
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Loving the criminal 6 (Bella's Journey) [R-18+]

"Humans are suspicious and jealous creatures. When they see something perfect, they wanna find a flaw."- Hattori (Detective Conan)

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The nightclub pulsated with vibrant energy as the heavy bass reverberated through the air, creating an electrifying atmosphere. Strobe lights flickered and danced, casting vibrant hues of blue, purple, and green across the dimly lit space, giving the illusion of a surreal dreamscape. The air was thick with a heady mix of sweat, perfume, and the lingering scent of alcohol, creating an intoxicating aroma that enveloped the club.

Bodies moved in sync with the infectious rhythm, a sea of swaying hips and gyrating torsos. The dance floor was a melting pot of diverse souls, each lost in their world, yet connected by the universal language of music. The crowd was a kaleidoscope of colors and styles, with fashion-forward individuals donning sequined dresses, leather jackets, and vibrant neon outfits that glowed under the neon lights.

Behind the bar, bartenders worked with lightning speed, expertly mixing and shaking cocktails, their hands a blur of motion. The bar was a haven for those seeking a momentary respite from the pulsating chaos of the dance floor. Patrons leaned against the counter, sipping on brightly colored concoctions, their laughter and chatter mingling with the music.

The VIP section, elevated and secluded, offered a glimpse into a world of exclusivity. Dimly lit and adorned with plush velvet couches, it provided a haven for those seeking privacy or a momentary escape from the crowd. Champagne bottles popped, sending sprays of bubbly liquid into the air, as the privileged few celebrated their status.

As the night wore on, the energy in the club reached its peak. The crowd's movements became more frenzied, bodies pressed closer together, and the air crackled with a palpable electricity. The nightclub had become a sanctuary, a place where time stood still, and worries melted away into the rhythm of the music.

And in this club, there she stood leaning against the counter looking all sexy and...


The way her silky silver tight short dress hugged her hips, the way her glossy thighs parted, the way her crimson lips took a sip from her Sazerac, the way her amber eyes closed while she devoured the taste, the way her bright red stiletto stabbed the floor, the way her hips bounced slightly to the beat, the way the little lights shone on her face making her fabulous, the way her necklace exposed the beauty of her bare shoulders and long neck...

It was all vibrant. Her sexy body screamed 'Fuck me'. Every starved eyes were glued on her.

And there...

In between the starved gazes, there was also a pair of ocean-blue eyes instantly fixed on her... Hunger was written in italic font on both of them... His Adam's apple strode up and down as he led his stare down to her bare legs and thighs. Then his hand attempted to bring the glass of red wine to his lips, imagining it was her crimson lips.

A groan escaped his sexy mischievous lips when he gazed at her ass that kept swaying slowly to the rhythm and his hand grasped the glass tightly, imagining it was her alluring ass that's under his palm squeezing it. Then his eyes caught her breasts that looked like peaches grown under very good care.

His blue eyes turned dark as if the ocean was contaminated until it turned to pitch black water. He came here following her after warning himself to behave and just watch her from a distance like he did these past few days. But now, the word 'behave' is misspelled to 'have her' in his vocabulary... He couldn't resist his need to drink her like she was his favorite mojito, to chew her like gum, to take a bite from her, to smoke her like a cigar... He was wickedly awakened now.

It's hard to tell if this is exciting, bad, or good anymore.


"Thanks," she smiled to the Brazilian bartender when he refilled her empty glass with Sazerac. Now she could feel her legs getting exhausted after standing for hours without having a proper dance with a Brazilian guy. And she was way too proud to dance alone after she saw all of them were couples dancing on the floor, the guys had their arms wrapped at their females' waists and even some of them had their palms on their ass gripping them tightly until it busted. And Bella never liked or enjoyed these kinds of shits.

But the dance floor was shiny with all kinds of lights, making her stilettos yarn to step on it and learn how dancing may feel in this club.

Then before the yarn floated away, gentle fingers grazed her bare shoulder, the sensation too startling on her skin.

