
Illusive Eden - He Pretends He's the Hero

Rhett and Neva, the two youths have their heart strings attached in love. Interfering their peaceful life circumstances unfolds scattering blades in their romance. Ishmael, with a heart of spikes, he looks to mend the wound, searching and failing for his Neva separated from him. Rays of love and joy filtering through clouds of horror in the world, Neva before him once more. The twisted fate entangling them, reveals the game of sphere as misery burns their soul. Concealed life beyond turning pages—one after another. The tale gathers: sin and virtue, tragedy and fortune, strength and weakness, destruction and creation, love and hate. The fall of the man, even now bleeding red. The whisper whirls with the dawn of a man. He, who pretends to be the Hero. (The girl who promised to always be together, Forbids him to ever appear, Refusing to recognise him, She disregards all he ever had. Vowing to protect her, He's the terrifying truth she hopes rules lie. Tripping and ripping her, He's the living tragedy looming in on her life. He once was her Elayne, now her hiraeth; He's the villain pretending to be a Hero.)

NeriaRose · Urban
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

'I will protect you'

"Ishmael! Ishmael!!"

The shriek and panicked voice of a little girl—and the cruel growlings of a rottweiler echoes round the hushed field.

Orthopteras in the free meadow, calmly singing songs along with the murmuring music of a river nearby.

The little girl dared not keep her eyes open, afraid the large dog, twice her size would gobble her down.

With each elapse of time, the vicious dog growls in a more aggressive way.

Fear stricken she trembles. A spare twig of a fig tree in the hold of her hands. She prays the fragile armament to magically cause the animal to dissapear.

Unforeseen...she senses a presence near in front of her. She unveils her eyelids, peeking a little.

Fortuitously a boy presents himself. The one, who accompanied her to watch the fireflies that close of day. She had lost sight of moments ago.

He stands there, resembling a shield guarding a soldier.

"Neva, don't worry. I'm here.

I will protect you." A saccharine, sturdy voice reverbs in her ears.

"Ishmael–" The girl familiar with the name Neva hiccups, little sobs accompanying her.

Ishmael's orbs reveals a murderous intend, a stark contrast to the soft boy features of his.

He went to get berries for her, reasuring he will accompany her soon.

The sweet black berries dropped from his hands, splattering on the grassy land, the motive to surprise her in his eyes dimming—his dear friend tremored by a wild rottweiler.

He was a little man, but boy was he fast.

He had spared not a chance for the animal to take heed of him. His little frame raced towards her.

Now he stands firm, protecting his Neva.

Enraged the dog barks louder, causing little Neva to flinch miserably.

Ishmael scans the ground surrounding round. He attempts to move away, in aims of turning nature's bare offering to a weapon. A burning touch of gazes, he glares at the dog.

The animal has long shifted his target to the boy, a little larger than the girl. Ishmael irking the wild animal greater than she did.

The rottweiler had a fur of faded tan and a taupe colour, a long scar vertically lining it's eyes. It moves, steps nearer to the boy, an instinct to Ishmael trudging his feet away.

A huge rock by the river bank. Ishmael picks it up. All the while the animal carries on the roars. He seems to not flinch a muscle. The overwhelming weight in his palms abuses his little form. He screams, rallying strength, with a swift motion the rock hits the dog in it's shoulder.

He was not so cruel to murder the dog.

Although he injured it badly. The creature wails in pain. Blood dying the fur red.

Frightened and tamed the savage rottweiler moves in reverse, running away—howling in sorrow.

Merciless eyes of Ishmael's swirls soft, his vision on the shivering Neva.

"Neva..." His warm voice fails to reach her appalled state.

Ishmael trudges towards her, his palms gently caressing her cold ones. He attempts to throw away the twig from her tightened fists.

"Let go Neva." Warm voice reverbs in her ear. She gazes up at his eyes, her lips quivering.

Finally she comes around, loosens her posture. Sensing the hold on the twig unfasten, Ishmael tosses it away.

Adorable fair face of the boy comes in her sight of view. Melancholy cocoa orbs radiating warmth.

"You left me Ishmael." She sniffs.

"I-I was so scared."

Her orbs dripped in honey shed pearls like tears.

The bright sun of the noon now wears an orange hue—peeking through the lilac clouds, painting the sky along red and orange.

Through his eyes, she looks especially enchanting and pretty at this very moment.

Her little whimpers causes Ishmael to crack the trance from the fantastical presence in front of him.

"Shh~ I'm here now. Be afraid no more."

Embracing her, he tries to calm her down.

His words the most delightful he ever breath out.

She clings her arms around him, gradually her breathing stables.

"Ishmael...please don't leave me anymore."

She pouts her little rosy lips.

Parting apart from her, he gazes down her wet feathery, long fluttering lashes. Her cheeks and nose in shades of scarlet alike a red ripened apple.

"I won't ever leave you anymore." His eyes reaches the delighted smile on his lips.

His heart overflowing with her adorableness.

"Promise?" In a small, cute voice she asks. A hand over his heart, "I promise." He returns, smiling, having her mirror back the curve up of the lips.

"Come on, let's go home."

Neva nods her head. Ishmael's hand holding her tiny ones—walking up the high slope, leading to the main street.

The fireflies near the river bank were just starting to illuminate the place. The chilly night approaching.


The sounds of bird chirping re-echoes around the swallow mountain. The isolated mansion erected in the heart of the densed forest.

The sun rays slyly peeps through the tiny gaps between the black curtains.

Ishmael's eyelids twitches, eventually unveiling. The gloomy, dark grey ceiling hurts his soul.

He seats himself up on the bed. The pitch black, cold room clouding his domain with numbness. Eyes bare, lips parched, dark hue encricling his orbs hints one of his sleepless night.

Such well sculpted frame. Nevertheless, the treacherous aura eminating from out of the lone man, has one shiver dispirited.

For the nightmare of breathing the same air enclosing him, splits the heart and masticates the brain.

He had the dream; the same one still. The dream of a precious memory of him and the most precious person of his.

"Where are you?" He whispers, his lips heavy to draw out her name. He swallows the agony down his throat.

Closing the eyes, he rubs his face with the large, rough hands of his. He heaves out an exhausted sigh. Mentally preparing for another twenty four hours of burying, roving his mind in workload.

His body being sturdy, yet in a weakened state because of a wound.

A wound which does not heal no matter the rest and efforts he gets.

For only; The One shall be the reviver.