
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Neva and Rhett, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. Illusion is where we live; in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man. Illusive is serenity; an evermore sanguine of love. Illusion of Eden in the new earth; sows hope deep in the soul. Illusive pleasure of the world; shall brings us burns in the ocean of fire. Illusive Eden is peace. Illusive Eden is tragedy. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

Nehapriaa · Urban
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97 Chs

Hot Chocolate Cookies

A ding~ sound of an oven makes the previously day dreaming Neva to gain back consciousness—informing her about the time that elapsed.

She abruptly places down the novel she had been engrossed in, and gets off the kitchen counter.

Hastily wearing the oven mitts, she clicks a button to turn off the cooking cycle, swiftly she takes out the cookies.

The smell of freshly baked chocolate cookies, floating in her nose, making her senses tingle. She smiles, satisfied.

"I'm back~" Out of nowhere, a loud manly sing-songing voice resonates throughout the apartment.

She waits for him inside the kitchen, placing the hot cookies on a steel cooling rack. Laying it on the dining table to let it cool.

"Angel I'm back!!" Rhett happily hops inside the kitchen. Grinning seeing his beloved's face. 

"I see, I see," Neva responds naturally.

Rhett's gaze lands on the fiery hot chocolate cookies.

"Is it done?" Rhett eyes her, to which Neva nods in response. Rashly throwing around the groceries the bewitched man with sparkling eyes rushes forwards.

He initially inhales them deeply, "Hmm, smells soo good~"

Just when he curls his fingers to devour the appetizing cookies, Neva's hand slaps his own. "Oww! Why?" He straightens his posture, rubbing his right dorsal hands with his left palmer side.

"It's hot!" Neva warns. "Oh!" Rhett nods in realization.

"How long will it take to cool down?" The guy pouts.

"It will soon," with that, Neva saunters towards the abandoned grocery bags dispositioned on the floor messily, and picks them up.

"Have you brought everything I asked?" Neva probes, walking towards the dining table.

"Yes yes!" He replies, nodding repeatedly.

"Angel, I can't wait! I want to munch on them now!" Rhett complains alike a little boy.

"Have patience," she places the groceries on the table, and takes them out one after another, arranging the goods.

With her peripheral vision, she sees him drooling over the cookies. Hardly controlling himself from going all out and gobbling them whole. She sighs, seeing him restless. Worrying he would burn his mouth she picks a piece, Rhett's sharp gaze trailing her moves.

It's still really heated. But nothing she cannot handle. She blows on it aggressively.

About seven seconds later, she offers the cookie near Rhett's mouth.

Who obediently hasn't touched any of them yet...

"Try it," Neva apprises. A beaming Rhett, takes the whole thing in.

He dramatically closes his eyes in delight, feeling the warm chocolate's wet moisture melting in his mouth.

"Is it good?" Neva queries nervously. Rhett nods, appearing to be in daze.

"Took me to heaven!!" He licks his lips. Neva chuckles and continues arranging the groceries.

"Rhett where's the packet of rice?" She glares at the clueless guy—crossing her arms. "Rice? It must be there," He returns.

"It isn't here. I've checked thrice! You!! What will we have for dinner?" Neva rages.

"Did I forget? Well then, chocolate cookies for dinner." Rhett suggests happily.

Neva fumes irritated, "Go back to the store or else no dinner for you!"

"No! You're cruel, I'm worn out! Why don't we just eat cookies?"

The unnamed couple keeps bickering like an old husband and wife...

"You get nothing!" Neva concludes, preparing a jar.

"I'm sorry." Rhett falsely cries out.


After a lot of trouble and quarelling over who goes to fetch tonight's dinner. Neva finally makes a choice. 

"Why are you tailing me now?" Neva utters, fixing her scarf.

"What would I do if some bad guys kidnapped you? Young lady Don't you fear?!" Rhett reasons with bulging eyes. Neva huffs exhausted to squabble for today.

Soon they reach the convenience store.

Neva is busy inspecting the variety of packed rice. Rhett stands by her.

Although, this evening Rhett seems unusually guarded. His prodigious senses alerting him of someone creeping in on them.

"Rhett do you need anything else?" Neva inquires. "No, have you finished?" Rhett responses.

She nods, finding something odd. "Is something wrong?" 

Neva perceives his stiff muscles. Rhett shakes his head. "If you're done, let's leave." He calmly states.


Alas, Neva and Rhett reaches their apartment building. The whole way from the store to here, he knew someone was following them. He opens the door for her.

"You head back in first. I have to make a call." He says.

"Alright, don't take too long or else the cookies will be gone." She giggles stepping inside. "No fair!" Deception is what he feels.

After making sure she is inside safe, he trudges down the stairs. Heading towards a secluded area within the compound, he fetches out a hidden pistol out his torso.

"Reveal yourself!" He exhorts in a deep, threatening voice.

A shadowy figure, concealed in the dark comes into view. He slyly crawls out into the dim light. Covered in black, head to toe. His face hidden behind a mask.

Rhett points the firearm straight to his eye.

"What do you want?" He cautions him, impatient.

The tall built male pulls down his hood and removes the mask, revealing himself.

Rhett forrows his eyebrows, recalling his features. He lowers the weapon allowing himself to relax.

"Explain Ace!" Rhett demands.

The man strolls towards Rhett.

"Damn Boss, did you get a girlfriend?!" The man named Ace grins flashing all his teeths.

Rhett sighs and places the handgun back.

"Courting death?" He glares at him.

"Boss were you scared? Damn, your woman's insane hot!" His eyes glints.

Rhett, in response throws a dagger at him instead.

"Don't, you, dare."

Ace avoids the blade leisurely, ceasing it between his index and middle fingers. He grasps the dagger in a safe hold. Hinting his anger, he raises both his arms in defense.

"I was just kidding, I don't dare steal a lover from Leader Czar."

"Don't fuck with me." Rhett spits out, coldly, he turns to leave.

"Wait Boss, Eld send me here. I came here to inform you about a mission." Ace hastily reasons.

Rhett halts his steps, but does not turn around, "I'm on leave."

"Boss, the rest of us are here in the city. We can't step up without you." Ace reacts, beseeching.

"I don't care." Rhett scoffs, nonchalantly gazing at him over his shoulder.

"He promised to pay extra." Ace exults, almost begging.

"Pawky Elk still thinks I'd lick his greasy nose?'' Rhett chuckles, amused.

"Inform the old man to kindly fuck off!"

Ace dumbfounded has been left behind. His eyes trailing after his frame, striding towards the 'hot' woman's apartment.