
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Neva and Rhett, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. Illusion is where we live; in the Garden of Eden before the fall of man. Illusive is serenity; an evermore sanguine of love. Illusion of Eden in the new earth; sows hope deep in the soul. Illusive pleasure of the world; shall brings us burns in the ocean of fire. Illusive Eden is peace. Illusive Eden is tragedy. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

Nehapriaa · Urban
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97 Chs

First fall of snow

(Several Days Later)

"Rhett wake up." Neva whispers near the sleeping boy's ear. He doesn't response, so she lightly pinches his cheeks.

"Rhett~ wake up,"

"It's snowing!" Neva pouts, Rhett doesn't spare a move of his finger.

"Wake up!! Rhett!!" Peeling off the quilt, utilizing a bit more force she tries rousing him up.

All of a sudden, bowling over her, Rhett pulls Neva down—colliding their chests.

Startled, Neva looks over at her cheesily grinning lover. Pecking his willowy lips, blossoming a beaming smile over his own, she leans in, softing hearing his jaggy heartbeat. Rhett wraps his arms around her, fingers, tenderly flowing with her hair. 

"Rhett, it's the first fall of snow." Neva murmurs, making Rhett kiss her mellow wavy hair. 

"Stay a little longer," Rhett whispers, laying off, Neva hums, fonding over their moment.

Little over thirty minutes, Neva finally draws him off her bed. 

Out the doors, their cozy Apartment with only scanty tenant inhabitants, Neva feels the touch of falling snow. Rhett draws in her mirthfull, radiant eyes—warming his cold heart. Peering upon her underneath the falling snows, he realises, he is falling for her... Harder than ever.

Bowing like a prince, offering his cold hands, he proposes her for a dance.

"May I have the honour to dance with my love?" He presents, his smile her warm daylight.

In the absence of words, adorning rosy cheeks, Neva delighted receives his hands. And hev smiles, brighter in glee.

Giggling, the lovers sway their silhouettes—around the soft, ivory snowdrift.

Playing around the snow, forever elapses. Neva's protective boyfriend takes her back indoors, perturbed she would catch cold.


(Couple Hours Later)

Succeeding washing up, Rhett sees Neva in the kitchen, chopping vegetables humming a melody. Her wet hair wrapped up in a towel. Slowly with hushed steps, he sneaks his arms around Neva's waist, cradling her.

Stunned by his sudden action, she calms from his touch. "I'm not done cooking Rhett." Swiftly tilting her head, she rubs her nose with his, making the man giggle like a child. "You can sit over there." She says, gesturing at the chairs, circling the dining table.

"I don't like being apart from you." He responds, smooching her nap. "It tickles!" Neva laughs, having him chuckle.

"Angel, aren't you curious about that day?" Rhett, cautiously asks. "About which day?" Neva asks, chopping the last bunch of kales.

"The guys, we stumbled upon when we were out on a date?"

Neva halts the motion of her hands—rummaging through her brain.

"Ahh... them?" Her eyes lightens up. "I remember. They seemed like the type to leave a trace." She chuckles.

"Don't you want to know who they were?" Rhett asks the still busy girl.

Moving away, stirring her stew Neva replies.

"I assumed you would tell me gradually."

He smiles realising how patient she is. "I want to open up about my secret Angel."

Rhett says, his heart a quickened as he sees Neva turn around, staring deeply at him. "There's no pressure, you can take your time." She returns.

"I am not what you think Neva." He words it through.

Neva creases her brows. Feeling edgy, she turns off the stove. "What do you mean?" She asks. He exhales, taking hold of her hands. "We are a team, agents of EIS, and I'm their Leader."

"What?" Neva's bewildered face has him hold his breath. "Are you pranking me?" She asks. "No, of course not. I won't joke about something like this." He remarks.

"I thought you owned that, car service workshop? How?" Neva probes, her heart suddenly numbing.

"It's just a cover up for my identity. I'm a spy." He says. "Are you a spy from a foe country in Erriador?" She hesitantly asks, feeling deceived. "No, no. I'm an agent of EIS. We operate anywhere around the world, if mission calls for it." Rhett replies in a haste, afraid she might have anymore unpleasant ideas.

"What the hell is EIS?!" Neva exclaims, unable tol hold in the build up of emotions.

"Erriador Intelligence Services. A secret organization, found for the peace of the nation." Rhett says, searching for her eyes.

Neva strangely quiets still.

"Say something Neva," Rhett mumbles, feeling anxious.

Neva sighs, moving away from his hold, she walks towards her couch. He trails after her. Uncovering her hair from the cloth, she sits down, tossing it beside her.

"It feels a bit heavy to take it all in." Neva says, looking up at him.

Rhett kneels down before her frame, 

"I was scared Neva, but I knew I'd tell you eventually. Please, forgive me." He swallows, feeling unusually fearful.

"You were brutal to me. I know, your profession is supposed to be secretive, but you should've considered telling me sooner." Neva voices out her thoughts, her eyes dimmed.

"If I told you sooner, before you said yes to be mine. Would you still stay with me?" He asks, looking through those, ocean deep eyes of hers.

"I don't know. Your work seems tricky, for someone a peacelover like me but... You are still cruel Rhett!" Neva declares her heart.

"I'm really sorry Angel. But I promise you, you'll have all the peace you want. I'll keep you safe, always. Please, don't leave me." His voice, fades in fear at the end. He tenderly embraces her, Neva's warmth—calming his soul.

A lone tear escapes her eye, bearing his own warmth. "Just don't leave me widowed Rhett. Always come back safe to me." She murmers out—wrapping her arms around him.

He chuckles at her assert. "I won't leave you widowed, and always come back safe in your arms. After all, I wanna live our beautiful future ahead." That way, the new lovers comfortably made up on a fragile, yet an important topic, weaving the turning fate to it's written destiny.


(The Same Night)

Basically moved in, Rhett sprawls under Neva's warm kotatsu, ensuring Neva feeds him blueberries.

"Seriously! You have hands Rhett," Neva nags, as he lay there on her lap, chomping on their dessert. "Nuh-uh, it's sweeter this way."  He titters heartily. Neva smiles gingerly, sustaining feeding her baby. 

Disrupting the couples peace, an abrupt ring on their door bell makes Rhett's expression hurl in fury. Who had the guts?

"I'll check." She stands up, only for Rhett to pull her back. "Stay here, I'll get it." Rhett declares, unwillingly standing up.

Apathetically, opening the door he hawks at the unwelcomed visitor, urging to gauge out their eyeballs.

"What the hell?" Rhett's furious tone sends the unlucky trio bouncing back in fear.

"B-Boss we are hungry and cold..."

Ace reacts hastily, begging the heavens to spare them from their leader's rage.