
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Rhett and Neva, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

NeriaRose · Urban
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71 Chs

Mr. Babyboy

Nights passed in a blink of an eye.

Since the nightfall Rhett kept it 'Simple and Sensual.' The Kiss!!

They have always been together. He either walks her to college, or drive on his adventure tourer bike. Gladly, standing by her campus gate, squeezing out moments he could draw in the future, reminiscing the good ol days.

Fate forbid, if Neva wouldn't want him by her side anymore. But that's a pain of magnifying the probing, he wish not to blunder the now.

He had all his meals over her place. He calls her hands magical. And he wouldn't want to have his food any other way anymore.

Neva kept changing his bandages. Although, the stitches were removed couple of days ago, he still insisted on getting her take care of him.

Neva didn't bother resisting. Her idyllic feelings gradually increasing.

Except the time spent in her lecturing periods, studies, and the nights they'd have to sleep on their own. They were inseparable. He would even accompany her in the me times. Which includes her hobbies: music, reading, baking, all that she has yet opened her up to him.

Here and there, he would sneak into her singing beautifully, wondering to himself; if she would ever sing him to sleep.

Rhett lost in warmth, somewhere, somehow, he didn't dare to get his hopes high. Fearing the love he heartfelt for the girl he first connected with this fall, would still be one-sided. He realised, he couldn't bear the thought of not seeing her.

"No, I'm not going." Neva declares, a laundry basket in her hands, walking out through to the flame of the noon sun.

"It's cold outside and this evening I need to go watch a soccer match. It's taking place in our campus." Explains Neva, reluctant to give in to Rhett's plan of hanging out.

"Wahh~ as if it doesn't get cold in your Universitie's soccer field?" Rhett protests.

"Come on Angel, the sunset on this special beach is spectacular!!" Rhett pleads, following Neva around, like a child pestering his mother for some toys.

In the balcony, Neva placing her sun dried laundry into the basket—straightens her posture, hands on hips she stares at him.

"This time of season and going to the beach on your bike? You want me to get sick don't you?" Neva complaints, glaring at him.

"How could I let you be sick? If you don't like the bike ride I can rent a car." Rhett contours shock stripes in his features.

Neva sighs, closing her eyes. "It's not it, I have promised Emma I'll go watch the match with her, it starts at four in the evening and ends at seven. If I go to the beach I'll miss it!" Exclaims Neva, continuing her chores.

"You just want to go check out those athletes don't you?!" Argues Rhett.

"What?? What goes on in that tiny head of yours?" Asks Neva, glancing at him, a hint of amusement laced in her eyes.

"What I'm right ain't I? Fine you needn't bother with me! I'm just a nobody anyway!" Rhett makes a sad face. Neva couldn't help but chuckle seeing his cute, pouty face.

'This big man can be this adorable too?' Wonders Neva, in the close of her mind.

"Fine Mr. Babyboy. I'll go watch the sunset with you on your bike, but on one condition!'' Neva picks up the basket and starts heading inside.

The elated male's eyes gleams, his face ripening in saccharine blush. He had earned a new pet name from his sweet Angel.

"What condition?" He asks, trying to sound stern—tailing Neva still.

"I'll go watch the match from four to five.

Only an hour, and then I'll go with you?

What do you say?" Lays out Neva, trudging towards the middle of her living room.

"Where am I gonna meet up with you? What if you ditch me?" Rhett argues back, reluctant.

Neva purses her lips, she glances at him. "You'll come with me of course. Or do you not want to?"

She side eyes the man, now beside her.

"Me going to your University? Okay." Rhett returns, gleefully.

Neva smiles seating on the floor—with crossed legs by the newly placed kotatsu table. "See problem solved! But we can always watch the sunset some other day?" She suggests, taking out a peach colored t-shirt from her laundry basket, starting to fold it.

"No only today counts!" Rhett concludes sternly, resting his form on the ground, near Neva.


So it goes... This evening, Rhett comes to fetch Neva. Doing it with a plain white t-shirt, black jeans and a black leather jacket. Neva adorns: a green campus style, high waisted, plaid little skirt with black stockings, and a black coquette blouse underneath a warm jacket.

Neva seems hurled up and too much into the game. The guy sipping a cola beside her, has been flaring his nose in jealousy.

Seeing his Neva in enchantment, when the 'handsome' players makes some seductive moves and goals charismatically.

His eyes shoots bullets through the athletes 'attractive' heads.

Neva in her own little bubble, full of colours, ignored his presence.

Living the time of her life, admiring those homewrecker, assumes Rhett.

They had preferably reached the campus in time. Emma had been waiting for her, and as Neva met up with her, she had strung along Rhett.

Some time later, he crushes the empty cola can and pulls out his phone, reading the time. Five PM was their deal. He pokes Neva's shoulders.

"What?" Inquires Neva, drawn away from her enthusiasm.

"It's almost time Angel, we can get going?" Rhett's round eager eyes beams, wishing to be on their own.

"Is it time already?" Neva's face falls. She's having fun, it feels harshly soon. Her demeanour saddening his heart.

He stands up, "It's alright, you can keep on enjoying the game. We can watch sunset some other time."

"Really?" Neva gleams. Rhett chuckles, sadly, defeatedly.

She really prefers this game over him. He nods, turns around—and walks away. His heart shattering, he had hoped, all the times spent with her had built up some feelings in her heart. And now, it feels as if a stone has been placed over his own.

He's mount up on his bike, midway wearing his helmet.

"Are you ditching me?" The familiar voice has him halt his actions, he looks over his shoulder. Roving his eyes in search of her.

His eyes softens, she stands there, Neva, glaring at him. She wears the leather jacket hanged on her arm.

"Helmet." Neva forwards her palms, demanding a helmet. Rhett gladly, gives her the spare, still perplexed. She then hops on the bike. "Let's go!" 


A short ride of twenty minutes, they were now on the beach. The twilight painting the sky in a soft glowing light. The beautiful sky seeing through on the surface of the water.

In contrast to the vitality of screaming crowd from the soccer match. Neva feels complete tranquility and favoured gazing out the beautiful scenery.

The man peers down at the girl standing by him. His heart warming up at the thought of her choosing him.

The November breeze blowing her loose wavy hair. She feels so sweet and serene.

His heart aches in wonder by how graceful she appears. His eyes confessing his love for her soul dearly.

Having being found a haven of his own.

Safe and Secure,

Like she was his home.

He feels so strongly for her,

He could almost stop breathing.

He keeps drowning in love,

He keeps craving her love.

He takes the initiative to hold her hands.

Intertwining their fingers. Neva glances up at him then down their clasped hands. She gently rests her intertwined fingers on his knuckles.

Rhett gazes down at her; Neva's smile mirroring his own. Their heart beats synced in serenity.

He realises and words his veracity out for her to to be familiar with, "Neva..."

"Hmm?" Her adorable orbs curiously searches his own.

Her curiosity makes him laugh lightly. Her lips pout a little, eyebrows creasing faintly from her being clueless of his melodious laugh.

"Is there something on my face?" With her free hand she caresses her cheeks. Rhett just captures her hands and interwines their fingers.

He kisses both of the back of her hands, one after another—softly holding onto them.

His beautiful smile honeyed, he phrases,

"It's just;

I'm feeling luckier than ever..

I'm falling harder than ever..."


Little whiney Rhett. Do I find him adorable? Absolutely...

NeriaRosecreators' thoughts