"May I have this dance?" the man had his head bowed, his blonde hair shining brightly until it looked fake, and the tight clothes he wore exposing his muscles.

"Kerry?" she gasped when he stood straight in front of her, his smile clouded by his fake mustache, his hand extended for her to take and his eyes bright blue as always.

"How are you, darling?" his smile extended further and her favorite deep dimples arrived on his face, doubling his beauty.

"W-What happened to your hair?" asked, her tone sounding troubled.

"Oh, It's a wig." he pulled her to the dance floor impatiently. "I missed you," he whispered near her ear, his heat jolting her whole being.

"I missed you too, Kerry." now, his arms folded at her tiny waist, charging himself from the energy of her warmth before he completely shut down. Then his curious fingers made their way to her bare thighs stroking her lightly, feeling inquisitive of how her skin may feel after a month-long absence of his touch.

"K-Kerry what if someone sees us?" but she was still shy.

An amused look appeared on his face before he responded, "It's dark. No worries." it was indeed dark only disco lights shimmering but she couldn't shake the feeling of fear now that she was a celebrity. His fingers were doing things to her... Things so good yet so wicked. Things so passionate yet illegal.

Then her hands rested on his hair (wig) and her amber eyes stared at his fake mustache that seemed to disturb the view of his face, "What's with the mustache?" her question was decorated with a chuckle that invaded his heart.

"I did this all to surprise you." he lied with a genuine smile.

"Oh? Why would you do that?" she teased him.

"Because today is your birthday, little missy." he continued. "And I begged my boss to set me free so I could fly here and surprise you."

"Are you still working in that supermarket?"

"Yeah," he lied again as if it was a natural thing to do. The words that escaped from his lips were all lies... He has been lying these whole years without flinching once.

They kept dancing to the music, their eyes fixed on each other as the world revolved only around them, Like everything was blurred except them... The Latin music now changed to another, leaving its place to the English one.

Bella leaned to him, face pressed into his neck as they continued to sway.

"Tell me what you want to do with me." Kerry's deep voice reached her ears.

"Just leaning into you like this is enough for me." her face was still there, sniffing his minty scent and enjoying the warmness of his neck.

"You only have until morning. Choose wisely, Bella. Don't let this chance slide."

She thought about it for a second and found herself nodding. Maybe he was eager to do something for her before her birthday passed.

"Okay give me a minute to think," she whispered.

What could they do at this hour? Amid her thoughts, the lyrics of the music interrupted her...

'... In the realm of passion's embrace,

I shall bind you, and your sight erase.

Gently, I'll uncover your bare form,

Impatient kisses, desire's storm.

My tongue, a force, tasting your skin,

Exploring depths, where pleasure begins.

With each moan, your surrender grows,

Anticipation, a sweet torment, it bestows.

Aching to please, I'll make you yearn,

Obeying my will, a lesson to learn.

In rhythmic motion, I'll rock you strong,

A reward, a symphony of longing.

Whisper 'Master,' as I claim your soul,

For I am your lord, your desires I control.

Beg for mercy, my dear, as I take the lead,

In this realm of passion, I am all you need...' (the lyric is written by me *proud*)

She thought... She thought if she did him like that. She thought of him kneeling in front of her, his hands tied, naked, begging for mercy as she licked his body teasingly... She thought about touching his hard body as he was a moaning mess... Yes, she thought about it and it was hot until her curiosity made her lose her mind.

Kerry's fingers were still stroking her thigh, slowly going further up and up... Until he touched her soaked panties. She was wet as hell...

"You are soaked." Kerry's shaky voice whispered near her ear.

"Come to my room after some minutes." she knew she had not made people suspicious so that's why they needed to leave separately. Her hips swayed seductively as she made her way to her hotel room after leaving the dance floor and Kerry, who was dazed by her sexiness. After some minutes, he made his way to the elevator pressing it upstairs to her floor.

What does she have in mind?

