

He goes to Different Anime Worlds 1st World- Kabaneri Of Iron Fortress 2nd World- God Eater 3rd Word- Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo) 4th World- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War) 5th World- Shakugan no Shana 6th World- Re: Zero Kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu (Re: Zero - Starting Life in Another World) 7th World- Tsukihime, Lunar Legend 8th World- Hidan no Aria (Aria the Scarlet Ammo) 2 9th World- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (The Asterisk War) 2 10th World---- Thank You Pengamat_Ketiga for providing this information. There are more worlds but I will mention them when I reach their chapters. "From today onwards, you will become a Divine Envoy of one of the Main Gods in the Dimensions Of Gods. You will constantly traverse through countless worlds. In doing so, you will obtain things that others can never attain in their entire lives." In that instant when these words echoed in Fang Li's mind, his life was destined to no longer be ordinary... (Hey Guys, I am retranslating this novel here and I will try to quickly reach the chapters that had been already translated on other websites. For everyone's confirmation, I am translating it with my own efforts and I am not copying it from other websites. So give me your reviews and tell me if you like it)

DarkShadow95 · Anime & Comics
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538 Chs



In the midst of the rolling wheels' sound, Fang Li gradually awakened, his eyes blinking open.

As he stared blankly at the wall in front of him, he muttered to himself.

"They haven't found me?"

This stroke of luck amidst the massive misfortune was indeed unexpected.

"But how much time has passed?"

Just as Fang Li contemplated this question, a long-lost system notification rang out, as if responding to his thoughts.

"The remaining retention time for Serial Number 11273 is less than an hour. Please plan your actions accordingly."

Upon hearing the notification, Fang Li finally realized the passage of time.

"Has it already been a day and a night?"

The period of rest had been quite extensive.

If Fang Li hadn't awakened at this moment, he would have likely returned to the Main God's Dimension while still unconscious.

Less than an hour remained.

"Then let's settle everything in one go."

With that determination in mind, Fang Li shifted his body slightly.

A faint tingling sensation spread throughout his body, originating from the wound on his chest.

In just a day and a night, it was impossible for Fang Li's injuries to fully heal.

However, thanks to his increased Endurance, his resilience had strengthened, and the injuries no longer hindered his movements.

Thus, Fang Li rose from the ground.

In his hand, the blood-stained dagger still bore traces of crimson pn it.

Flicking away the bloodstains, his ice-blue Mystic Eyes emerged quietly.

"Let's begin…"

Following Fang Li's encounter, although the Hunters' samurai failed to locate his whereabouts, their vigilance heightened in response.

Unlike the Aragane Station Hayajiro, the Hunters' Hayajiro housed no ordinary civilians, only seasoned warriors.

As a result, the samurai teams meticulously patrolled through the carriages, one by one.

At that moment, two samurai happened to be descending from the front carriage during their patrol.

Engaging in conversation as they moved, they discussed the puzzling situation.

"I can't fathom why an outsider Wanderer possesses such immense skills."

"Not only did he defeat Chief Head, but he also took down the two of us."

"The most troublesome part is that this dangerous individual is still hiding within the Hayajiro."

"If it weren't for his severe injuries, one can only imagine the havoc he would wreak if he were to unleash a massacre on board."

As they conversed, the samurai made their way down, passing by a corner.

In that split second, the Death God concealed within the shadows struck swiftly.

"Pū chī——!"

The unmistakable sound of flesh being torn apart reverberated as one samurai's head was abruptly cleaved off, spilling forth a torrent of blood.

The crimson liquid splattered onto the nearby samurai, who stood within arm's reach, causing his pupils to shrink to the size of needles, his expression morphing into shock.

Even battle-hardened samurai would instinctively scream in fear when confronted with such a gruesome and brutal sight, particularly when it involved their comrade, with whom they had just been conversing a moment ago.

Before the samurai could release a scream, a hand emerged from behind, swiftly covering his mouth.

"Pū chī——!"

