
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Rhett and Neva, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

NeriaRose · Urban
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Abscence of warmth in her heart

The speeding chase of motorcars roars beyond the street for Neva as Rhett accelerates faraway at a thundering velocity.

The slippery street makes it harsh for the gang to keep up the race.

"Drive Faster!!" Ishmael growls at Zev infuriated.

"Got it." Zev answers shifting the gear. His features expresses bitterness of Raka being deranged after a mere woman abandoning his major deals.

"Rhett, they are closer!" Neva glances behind and voices out shrieking amongst the booming noise of the vehicles. Answering her Rhett expedites the speed of his adventure tourer.

"Damnit! Get Out!!" Ishmael shouts angrily as Zev furrows his brows accusing his boss of confusing him.


"I said Fucking Get Out Damnit!!" Ishmael's terrifying gaze makes Zev's lips twitch as the car comes to an abrupt halt.

Ishmael walks out as Zev vacants his seat. He seats himself and commands the vehicle and goes all out after Neva with a whoosh~

Zev left behind ceases one of the Suv controlled by their man and gets in.

Ishmael's Suv thunders advancing the rest, ticking away resembling a gale.

Rhett through the convex mirror of his motorbike sees him coursing forwards fast. Gazing ahead, he accelerates the speed.

Rhett reaches a two-way street. The left path seems to be void and free, the right path has a huge truck layered in snow still and broken lying against the fallen serried of trees on the side. Reminding one of a tragic accident probably caused because of the tricky slippery snow road.

Rhett finds a slight way enough to let his bike through and slips away to the wonderway.

Ishmael constrains the break and grits his teeth gazing at the silhouettes that grows smaller and fainter. His sharp eyes travels around, reversing the car he slides forwards through the opening of the trees he discovers.

Neva closes her eyes praying to let the chase to catch a halt.

Bewildered of the booming echoes Rhett's pupils contracts coming in contact with Ishmael's eyes along with to his side as he drives paralling the same pace as his. Ishmael glances at Neva's widened orbs fighting the urge to shredd Rhett in pieces here and now.

Rhett smoothly changes his path riding amongst the forest within.

Rhett moving to the left street squanders no second and accelerates at a greater speed. He presumes Raka previously drove uncovering way between the shallows of trees. No way Ishmael should be able to catch up to them navigating with the vastness of his vehicle through the densed forest.

Howbeit; vilolently Ishmael charges for them.

Ishmael seems inhumane. Neva acknowledges the thickness of the woods. Did he drive way back to the start of the two-way street or found a way within the forestry?

There again Ishmael's men steers after. Rhett hauls out the six-shooter, quitting the thought of fear regarding an action Neva wouldn't find the most appeasing and opts for violence.

His left hand on the motorbike, he rotates his head. He stretches out his right hand with the pistol, gripped tight. He aims the gun at Ishmael.


Neva closes her eyes–shuddering at the grumbling noise the firearm made, so close to her.

Ishmael ushers the wheel to the right, grazing the iced street, creating a shrill noise. The bullet pierced the armored back door of the car.

Skillfully dodging he stabelizes the vehicle scheming to destroy the motorbike.

Ishmael's men pulls out their own submachine guns, rushing to end the rally. Nonetheless their boss sees through their options. The ear piece on, Ishmael, connects them, "No Firing!". He demands.

They retrat immediately. "No firing." Zev dominates the gang, replaying the warning of their Boss.

"Surround the bike." Ishmael commands.

He wants to surround them, having Rhett left with no possibility other then to stop his bike. Gunning down Rhett seemed appealing lest he didn't have Neva with him.

He did not want Rhett's control over the motorbike to go astray which could lead Neva being heavily injured.


Rhett does not have time to refill the bullets he could only rigorously use the remaining ones.

He aims yet again, at the gang.


Another firing echoes as Neva shuts her eyes in strain and grips Rhett harder.


The bullet pierces through a driver's head as the Suv in the fore violently jerks losing it's balance. The windshield shatters at the force–the fragments of sharp splintered glasses hits the eye of the man on the front passenger's seat.