And his brain flashed the look on her face before she told him to come after her. Kind of hungry but calm look and it made him a bit enthusiastic yet, a little uneasy.

While his brain pondered, the chime from his elevator interrupted him and told him he already reached her floor and it was time to get tortured. Tortured? Yes, that's the only rationale that could match the look on her face...

His legs took a step down the hallway ever so slowly... his eyes were fixed on her door that was left ajar. He can't help but swallow his saliva to at least wet his dry throat. Then he found himself getting in and that's when she had him backed against the door, her speed and strength widened his eyes with the feeling of surprise and excitement.

She bit her lower lip, scanning his body with those amber eyes, that seemed to ignite starvation. "I will do whatever I want. You will shut the fuck up and follow my orders." a voice so bossy and intolerant came out of her crimson lips, sending a chill of marvel down his body. His adam's apple ran up and down as he nodded his head.

"Damn I missed you," Kerry grumbles, just before his mouth started to ravish hers. Bella groans instantly from the contact. His mouth was hot against hers, his lips opening for her when she traced them with her tongue. His head thudded back against the door and she slid her hands up to his neck, behind his head holding him in place.

... Both of them were so ferocious in their need to mate their tongues, that their teeth clack together in an almost painful way. It doesn't stop them though... They kept kissing and kissing and kissing, Kerry's hands slid around her waist, pulling her closer to his body as she slid the edge of her teeth along his bottom lip.

"Ah, this fucking mustache is bothering me," she complained, her hot burning breath whipping his face. He removed his fake mustache along with his wig instantly, then the original tasty Kerry appeared on the show making her hands fold around his neck, and her lips followed to suck his.

... Her impatient hands let go of his neck and slid to his shirt, trying to swiftly undo the buttons, but making no progress. Then she gripped his shirt tightly in her hands and yanked as hard as she could, expecting buttons to spray all around them and reveal his yummy bare chest in front of her eyes. But sadly... The button holds firm and her hands fly outward, holding nothing but air.

Kerry pulls away from her mouth to look down at her, taking note of the failed attempt to strip him bare. "Hahaha," he laughed hard wiping his tears and shaking his head with amusement. He continued laughing pushing away from her to lean on his knees.

As for Bella, she glared at him looking like a displeased boss. She had her arms crossed over her chest. Upon realizing her displeasure, he clears his throat after standing straight. "Sorry. It was just funny that's all."

After she stared at him for a second, she locked the door behind him and trapped him between her hands that were resting on the door. "We will gonna see what's more funny." her cold gaze excited his cock. Right at that moment, her tongue attacked his neck, licking a path from his shoulder to a spot behind his ear that made him shudder. A gasp escaped his lips when she wound her fingers in his hair and tugged hard enough to pull his head back so she could kiss his adam's apple. Kerry cupped her full ass in his broad hands, pulling her close enough to feel his erection grinding against her.

During this hot session, she pulled back.

She promised herself that she would make him beg, tie him down, blindfold him, and do other wicked things to him.

Yes. Just like the music.

"Not so fast, baby boy. You have to beg for it." she ran her tongue sensually on her lips, the sight of her ruined lipstick awakening something so striking. The way she whispered, the way her hoarse voice sounded in his ears, the way her amber eyes glimmered with a wave of lust, and the way her boldness turned him on... It was way hotter than hell.

He missed her body on his when she stepped away, leaving Kerry whose chest was rising and falling rapidly, whose eyes were lust-gazed and heavy-lidded. A smirk extended on her face mirroring the satisfaction of being in charge.

She pulled a chair in front of him and sat, her eyes staring at him mischievously. Now, he knew the real definition of 'torture'. "Do you want to see me naked?" she asked.

His throat worked as he swallowed, "Yes. Damn, yes I want to." his legs dared to take a step toward her.

"I never allowed you to move, slave. Go back and stand where you were." he moved back and stood, his back resting on the door. God, she was hypnotizing even when she called him 'slave' he liked the way she sounded. Of course, she was already his favorite soundtrack. "Now, beg." her voice was now lower, chaining him to do what she ordered.

