

"What the hell are you talking about?" Wait— what? Ilican Realm? Is this a new modus in abducting?

"You're not the puppets of that drug baron politician I just threw behind the bars, right?" I asked, making sure.

Their forehead creases. "No." The grey-eyed bastard answered.

I looked at him in the eyes. "Perhaps, are you all... drug addicts?" I asked in a menacing tone

His eyes flickered annoyance at my assumptions. "The heck are you talking about, Azalea— Mera!"

I just cleared my throat. "What do you call yourselves? Lycans? What? Am I in a movie? Am I the lost princess?" I asked sarcastically.

He gestured to Louie to leave us alone to give us some privacy.

The moment that Louie left, he grabbed my hand and pushed me to go to the balcony of this room.

"Let go of me," I warned him coldly. He just sighed.

"Wait for a minute. I'm going to show you something." He said

I just rolled my eyes and forced my hands to loosen his grip.

He clenched his jaw and let go of me. "Follow me, Azalea."

"Almera— Mera." I corrected him

He just sighed, clearly annoyed. "Alright, Mera."

He leads the way, and when he opened the glass door of the balcony, the cold fresh air envelopes my senses.

I followed him and lean against the rail. For a moment, I felt peace.

But not long enough. I was dumbfounded when this brute took off his tie and coat.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked him menacingly

"Stop cussing. I'm going to show you something." He strictly said that made me lose all my temper

"What the fuck are you going to do!" I shouted and punched him straight in the chest.

He was dumbfounded by what I did. He just looked at me darkly. I felt the tingling sensation of chills running through my spine.

What the fuck.

I slowly step my right foot backward, maintaining a distance from us.

But he took a step forward.

"Watch closely. I'm about to show you what you are and where you belong." I was baffled by the tone he used. His voice was laced with danger.

I gulped and nodded absent-mindedly.

He smirked and continued to take off his long sleeves polo and his pants. I just simply looked away, pretending that I didn't see anything.


As he called my name, I turned my head to him and was in complete shock at what I saw!

"What the fuck!" I shouted, absolutely terrified of what I have witnessed!

He turned into a huge golden dog!

I was stepping behind, my heart is racing. It felt like it was going out of my ribcage.

My steps halted when I felt the rails touching my back.

The huge dog keeps on stepping forward towards me.

"Hey!" I shouted out of awe when he just bows his head, gesturing that he wants me to pet him.

I inhaled deeply to calm my heartbeat. I'm gonna have a heart attack!

I was hesitating to touch his head— What if he'd chomp on my hand?

I was disturbed by my doubts when he placed his head on my palms.

I slowly patted his head.

After a while, the huge dog turned into a human form— the grey-eyed man.

"That's who I am— that's who you are too. I'm a hundred percent sure that you're Azalea. This is us, we are Lycans."

That's all I heard before my head starts spinning.