
Whole New Level

Anastasia wanted help for her parents. Her lips quivered as she twirled the fork in her plate. "I really want to meet the queen," she blurted without thinking. However, as soon as she said that, men who were standing as guards behind Haldir took their hands to their swords. This triggered a reaction and Ileus burst into shadows. Kaizan, Guarhal and Aidan's hands also shot towards their swords and daggers. 

Haldir put his hands up in the air. "Stop it. We aren't here to fight!" 

The men removed their hands and Ileus became corporeal. "You do that again and I'll slice you into pieces!"

Anastasia gasped at the animosity they felt towards her. Her breath hitched as she stared at them. 

Very calmly Haldir asked Ileus, "Then what is it that you want to do?" 

"I want to go to Draoidh with her, peacefully and on my own terms."