"Please, let me see you naked," he begged but she was not satisfied.

"That's not how you beg for it, slave." she runs her finger through her lower lip. "Beg more," she argued.

"Please. I need you." his eyes shone with the word 'NEED' written on both of them boldly enough for her to read it.

Torture him more. Yes, she wanted to torment him even more. "Too bad. I can't reward you right away, slave. Satisfy me first." her fingers stroke the arm of the chair slowly. Even that movement soaked him with desire. "Undress!" her arms crossed over her chest, as she commanded, her eyes waiting eagerly for his movement.

... Then his fingers started pushing the buttons each one through the holes. His moves were seductive wetting her even more, imagining those fingers in her pussy... She can't help crossing her legs, tightening her thighs against her wet slippery cave.

He kept his eyes fixed on her expression as he continued pushing the buttons through the holes, his bare chest seemed glossy under the dim light. Smooth and ready to be licked, sucked, bitten and smacked... Wait, smacked? She frowned to herself. Why would her brain come up with the idea of hitting him? Spanking him with a belt especially when the belt lands on his nipples...

Oh God, she was scared.


Because the thought of spanking him doubled- no tripled her pressure and found herself blinking her eyes trying to drag herself to present and focus on the man in front of her.

Kerry unbuttoned his shirt and slid it to his muscled arms but,

"Wait," Bella stopped him before his shirt reached the floor. Suddenly her eyes darkened and gestured him to stand in front of her. "Kneel." commanded with a low voice.

'... In the realm of passion's embrace,

I shall bind you, and your sight erase...' She remembered the lyric and her curious mind thought of tying him down and then blindfolding him. The thought only drenched her panties until it started leaking. It was way thrilling more than she thought... Him obeying her. Him doing what she ordered. Ah, feels so fucking good. So freaking great.

Kerry kneeled obediently and silently, his body just between her parted legs. Then she tied his wrists behind using his shirt tightly enough until his veins were visible. His eyes were fixed on the sight of her soaked panties between her parted thighs.

She leaned closer and whispered, "What are you staring at?" and bit his ear. Her hands skated down to his arms then reached his pockets, sneaking her fingers in. Her fingers came out carrying condoms from one of his pockets. A smirk made its way to her face as she saw four condoms in her hand. "Bad boy. Very bad boy, aren't you?" He swallowed, resembling a kid who got caught stealing.

She stood to bring a piece of fabric while Kerry was waiting in the same position. "You need to be punished, slave." she blindfolded him with the material she brought. "On your feet!" he stood as he was ordered.

She can't help by admire the blessed view in front of her. Kerry tied and blindfolded. Just perfect.

"Now tell me." she continued. "Were you fucking other women?" she demanded an answer still sitting on her chair gracefully.

"No. I was not."

"Then why are there four condoms in your pocket?"

"It's for us," he let out with a low voice.

She smirked. "Louder, slave. I can't hear you well."

"I brought them for us," he declared. Loud and clear.

"Oh?" she stood dragging her stilettos towards him and stroked his abs. "Four condoms? You planned to do 'that' with me four times in a row?" she whispered seductively making Kerry groan and lean his head back on the door.

Her fingers traced down on his navel as she continued to whisper. "Did you plan to fuck me on the beach while everybody was watching?" she felt him tremble under her touch so then she brought her fingers to his chest and resumed stroking. "Did you plan to finger me in the elevator?"

"I-I can't anymore," he groaned imagining her words.

"Not yet, slave. We need to use all of your condoms, don't you think?" she breathed under his ear, tickling his senses. He seems to like it.

"Then... did you plan to rock me hard in the bathroom? Digging your hands on my ass as you worked me from behind?" she bit his ear harder. He whimpered as his cock fought to be free in his boxers. "Did you plan to suck me in the hallway as my moan echoes to your ears?" then her fingers... Those sneaky delicate fingers tiptoed to his boxers and commenced stroking his covered shaft doubling his excitement.

