



Adrian Nielsen

I got out from the meeting room and guess who I found leaning on the wall facing the meeting room door?

/"I thought you're going to wait for me in Italy?/" I asked as all of my employees left me alone with Dean.

/"I have work around here and.. decided why not visit you so you won't be all cozy with your employee./" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

/"Your definition of cozy if pretty weird, Dean./" I said as I walked towards the lift with him following me.

/"Oh really? Let me remind you that you're an ILLICIT member and.. being whipped is not on your list. Fuck her once and be done with it./" He hissed and then he left me alone. I can't believe he just said that, he snapped.

I went down to the lobby and got into my car. I drove towards the hotel since it's almost 9 pm. I texted Leah to come out and then Dean's words hit me again.

In the end of the day, he's right.