
Chapter 32

Yes, I took her as my daughter because she is special and close to our hearts. They are the reason why we are in Ghana, so, please be kind to your fellow citizen. This act does not speak well of you.” Although Kokuvi was embarrassed, it was more profitable to put up a front and continue with his dubious plan unabated.

Adamantly, Kokuvi insisted on seeing Adobea’s father too.

" I'm not afraid to show this to her father if that is what you're insinuating," he replied adamantly.

" Nothing prevents you from doing so." Kokuvi, a little ashamed for being so impetuous and overconfident, wasted no time in going to see Adobea's father.

“Yes. I have seen this," said Adobea's father, "but I still don’t believe my daughter will do this. Even if she did, what’s your point?”

“I asked her to marry me and she willingly agreed. This is evidence enough that she more than loves me.”