"God," he groaned his voice sounding deep and horsey than ever. He wanted her hands to do him bare. Hot whiffs sprinted back and forth through his parted lips and she had the urge to lick those plum lips of his.

'...Gently, I'll uncover your bare form,

Impatient kisses, desire's storm.

My tongue, a force, tasting your skin,

Exploring depths, where pleasure begins.

With each moan, your surrender grows...' she recalled the music once more.

"Tell me, slave. Do you want me to lick your body then suck my way to your dick? Say it."

"Yes please," he breathed as he responded hurriedly.

"Dirty. Very dirty," she spoke before licking his pink nipples. She looked like a cat licking milk but slowly so it would last longer.

... one slow lick from this one. Then another lick from the other one. Kerry could feel himself flying to the seventh heaven and higher from that, making him wonder if the tenth, thousandth even millionth heaven ever existed. Amid his journey to the tenth heaven, she stopped licking dragging him back to earth and he could feel himself falling very hard and painfully.

"Do you want me to suck you?" she demanded for an answer.

"Yes please," his words struggled to make sense and he was glad they did.

'...Whisper 'Master,' as I claim your soul,

For I am your lord, your desires I control...' Again she reminisced the lyrics in her head as she continued playing with her toy (slave) hingeing to the music she heard in the club.

"Then call me 'master'." her order came out in a low voice, sending a chill of excitement down his hard cock, and found himself submitting to her, to the dominant.

"Please, master. I beg you."

A satisfied smile shone on her face as she rewarded him with a slow French kiss while her hands undid his pants to free his dick from its cage. He groaned happily in her mouth. Her lips continued doing their job sucking his chin and then through his jawline... she continued her way to his neck more intensely painting hickey, marking him hers and hers only. Then her lips passed through the valley of his chest still sucking as if he was her pacifier.

... Kerry gasped when her hands slid under his boxers and gripped his shaft in her palm. He could feel her kneeling in front of him, sucking his lower belly.

"What do you want me to do with it?" she asked as she continued stroking his cock.

"Suck it, master. Please." his knees were giving in.

"Good. You did very well, slave." satisfaction was rich in her tone as she praised him.

Right away, his shaft entered her small mouth, and she sucked him gladly tasting his precum slowly. He wished to watch every motion when his cock moves in her mouth, every glide when her tongue runs through his shaft until her lips met with his balls. He groaned and cursed again and again. He then trusted further into her throat losing patience.

"I never allowed you to move, slave." she withdrew her lips and hands from his bare body disappointing him.

'... For I am your lord, your desires I control.

Beg for mercy, my dear, as I take the lead...'

She remembered the last lyric and wanted to see him beg for mercy again but this time she won't forgive him easily. So she stood and turned her hills to the bathroom leaving him there, with a hard and bare cock standing straight, hands tied behind and blindfolded. A very yummy sight to be true. And she thought about taking a picture.

Kerry heard the clicking sounds of her stilettos. "Master?" he questioned.

Bella stopped in her tracks just before she reached the door to the bathroom and turned to him. "Oh, I am about to take a shower so you must wait for me until I finish, okay? Since I am displeased, don't you dare move, got that slave? Or I will take a nap leaving you there like that." she wanted to see him vulnerable.

"I am sorry," he spoke.

... She failed to notice his hands were already untied.

"Slaves don't apologize like that-" she wasn't even done speaking when he jumped on her to finally devour her body like she was his favorite candy. And yeah she already was.

"Ah," she yelped when they fell to the floor his heavy weight on top of her.

Once the monster was free, it was time to run.

"I am going to fuck you all night until you passed out," he whispered hungrily and her thin silky dress was already torn leaving her breasts exposed.

"It was better if I brought nine or ten condoms. Four won't be enough. It is going to be a long night." he kept whispering while his hands were too occupied squeezing her tits hard, making her breathless.

She gulped preparing herself to be devoured.

Yeah, Kerry.

Tonight is going to be a very long one hehe...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Jolly_creators' thoughts