
The Exchange

Theodir was trying to hide his feelings, so that no one knew about his emotions. Little did he know that there was a large hickey on his neck that was shown above his collar. Unbeknownst, he sipped on his wine, as that foot which he was tapping, settled. He cleared his throat and said, "Haldir, I will think about it and let you know." 

"But that's the wisest thing to do, Theodir," said Ileus, observing him closely. "At least, you can allow the child to remain with them till she is nursing." 

Theodir didn't answer. He sipped more of the wine. The day was looking better and better. Suddenly they heard someone whimpering. Illyana. Theodir's flush returned. He didn't know that her whimper could be heard till here. 

"Who is whimpering?" Ileus asked. "It looks as if someone is in dire need of sex!" He started laughing at his joke. 

Theodir gulped his wine down in one go.