A dagger glided across the second samurai's throat, cutting off his windpipe as blood surged forth.

The two battle-hardened samurai, confronted by the obliteration wrought by the Death God in the form of an assassin, failed to react and lost their lives in an instant.

The lifeless bodies slumped to the ground, staining the floor with a growing pool of red.

Only then did Fang Li's figure emerge from the darkness.

Staring at the two lifeless forms on the ground, his face remained devoid of emotion, while his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception shimmered with blue light, casting a brilliant aura amidst the darkness.

He then shifted his gaze toward another carriage.

"I hope what exists in the original work won't disappear here."

Leaving those words behind, Fang Li once again melded into the shadows, stealthily making his way toward the front carriage.

Barely a moment after Fang Li's departure, another patrol team of samurai descended from the front carriage and stumbled upon the two lifeless bodies.

In an instant, a mix of shock and anger reverberated throughout the entire Hayajiro, accompanied by blaring alarm sounds.

"The enemy has revealed himself!"

The Hunters' Hayajiro descended into complete chaos as the urgent cries of the Samurai filled the air.

"Quick! Catch up!" One of them exclaimed, urging the others to hasten their pursuit.

"He couldn't have left long ago!" Another Samurai exclaimed, his voice laced with frustration.

"He actually managed to hide until now?" A third Samurai questioned in disbelief.

Curses were muttered under breaths, with one common name resonating through their conversations – the Wanderer. It was clear that this elusive figure had evaded their detection and caused this havoc.

One by one, the Hunters' Samurai began to gather, their footsteps echoing through the corridors as they rushed in one determined direction. They were resolute in their mission to bring justice to the perpetrator lurking within the Hayajiro.

As they advanced, it became evident that the killer they sought was within the carriage behind, for the Samurai who had discovered the lifeless corpses in the front carriage hadn't noticed anyone entering it. The grim scene fueled their certainty, instilling a chilling sense of dread within their ranks.

The bodies sprawled on the ground bore the brutal marks of death. Slashed throats and pierced hearts were evident, each victim having succumbed to a single, lethal strike.

Their faces, frozen in perpetual bewilderment, mirrored the shock they experienced in their final moments. The sight sent shivers down the spines of every Samurai present, for it hinted at the presence of a remorseless executioner hiding among them.

"We must find him, at all costs," One Samurai declared firmly, his voice tinged with determination. The gravity of the situation propelled them forward, stepping over the fallen comrades as they moved closer to their enemy.

Meanwhile, the Samurai from the front carriage had caught up, their arrival marking a turning point. Alerted to the presence of the Assassin, the Samurai in the back carriage finally discovered the traces left in the wake of the killer's movements.

"Fire… Fire your guns!" a Samurai shouted, his voice laced with a hint of hysteria. In response, the Samurai raised their Steam Guns, fingers firmly gripping the triggers.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" The gunshots erupted like a cascade of firecrackers, their echoes reverberating relentlessly through the air. Bullet after bullet tore through the atmosphere, breaking the sound barrier with their violent propulsion.

In the midst of the chaos, Fang Li stood poised, his dagger firmly grasped in his hand. Two lifeless bodies lay at his feet, a testament to his lethal prowess.

As the bullets hurtled toward him, Fang Li's ice-blue Mystic Eyes blazed with an otherworldly intensity. With an unexpected burst of speed, he charged forward, his figure transforming into a blur of motion.

"Swish!" His movements were so swift that the bullets, once on a direct trajectory, now found themselves lacking accuracy against his elusive form.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!" The bullets collided with the steel-made ground, generating sparks and dazzling flashes in their wake.

Undeterred, Fang Li continued his onslaught, his resolve unwavering.

"Kill!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos. Like a gust of wind, he surged into the heart of the Samurai, his dagger gleaming with a cold, deadly light.

With each strike, the fabric tore, and crimson spurts painted the air, the sound of rending flesh and a macabre symphony filled in the midst of the turmoil.