
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Neva and Rhett, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. Illusion is where we live; in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man. Illusive is serenity; an evermore sanguine of love. Illusion of Eden in the new earth; sows hope deep in the soul. Illusive pleasure of the world; shall brings us burns in the ocean of fire. Illusive Eden is peace. Illusive Eden is tragedy. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

Nehapriaa · Urban
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97 Chs

I met a Princess

(Unknown Scene)

"Hmm... let's make acquaintance with the little lady then."

Giggles resonates the room, having the man standing shiver in the room, alarmed.

"Your Majesty, are you sure she is the one?"

The silhouette of a man sitting by the window, his form fairly not visible to human eyes.

Twenty four years of Huston's service to him could not deminish the fear of the chilling presence, in the pitch dark room.

Huston sees him move his head in a brisk way.

Blaring red orbs glows, slicing the dark surround.

His inhumane eyes, devoid of emotions, gawking at Huston.

Huston, miserably grabs his neck as he chokes. Attempting to remove the source suffocating him.

But he fails to find anything solid on his neck. Other than a tight grip of hidden hands he cannot see but only feel.

His eyes enlarges in horror, his body elevating from the ground.

His body trembles, legs kicking the air, face turning pale, mouth wide open, gagging.

His expression morphs a sullen look.

He looks away to the barren land through his window. A single sunray could not be seen given it is supposed to be midday.


Huston falls down the floor, grabbing his throat, he gasps loudly, the suffocating unseen hands finally away from him.

The form of black crawling thorns, the shadow remains in his neck. A mark of dark powers coating him physically.

"I-I apolozise your esteemed self." Huston swallows, bowing down to him on his knees.

"She is to be alive and here before dawn."

"Your Majesty. W-we need two days at the least." Huston swallows the lump formed in his throat.

Huston's anxiety vains as the calmed lord quotes. "Patience is bitter, but the fruit it bears is sweet."

He nods to himself, smiling.


(In the Oasis Cruise)

The night after arriving on the cruise, the sun dawns in illuminating the mortal world.

The couple takes a seat, on one of the tables on the dining area of the cruise.

The warm breakfast appetizing Neva's eyes sparkles, she lifts a spoonful of the chicken curry rice and takes a bite. Rhett's goofy eyes scans her cheerful appearance. A lingering smile on his lips.

He chuckles, "You like it?" Neva glances at him, as she swipes her tongue on her lower lips. "Very much!" She laughs.

"Here..." Neva takes a spoonful of her rich in flavour curry rice and offers him a bite.

Rhett agapes his mouth and happily munches and gulps down the food. "Mmmph... Tasty!"

"Once more please. Ahhh..." Rhett grins l, agaping his mouth for her to feed him once more.

Neva clicks her tongue. "Told you so! It's your fault for choosing avocado toasts instead." She exclaims, but puts another spoonful of food to his mouth.

He smiles, chewing leisurely. "It looked fattening. Toasts and eggs are better for breakfast."

Neva raises her brows at his comment.

"Who cares about fattening foods. You only live once so seek to be happy any given moment." She says, and enjoys another bite.

"I was wrong one more bite please..." He hopefully gives her shiny eyes.

Neva creases her brows and makes a sour face at him. "Why? My food can make you fat." She takes another bite, inhaling, chewing her food.

"I was wrong. It's not fattening at all. Besides I can just work out later. Please gorgeous, share one bite please." He tries to butter her.

"Alright, let's share our foods, you seem to not touch your's at all." Neva glares at him playfully.

"Really?" His blinding eyes almost blinds her.

"Yes, really." Neva chuckles.

"I'll go bring a plate for you."

"I'll go." Rhett stands up. "Okay." Neva says.

As Rhett walks away to fetch a new plate to divide foods, out of the blue, a little boy toddles towards Neva's table.

Neva clueless of the little human lifts her spoon to wander through an another, mouth-watering journey. When the boy pokes at her arms, Neva pauses her spoon mid air.

She glances at her right, her gaze landing on the boy by her side.

She places down the silver spoon on her plate. "Hello sweetie, do you need something?" She probes the boy.

His green doe eyes reads over her features.

He decisively shakes his small head.

"I just want to let you know," the child begins.

"You are the most beautiful princess I have ever seen." He smiles shyly.

Neva gasps a little, she could have never seen it coming. A sweet child to out of nowhere come over and remark at her appearance. She laughs lightly at his utterance.

"Thank you. You are adorable as well." Her smile mirroring in her eyes. She ruffles the little boy's wavy hair. The child is beautiful. His fair frame, large glittery orbs and auburn hair that curls down his nape.

The child's shy smile enlarges. He giggles.

Neva retracts her hands admiring him. "Thankyou princess. My name is Noah." He shares.

She chuckles at the nickname, "Such beautiful name. My name is Neva."

"Oh sweetie... I messed up your hair." She caresses his hair lightly, attemptimg to fix them. Noah giggles, "It's alright princess."

Neva hears footsteps approaching, she finds Rhett nearing them with an empty plate in his hands. His creased brows scans the boy beside his fiancee.

"Who are you?" Reaching them, he inquires the boy.

Noah glances up at him. He finds the tall hovering man really scary. His cold expression in contrast to his princess.

Noah gets closer to Neva as she looks up at Rhett. "He's Noah." She responds to him.

Neva gazes down at the boy. "Where are your parents Noah?"

"Papa's there," Noah points at the table in a distance. Neva scans the tables, but finds no one. "Where sweetie?"

Noah frowns. "Papa went to bring me dessert, I guess he still has not returned."

"I see..." Neva replies.

Rhett had seated himself down on the chair, the plate placed on the table.

"Where is your mother?" He asks Noah.

Noah gazes at him, "Mama's in heaven."

At his words Rhett frowns and zips his mouth shut. Neva's eyes saddens.

"Noah!!" A man hastens towards them.

"Here you are," He sighs as he scans the child. His gaze lands on Neva and Rhett.

"Papa!" Noah hugs his legs, smiling widely.

The man wraps his arms around the child.

"I met this really wonderful princess." He peers up at his father, as he gives him an 'I know' smile.

"I'm sorry ma'am, sir, my boy seemed to have troubled you." His eyes travels between the two lovers as he bows his head.

Neva waves her hands, "Not at all. Noah's very well behaved." She smiles.

The man smiles, "Thankyou for taking care of him. Say goodbye to the kind lady Noah." The man instructs the child.

"Bye bye princess, it was nice to meeting you." He reluctantly agrees to his father.

"Bye sweetheart, it was nice to meeting you too." Neva says.

The man smiles and bows his head at her, as she returns him the same. He looks at Rhett and bows his head, having him nod back. He walks away, with Noah's tiny hands wrapped in his hands.

Noah looks back at Neva, she waves at him and he does back the same.

Neva glimpses at Rhett, his eyes frozen on her.

"We cannot have a child." Rhett suddenly declares. "What?" Neva's stunned at his stoic appearance.