
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Neva and Rhett, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. Illusion is where we live; in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man. Illusive is serenity; an evermore sanguine of love. Illusion of Eden in the new earth; sows hope deep in the soul. Illusive pleasure of the world; shall brings us burns in the ocean of fire. Illusive Eden is peace. Illusive Eden is tragedy. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

Nehapriaa · Urban
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97 Chs

Poetry for the first separation

Resting on a bench,

Peering at the twilight painted sky.

The misty meadow quilts in melted snow.

Red lavender leaves scattering,

Showering upon the lovers.

Finishing off autumn,

Coursing toward cold winter.

Surrendering to the labyrinth of the thoughts,

Unwilling to loosen themselves.

Soaking up one other as though,

Wishing to bear a rarer,

Sparse ache on the hearts in the absence.

The heavens looking through the lake,

Adorning a brush up with the dazzling rippling.

Milky pearl swans saturates splashing wings,

Icy water teasing faintly.

Neva murmurs wistfull of the one dusk,

Destiny amusing them,

The start of such fall they met.


"When are you leaving?" Neva whispers, her hesd leaned on Rhett's shoulder.

"Tomorrow, in the morning," Rhett's mellow voice, resonates in the void water meadows.

"I'll look forward celebrating Christmas with you Angel," Smooching Neva's gracefull hair, he utters.

"I'll do too." Neva smiling gazes up at him, acquiring a romantic kiss.

Observing around, she sees the tiny dews sprinkling on the ground, forewarning of the chilly night that's closeby.

"Let's go home," Neva sweetly kisses his cheek. She stands up and offers her hand.

Rhett gladly onto her.

Every second with her, is such a mystical little while. Seperated for a while, they have a lifetime of more serenity and miraculous seasons.

Neva and Rhett dreads their first seperation. Yet, courageous enough to let go, praying they won't be apart for long.

The next morning, before dawn, when the moon still appears hazy, Rhett grudging being away from Neva, in the end, had to let her go for a short moment and leave, for his country calls.