The man controlling the vehicle behind bulges his eyes, he attempts to avoid the skewed Suv. To no avail the Suv coming after darts at an unkempt speed.


The Suv's crashes on each other–sandwiching him between the one at the fore, arising a havoc in the midst of the vehicles.

Three of the Suv's destroyed five chases in the rear.

Rhett manifests himself as an archangel of death. The slithery and glassy street fortuitously assisting him.

Poising the motorbike Rhett gazes at the convex mirror. Without needing to turn his head, he positions the firearm.


The bullet without fault hits the motorist, the consequence of the black Suv speeding forwards now deranged crashes with the trees.

Rhett perceives the two Suv's sprinting unswerving maintaining a linear balance. His unparalleled witty and rapid actions results the unwavering high ranked mafias bleed out to death.

Zev finds six out of nine Suv's in a catalysm.

The armored vehicles could not live up to Rhett's beastly innovated bullets.

His face pales, the glass on the windscreen of the car cracks resulting the car to move messily in a plight. The man controlling the vehicle has been shot.

He bleeds out frantically mumbling jumbled words.

Zev handles the steering wheel and removes the bleeding man's feet off the brake and presses it getting the car to a stop.

The two man on the back seat curses at the situation. Zev presses his hands on the wound attempting to stop the blood oozing out. Shot at the heart, the blood pressure dropping he starts losing consciousness.

Ishmael connects to Zev. "Are you hit?"

"I'm not but-" Zev replies but gets cuts off by his boss.

"Then Get Them!!" He screams through the ear piece sensing the vehicle still, at one place.

"Raka-" Before Zev could continue Ishmael disconnects.

Betwixt the command of his Boss and the instinct of reversing the car to save the dying comrade Zev's expression hardens.

"What do we do?" One of the man behind inquires. Glancing at the wounded man Zev utters oaths.

"Help him get in the back. I'll end this chase of cat and mouse." The others offers hands and places the injured man in the back seat.

"Compress the wound. Stop the flow." The other man squeezes his hands on the wound following the instructions.

Zev replaces himself from the passengers seat proceeding to take control.


Peering behind Neva sucks her breath in at the chaos caused under the firing of bullets by her fiance.

"Raka You Bastard!!" Rhett grumbles perceiving Ishmael still strong on the road.

He gets to a trivial path at the end moving up a high hill slope. Gazing straight it's a dead end, a warning sign of danger written in a board stamped crooked deep in the dirt.

"Are we riding up?" Neva queries uncertain. "Grab on to me firmer Neva." Pressing the brake he rolls the handle bar reverbing a rumbling sound.

Neva clutches on him tighter as Rhett releases the brake accelerating up the high ground.

The three remaining cars arrives at the same path. Ishmael leading forward steps on his gas mounting up the elevation.

"Boss it's too late." Loma, one of the man inside Zev's car sighs. "Jayden's not breathing anymore." Loma removes his hands which were pressing on Jayden's clothed wound. "Boss it's the dead end. We might even begone before we reach up the surface. That guy has the upper hand being up there." Ren the man beside Loma says.

Zev grits his teeth. Sure Rhett might have the perks of the situation right now.

It does not mean they will leave Raka fighting alone and retrieve like a fool.

He grips the steering wheel tighter and aims to master this adventure as he ascends up.

Showing up on the top of the high ground. Rhett gazes at the nothingness. The frosty air colder and sharper.

Rhett takes the helmet off as Neva does the same. He climbs down the bike helping Neva down after.

He conceals Neva behind him and reloads the bullets on his gun.

Their ears perks up at the noise of a roaring engine approaching.

The suv comes darting in their face.

A clear aim, his form visible through the windscreen.


Rhett fires the gun, but Ishmael has seen through his motives. The tire produces a screeching noise as Ishmael swirls the steering wheel to the right, harshly spinning the vehicle around.

The rear of the suv on their sight of view, the car comes to a stop.

Causing her heart to quicken it's beats.

He keeps his blaring gaze on Ishmael as he steps out the car.

