freshened up in their robes, lay snuggling on the bed.

"I have asked Sky to purchase you some outfits." Rhett utters smooching her neck. Neva hums gawping at the ceiling. Rhett caresses her left hand peering at the ring.

Feeling him play with her fingers Neva glances at him. "What is it?" Neva queries.

Rhett exhales. "Thankyou for saving me. I can't believe, I let him take you away from me. I'm such a Worthless Trash." He gulps, his head dizzy in anger and dismay.

For a moment, he thought he might loose her forever, he couldn't even breathe.

She pinches his cheeks resulting their eyes to secure. "What are you thankful or in sorrow about?" She frowns.

"You just breathed in life within me. I would have certainly been done if not for you Rhett." Neva exclaims sucking in air Rhett giggles at her stern face.

"I love you." Rhett smiles kissing her tenderly. Neva slithers her fingers in his fluffy hair, passionately drifting back his affection.

Deep into the moment he closes their bodies way so auspicious. Lavishing her soft body, with his rough hand he smoothly clenches the flesh on her waist.

Running out of breath Neva parts their lips.

"Will you always be with me?" Rhett inquires in a small voice. Neva chuckles, "Of course."

"Do you love me?" He earnestly asks her. Neva furrows her brows, he seems a little discrete.

No answer. Rhett hovers above her kissing heatedly, greedy and craving. Neva widens her eyes.

'Does he feel insecure regarding my feelings for him?'

She seperates him, caressing both his cheeks. Their lips swollen and shiny.

"Is something wrong?"

He fondles with her hands on him, "Do you feel anything for Raka?"

He painfully swallows the lump formed in his throat.

"No. Why would I?" She reasons, unclear of his query.

"He knows you longer than I do. If your memories return someday. Would you leave me?" He asks in a brittle voice.

"You are really stupid Rhett. I'm in love with You. Not him. Besides we can't even confirm if he's telling the truth." Neva raises her head and brushes her lips against his.

Rhett pouts laying over her. "If you love me. Marry me Neva." He murmurs, muffled, buried in her neck.

"I have the ring as a vow on my finger." Neva affirms her fingers entangling in his hair.

"I'll get the papers ready. We'll be married before the new year." Rhett says, committed to make her lawfully his.

"Marriage is not a play Rhett. We can't rush it." She retorts.

"I'm not playing Neva!" He exclaims, propping himself up, with both arms steadying him on either side of her frame. She closens her hands close to her chest.

His eyes, glaring at her, "Why the Hell do you want us to dawdle around huh?" Through his gritted teeth, he blares, his voice alarmingly low.

Neva flinches, his eyes beholding anger, erasing warmth. His rough voicing of words, eyes cold and sharp unnerving her.

Eyes brimming with water, she blinks back tears. Heart numb, she gathers herself, shoving him off of her.

"Let's order some nourishments. I'm a little hungry." Neva sits up on the side of the bed, about to order room service.

Rhett stares at her back, closing his eyes in distress. He was not himself, her pained eyes pinched his heart.

Neva takes a hold of the menu placed on the tiny wooden table by the bed. She silently surveys through the menu, she picks up the telephone and rings it.

With guilty eyes, Rhett lowers his eyes.

A greeting voice reverbs out from the other side of the phone.

"Hi, can I please get a milk bread, chicken permigiana and veg chop suey for two person. Two drinking water bottles and a cola as well please."

"Alright mam. What will you have for dessert?"

"Oh-um..." Neva hastily flips the pages for the options on desserts.

"Creme caramel will do.''

Neva places down the device, having ordered. Rhett sneakily embraces her from behind, burying himself in the crook of her neck. He inhales her fresh floral scented, mellow hair.

"I'm sorry."

Neva unbinds his tangling frame from her, rising herself on her feet. She ambles towards the window.

"Neva please don't be upset." He marches after her and attempts seizing her hands only for him to be swatted away.

"I'm such a Jerk." He mutters silently, standing still on the ground, loathing himself.

The doorbell rings, Neva without sparing him a glance steps forwards to get the door.

On the other side of the door, reveals a charming smile from Sky. "Here, the necessities that Czar asked me for."

She hands Neva plenty of bags. Neva grabs them from her, "Thankyou Sky.''

She smiles gratefully, Sky in response winks an eye at her.

"Here's some of Boss's clothings."

Neva searches the sudden voice and notices Ace show up near Sky. His hands occupied by couple of bags. "Thank you." She reacts with a smile and grabs the bags.

"My pleasure." He grins sleepishly.

"Then see you later." Sky bids goodbye, dragging the reluctant Ace as he waves at her. Neva waves back at them, tittering.

She suddenly feels the bags being taken away from her hands. Glancing behind her she sees Rhett holding them instead, freeing her hands.

She closes the door and walks back in as he places the bags on the sofa. She picks up one of the bags and looks into it.

"We will leave for Edinburgh tomorrow at dawn. Get some rest." Rhett approaches her. Neva does not respond. He sneaks his arms tangling around her waist.

"Please don't be mad at me Angel." He attempts to soothe her hurt heart. She doesn't acknowledges him or propels away—surveying the items on the bag.

Sky got her sweaters and hoodies. A rose beiged sundress piques her attention. She flows it grabbing the hem of it, admiring the impressive details.

"The dress would look gorgeous on you." Rhett still interweaved to Neva flatters her. "Leave me." She struggles in his hold. Rhett squints his eyes mischief rippling his blood.

He tickles her waist, her neck, she loses her hold on the dress. Getting it to toss on the floor.

Neva breaks out her tough demeanour, laughing hysterically. The predator clackling along.

She strives to free herself and ends up in the bed with tears in her eyes.

"Sto-stop Hahahaha~"

Just then Rhett realises his hands caressing her bosom.

He was just trying to keep her in place. It was nothing, but a twist of fate.

His eyes means that, Neva gazes upon him and his cupping hands. Wrinkled brows and confused orbs. She violenty knocks him away. He falls thud on the floor.

Neva hurriedly adjusts her disheaveled robe. Preserving her innocence.

She glares down at him.

"I-It was a misadventure I swear."

'A fortune of an award for me.' Are his thoughts.