

He goes to Different Anime Worlds 1st World- Kabaneri Of Iron Fortress 2nd World- God Eater 3rd Word- Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo) 4th World- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War) 5th World- Shakugan no Shana 6th World- Re: Zero Kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu (Re: Zero - Starting Life in Another World) 7th World- Tsukihime, Lunar Legend 8th World- Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo) 2 9th World- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War) 2 10th World---- Thank You Pengamat_Ketiga for providing this information. There are more worlds but I will mention them when I reach their chapters. "From today onwards, you will become a Divine Envoy of one of the Main Gods in the Dimensions Of Gods. You will constantly traverse through countless worlds. In doing so, you will obtain things that others can never attain in their entire lives." In that instant when these words echoed in Fang Li's mind, his life was destined to no longer be ordinary... (Hey Guys, I am retranslating this novel here and I will try to quickly reach the chapters that had been already translated on other websites. For everyone's confirmation, I am translating it with my own efforts and I am not copying it from other websites. So give me your reviews and tell me if you like it)

DarkShadow95 · Anime & Comics
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538 Chs


The Fenrir Headquarters is located in Europe, with branches established around the world. The Far East branch is located in the former Island Country.

"And our Mission this time is to be carried out at the Russian Branch." Amamiya Rindou lit another cigarette as e spoke and his expression became even more serious as he did so.

"According to reports, a large group of Aragami has been gathering in the vicinity of Russia and gradually moving towards the direction of the Russian Branch. It is estimated that in three days, a large number of Aragami will reach the defense wall of the Russian Branch and launch a full-scale attack. Our task is to go to the Russian Branch and join forces with them, engaging in a preemptive strike to eliminate the Aragami before they launch their attack."

Upon hearing this, Fang Li couldn't tell what expressions the other soldiers had. However, his brows slightly furrowed.

"Executing the Mission at the Russian Branch?"

That could be troublesome. Because in that case, Fang Li wouldn't be able to rely heavily on his foresight advantage as most of the original story's plot happened at the Far East branch.

But now, they had to undertake a mission that required going to the Russian Branch.

What did this mean? It meant that this operation was not part of the original story.

Furthermore, judging from the fact that there were only three members in the First Unit, Fang Li could be certain that the original story had not officially begun at this time.

After all, if the original story had already started, the main character from the original should have joined the First Unit. Now, since Fang Li hadn't seen the main character from the original story, it was highly likely that he hadn't reached the point where the plot began.

This mission would obviously be more challenging than the previous one.

"It seems that as I progress beyond the novice stage, the trials in the Main God's Dimension will only become more severe." With that in mind, Fang Li once again focused his mind on Amamiya Rindou's words.

"We have limited time. We must arrive at the Russian Branch within three days and coordinate with them to carry out various preparations." Amamiya Rindou closed his eyes and clasped the cigarette between his fingers as he continued, "As you can see, we are solely responsible for the combat aspect. The preparation work needs to be done by you."

"If there are no objections, we better set off now." Amamiya Rindou lifted his gaze and looked at the soldiers, stating such a line. "If you have any questions, now is the time to speak up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole scene fell silent.

Naturally, no one raised any doubts.

In the lineup, Fang Li understood some things.

Just as Amamiya Rindou had said, the soldiers present had no responsibility for the combat aspect. Only the First Unit, as God Eaters, had to consider that.

The soldiers present were responsible for support.

The Equipment Unit is responsible for supplies.

The Medical Unit is responsible for healing and treatment.

The Operator is responsible for communication.

The Transportation Unit is responsible for driving.

And so on, the soldiers present were responsible for these roles.

Fang Li seemed to have been assigned to the Equipment Unit.

This unit was responsible for transporting resources to the frontline forces and, if necessary, providing support with weapons. It was a relatively dangerous role. However, whether it was dangerous or not was not the issue Fang Li was concerned about.

There was only one issue Fang Li needed to pay attention to.

"Is it just the three of you?" Fang Li's voice resounded clearly in the surroundings. "Are there only three God-Eaters sent by the Far East branch?"

When this question came out of Fang Li's mouth and echoed clearly in the surroundings, all the soldiers turned their astonished gazes toward him.

"Oh?" Amamiya Rindou seemed surprised that someone had actually raised a question, and his gaze also focused on Fang Li's body.

"Eh?" Sakuya Tachibana also looked at Fang Li with a surprised expression on her face.

"Hmph." Soma only glanced at Fang Li once, then seemed to lose interest and stopped paying attention to him.

In that instant, Fang Li suddenly became the center of attention. Under the gaze of everyone present, Fang Li looked at Amamiya Rindou without paying attention to others.

Amamiya Rindou also looked at Fang Li with an engrossed expression, and after a while, he said, "What? Don't you believe in our abilities?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Fang Li shook his head and said, "The First Unit is the most outstanding God Eater team in the Far East branch, and I'm aware of that."

"We can't afford to take on the evaluation of being the most outstanding. It would only increase our workload, so spare us." Amamiya Rindou shrugged and asked, "Since you hold us in such high regard, why do you have this question?"

"I just wanted to confirm." Fang Li didn't conceal anything and directly expressed his thoughts. "If it comes to a situation where you can't make a move, can we, as soldiers, also fight the Aragami on the front lines?"

That's right.

That was the question Fang Li was concerned about. Fang Li's Quest was closely related to the Aragami.

Putting aside the difficulty, if there was no chance to go to the front lines, completing the Quest would be out of the question. So, Fang Li had to clarify this question.

Otherwise, planning his next actions would be quite difficult. However, Fang Li didn't know how astonishing his words sounded.

At least, the gazes of the surrounding soldiers toward Fang Li had changed and they looked at him as if he were a strange person.

"Fight the Aragami?" Amamiya Rindou chuckled bitterly. "You've brought up an interesting point."

"Judging by your appearance, it seems that you don't want to avoid fighting. On the contrary, you want to actively engage in battle on the front lines, right?" Sakuya Tachibana advised, "You're just an ordinary soldier, not a God Eater, and you don't even have a God Arc. You're simply not capable of dealing with the Aragami. So, it's better for you to forget about dangerous things like fighting the Aragami."

"Without a God Arc, you can't fight the Aragami." Soma didn't turn around but dropped those words.

"Don't get yourself killed." After saying that, Soma walked into the helicopter on his own, leaving behind Amamiya Rindou and Sakuya Tachibana, who exchanged a glance and both appeared somewhat helpless.

"Well, that's basically how it is." Amamiya Rindou smiled at Fang Li and said, "Leave the fighting to us. Just focus on your own tasks and everything will be alright. You're an interesting kid."

With those words, Amamiya Rindou gave a direct order.

"Everyone, board the aircraft!"

Following Amamiya Rindou's command, the soldiers responded loudly one by one, and began boarding one after another.

As Fang Li watched Amamiya Rindou and Sakuya Tachibana, who had also boarded the helicopter, he followed the rest of the troops and contemplated.

"I must plan carefully for what comes next."