A gun in each of their hands, pointed to each other's head.

Ishmael strides towards them in all his glory.

He monitors his moves. Every little details, including the twitch of a muscle in his jaw as his eyes falls on the delicate woman standing behind him.

And the way his darkened eyes contained a tint, having you shivering for he seized a part of hell's cruelness in them.

Neva peeks at Ishmael as he stands there in a distance and gawks at them making anxiety gnaw at her. She clutches Rhett's hooded sweatshirt.

"What do you want?" Rhett interrogates the gun positioned static to Ishmael's head.

"We meet again, Agent Czar."

Her shaky orbs travels between the two...

Indistinguishable features, much the same heights yet Ishmael seems broader in built and their voices differed.

They utter words hinting they are definitely not stranger to one other.

Interrupting her stiff thoughts the two rumbles of Suv's arrives at the scene.

Swiftly they step out bearing weapons.

They give the two men a perplexed look.

The young man snatching their Boss Raka's woman is a man who harbours an uncanny resemblance of features as him.

'What in the World?' They could only crease their foreheads and quite still.

Zev remains collected since he was with Raka at the time he looked into Rhett's life. Concluding with the fact he actually does look alike Ishmael and not a counterfeit douchebag.

Although, he was not able to bring an answer to why they are the way they are. It's not impossible for them to not have a blood relationship.

He comes around in the present, sensing the tense atmosphere.

"She's Mine Raka. You don't Dare hurt her." Rhett proclaims, stoning his gaze.

Ishmael raises an eyebrow, not paying heed to any of his words.

"Get here, Neva." A bland expression, he tilts his head and steals a glimpse at Neva as she endeavours to appear meager.

Rhett caresses her hand, assuring she's safe with him, all the while keeping his eyes static on Ishmael.

"Don't waste time Neva." Ishmael furrows his brows, seeing her still behind Rhett.

"Come here, leave his side." He was calm, he faintly breathes out, she moves not a muscle.

It hurt, as if he was stabbed in his heart, for over and over again. Neva failed to read those sad eyes. He lowers the weapon in his hand, trudging forwards in a slow pace.

"She's not going anywhere!" Rhett asserts. He had to leave Ishmael dead, here and now.

It was difficult, Raka wanted to take Neva away from him, he wrecked his mind to find a way to kill or escape without a bloodbath.

Her pupils quivers at his sight. Her eyes travels around, six armed man behind Ishmael having them on a gun point. If Rhett shoots Ishmael, they would be rained down by his men.

A burbling, babbling sound of water clashing with the rocks, echoes the hush morning. One could presumes, the water to be flowing by the rushing sound it makes. A river deep running enough to not be frozen still in this cold.

"Stay back!" Rhett raises his voice, Ishmael approaching them.

"Rhett move backwards, steadily." Neva whispers, he does not show the confusion in his mind, he slowly drags his feets in reverse.

He may know what she aims to do. Though it may be really dangerous. He cannot be sure of how deep or shallow the water is.

Nor what habitats there, but at this moment there seems to be no other way.

"Neva don't!" Ishmael warns, Neva flinches, shivering at the chilling tone.

"Please, let us go." Neva appeals, voicing her mind—nearing the end of the cliff.

"You must be kidding me." Ishmael scoffs.

"You're coming with me."

"Shut the fuck up!" Rhett long lost his cool, his body trembles in anger.

"I was talking to her!" Ishmael grits his teeth, his eyes boring a hole through Rhett's head.

"I'd hate to be what you want us to be. I don't want to stand by you." Neva declares her heart.

A swift in the air.


Ishmael fired at Rhett.

Ishmael couldn't even leave a graze on Rhett. Neva's swift instincts had let her to jump into the river, her hand tightly in hold of Rhett.

The clashing sounds of their bodies with the water echoes.

Ishmael stands numbed and unmoving.


Sensing his boss in a daze Zev commands the rest of their men.

"Get them! Jump in!"

Hesitating a little, yet they dive in the freezing water. Their heavy and brawny bodies battling with the cold, greenish river.