

He goes to Different Anime Worlds 1st World- Kabaneri Of Iron Fortress 2nd World- God Eater 3rd Word- Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo) 4th World- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War) 5th World- Shakugan no Shana 6th World- Re: Zero Kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu (Re: Zero - Starting Life in Another World) 7th World- Tsukihime, Lunar Legend 8th World- Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo) 2 9th World- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War) 2 10th World---- Thank You Pengamat_Ketiga for providing this information. There are more worlds but I will mention them when I reach their chapters. "From today onwards, you will become a Divine Envoy of one of the Main Gods in the Dimensions Of Gods. You will constantly traverse through countless worlds. In doing so, you will obtain things that others can never attain in their entire lives." In that instant when these words echoed in Fang Li's mind, his life was destined to no longer be ordinary... (Hey Guys, I am retranslating this novel here and I will try to quickly reach the chapters that had been already translated on other websites. For everyone's confirmation, I am translating it with my own efforts and I am not copying it from other websites. So give me your reviews and tell me if you like it)

DarkShadow95 · Anime & Comics
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538 Chs


Today, the shogunate is thriving and rules the entire country, holding great privilege in its hands.

Under the rule of the shogunate, each Station City is governed by a prominent family that maintains the operation and order of the city, and they are also responsible for repelling the attacking Kabane.

Aragane Station also has its own governing family.

That family is the Yomokawa Family.

This so-called Martial Fight Gathering is a semi-formal tournament hosted by the Yomokawa family.

Why is it called semi-formal?

Because the main purpose of this tournament is to provide a channel for the Bushi of Aragane Station to release their frustrations.

In a situation where they lack decisive means to deal with the Kabane, the Bushi stationed in Aragane Station live every day in fear of being killed or infected by the Kabane.

Even Fang Li is aware of this, and naturally, the Yomokawa family, responsible for governing Aragane Station, knows it too.

In such circumstances, if the Bushi were to maintain a state of constant tension, fear, and vigilance while guarding the city, it would inevitably lead to significant problems in the end.

Therefore, based on the recommendations of strategists, the consul general of the Yomokawa family decided to hold the tournament every ten days, allowing their Bushi to engage in combat and release their pent-up emotions appropriately.

"Also, this matter?"

Fang Li was somewhat surprised after learning the whole story from a passerby.

After all, this was not something mentioned in the original work.

However, upon closer consideration, it was possible for such a release valve to exist when faced with the constant threat of death.

Just because it wasn't mentioned in the original work doesn't mean it didn't happen.

"It seems that my so-called foresight and foreknowledge would only be useful to a certain extent. After all, it's impossible to grasp all the details just by watching it on the screen."

As Fang Li mused on this, two Bushi were facing off on the makeshift stage.

Observing the two Bushi confronting each other on the stage, Fang Li raised an eyebrow.

Because, to some extent, Fang Li recognized those two individuals from the original work.


"Defeat him, Kurusu!"

"Don't lose to Kurusu! Kibito!"

"Keep fighting!"

Amidst the cheers of the Bushi around him that filled the makeshift arena one after another, the two Bushi on the stage held their Katanas in their hands and stared at each other, locked in a standoff.

On the left side stood a Bushi dressed in a formal blue-black attire, exuding a serious demeanor from head to toe.

This Bushi was precisely the one receiving cheers from the crowd, Konochi Kurusu.

On the right side stood a muscular Bushi wearing a light red armor on his body and looking slightly older in age than his opponent.

This Bushi was the one who the crowd cheered on as Kibito— Araka Kibito.

Both of these men served the Yomokawa family, who were responsible for governing Aragane Station. They were exceptionally active in the original story, accompanying the main characters through several life-threatening crises as plot characters.

Therefore, Fang Li was familiar with them.

"I didn't expect it would be them battling each other."

At that moment, Fang Li's gaze fell directly on the bodies of Konochi Kurusu and Araka Kibito.

In that instant, Konochi Kurusu and Araka Kibito both held sharp katanas, their blades pointed toward each other. Their eyes reflected seriousness and severity as if they were facing the greatest rival of their lives. They ignored the cheering of the crowd around them and focused entirely on each other.

Compared to the other Bushi caught up in the fervor of cheering, sounding like enthusiastic spectators creating a commotion, these two gave the impression of true Bushi, exuding a distinct aura.

In the next moment, these two exceptional Bushi almost simultaneously made their move.



Accompanied by two low and somewhat synchronized shouting sounds, Konochi Kurusu and Araka Kibito forcefully stepped onto the ground and charged toward each other.

Though it was a simple step, they both shot forward like arrows released from a bow, eliminating the distance between them in an instant and meeting in the center of the stage.


The sound of sharp katanas slicing through the air could be distinctly heard by everyone as the two Bushi met in the center of the stage, their gazes shifted from seriousness to sharpness. They faced each other, swiftly wielding their weapons.


With a clear sound of steel colliding against each other, their katanas clashed heavily against each other.

At that very moment, Kurusu suddenly angled his katana, grazing against Kibito's blade edge with a horizontal slash aimed at Kibito's neck.

Kibito's expression changed slightly as he quickly retreated and barely evaded that merciless slash, creating just enough distance between him and his opponent. However, at the same time, Kurusu forcefully lunged toward Kibito.

Kibito's eyes widened before his katana accelerated to its peak speed as he aimed a downward strike at the approaching Kurusu.

Seeing this, the expression on Kurusu's face turned cold as he raised his weapon without hesitation, closing the distance between them.

The two Bushi moved back and forth, immediately engaging each other once again.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang—!"

In an instant, an uninterrupted series of crisp sounds of sword collisions resonated in the surroundings.

Konochi Kurusu and Araka Kibito wielded their swords at an astonishing speed, continuously clashing with each other. Their sharp weapons collided against each other creating sparks again and again.



"They truly deserve to be among the elite Bushi!"

The intense swordplay elicited cheers from the Bushi in the audience.

Even Fang Li's eyes brightened as he silently nodded his head in approval.

Whether it was Konochi Kurusu or Araka Kibito, both of them were worthy of the title of Bushi.

With such brilliant exchanges of attacks and swordplay, they could even handle a Kabane with ease, couldn't they?

At least in terms of strength, Fang Li couldn't compare to the two Bushi on stage.

Moreover, Fang Li was well aware that the two Bushi on stage were actually holding back.

After all, they were only competing, not intending to engage in a real battle.

"They're already this impressive while holding back. Truly remarkable."

As this thought crossed Fang Li's mind, the situation on stage changed once again.

"Hah!" Kurusu suddenly shouted, and the speed of his katana in hand increased abruptly, slashing with astonishing speed.

"What…?!" Kibito was taken aback but only had time to react as the sharp katana came down toward him.


Under a loud collision sound, a katana flew into the air.