



Leah Morris

When Adrian called us both, he asked Jack to enter his office first. I walked back and forth nervously. Is he going to fire me? Did I do something wrong? I'm starting to stress out a little bit.

I leaned to the wall while waiting for Jack to come out. I was stressing out a little bit. After waiting for around 10 minutes, Jack walked out and he gestured me to go inside. I took a really deep breath and walked in. Adrian was wearing his glasses as he told me to sit down.

/"Is everything okay?/" I asked in a really careful tone.

/"You'll come with me to Paris for a project./" He said and I was surprised that he wanted me to come with him.

/"How about the cubes?/" I asked.

/"It can wait, we'll be going tomorrow night./" He said and I nodded.

/"How many days will we be staying there?/"