

Book 2 of the gxg collection of The Scents: Romantic but Irritating Mates of the Ciel Nocturne Kingdom. In another realm where all night creatures exist beyond the knowledge of the humans, there were three kingdoms that were supposed to be one and one of them is the Ciel Nocturne Kingdom. In the Ciel Nocturne Kingdom, the majority population living there were vampires which were the three family clans of Cross, Larouve, and Aspire lives. Each clan already passed the old teachings yet still respect and lived peacefully but the leaders of each clan have to find their beloved before the title strip down from their possession. Here it comes to one duchess from the Cross clan named Elrisha ‘Bakunawa’ Cross has to make a new type of medication for the creatures in their realm yet, a partner was needed which Mirna James was the best candidate. As for the Larouve clan, a lonely countess named Alwen Cris Larouve isolated her from the noises of the city and secluded herself from nature. But, the same old routine has to come to its end as Camila Montez turned the silence of the night into a restless one. Changes always occur at each land and there’s no exception in the Aspire Clan when the princess of the family named Syrina Aspire came cross with pain in the ass patient Maxine Rei Creed at her own hospital which turn their usual life in one kind of a ride. Either of the head of the clans foreseen what store of them as they came cross with their other half or what they call it. But as love came knocking in their hearts, their fate in love were already been sealed and there’s no one could break what meant to be. All Rights Reserved

MistIris · LGBT+
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370 Chs

Chapter 4: Rare White Tiger


After what I've found out from Mirna's blood along with the silver and other sample blood, she has really dominant blood which was very rare to occur. I know there are some recessive blood out there but not too dominant like Mirna's. I took my work personal research about Mirna's recessive blood since I need some old books that only ancient books might be able to answer what I've found.

"No one disturbs me unless it's an emergency. I'll be in the library." I told to my servants as soon as I got out of the car and walking inside the house while removing my coat and the car key.

"How about dinner, Milady?" my head butler that has his shift tonight named Rexon asked as he opened the door of the library for me.

"Light dinner and my blood wine. Give me a knock." I answered as I got inside the room.

"Yes, Milady." Rexon dismissed himself with a respectful bow then I closed the door.

"Alright. Let's get this started." I cracked my stiff neck after I put down the private notes that I took with me since I have to research something about it. Or it won't stop bugging me.

I rolled my sleeves and put my hair up since I am about pull all-nighter tonight. I even prepared my pad just in case that I need some notes that I have to write down about what I am about to find. Well, if I found something about it. Anyway, the aroma of the old books made me feel calmed and focus then because of that, my feet took me to the very deep part of my library – meaning its very old records. As soon as I got there, I felt something really different around this part of the library. It was chill but not too much of a chill. It's more on a soothing chill as if it was comforting and embracing me safely.

"Where do you want to lead me?" I wondered as I followed where it was coming from till I felt something was totally warm around the certain shelf were all red taint books were intact. But the heat that's radiating around the shelf was totally coming from one certain book.

"Legend of Tigress…I remember my parents talked about the tale of a lady named Unega Unatsi…" I mumbled before I could even open the book.

As soon as I opened the book, some memories from my old times came rushing as if they happened just yesterday.

I was just five or ten back then when I couldn't sleep from my nightmares which I couldn't remember when it occurs to me but when my parents caught me in the middle of the night screaming, they immediately took me into her arms telling me soothing words until one night, my mother took me into the deepest part of the Cross estate which also the boundary of Larouve and Aspire – that's where my land was. Anyway, as my mother took me to the part of the land that the Cross clan possessed, she showed me a tomb that has tribal writings which I recalled was called Alibata. I was trying my best to read them but I can't since I was a child back then but now it's a bit different. As we got there, my mother read the scribbled text of Alibata written over the tomb and it began to glow. I am not sure how or why my mother has that access to that tomb. Anyway, as we got inside, I was totally frightened since it totally dark but the cold chill surrounding that darkness wasn't that frightening one. It was more soothing and comforting. My panting breathing finally went back to normal and I let go of my mother's hand and went closer to where the core of the cold chill coming from. I halted when I heard something was moving and weakly breathing.

'Why did you bring her here? You know it's not safe for her to meet me.'

"I have to. I know what happened back then but my child…she's connected to you." I am sure couldn't understand what my mother meant back then until now.

'It's not time for her to meet me.'

"But Unega, she's your mate." My mother really sounded broken and pleading.

'I know but not in this time.'

"She's having nightmares already. She's searching for you already and those nightmares won't go away. She needs you there." She was crying to whoever she's talking to.

'I might be her mate but not in this time, Eclaire. In the right time, she's the one who's going to look for me for answers and once she did, there's no stopping it anymore.'

"Then tell me how can make her nightmare stops?" my mother sounded like she gave up talking to this creature that I didn't get a chance to meet in person.

'You can't only her can. What you can do for her is be there to calm her till her mate does.'

"You mean when you come." My mother corrected her with a heavy sigh in the end.

'Just tell her my story. Let her mind remember that. It will help her soon to find me.'

As those sudden flashing memories from back then came to its end, I opened the book and there's nothing written over it. I don't know what came into me but I found myself smiling over it then I closed the book before I went back to the study table to write some notes on my pad. I wrote down what I could remember over the story that my mother used to tell me.

'Honey, every time that you're having a hard time or nightmares remember the story of a legendary white tigress named Unega Unatsi.'

'She's a kind of white tiger that rarely appeared in the tribe of the white tigress. She's strong like nature, confident like a queen, and beautiful like snow but has the fire shade color of the eyes that couldn't be compared to others. But being rare in those times, it wasn't easy like anyone could see. She went through hardships in and out of her tribe. But due to those hard times, faith never left her, hope never left her sight and love always stayed in her heart. Yet, fate has another way of testing her courage and will. She couldn't be with her mate no matter what she found or be with. Disaster always falls into her lap that breaks her into pieces yet nothing left her. Her belief was still intact inside of her which prepared for you to find.'

"Wait, a minute…" I stopped from writing down on my pad when those last words I heard from my mother about the story of the white tigress lingered in my thoughts.

"If Mirna has this dominant blood and she's my mate…oh boy…she's Unega Unatsi." I concluded before I let my backrest on my comfy seat.

I was in deep thought when I received a call from an unknown number. I was confused about whoever was it, I lock the tracking device transmission that I had inside the whole premises of my land. Then again, there's the same call from the unknown number and I just groaned before answering the call.

"Cross speaking." I answered the call.

'Great, I called the right number. Ahm, this is Dr. Mirna James. I would like for you to come to the lab. There's something I would like you to see.'

"Can that wait for tomorrow?" I wondered since she never tried to call me, especially with an unknown number. Does she have a phone?

'No. it has to be now or I'll go insane over this matter.'

"What matter is that then?" I tried to be interested in what she was about to tell me.

'Please, come here in instant. It's urgent.'

"Alright. I'm on my way but where are you?" that's really caught me off guard when she sounded frightened and panicked.

'Standing at the PR laboratory floor.'

"Did you even go home?" I wondered as I hurried down the hall to get my keys and my coat by the garage door.

'Yes, I am about to when I remember something.'

"What was it?" I curiously asked.

'Just hurry please.'

"Alright, just keep me on the phone and don't hang up." I gritted my teeth before taking a deep breath and hop on my midnight black Ducati motorbike.

Mirna wasn't just a human with recessive blood in her system but it was too dominant for any blood to be complemented with; plus, she's my mate, my Unega Unatsi mate. No wonder her pull to me that very night wakens something sleeping inside of me from a very long time ago when I heard from my mother that the tigress she let me met was already gone. Now, I am in rush to get to her since she needed me. She needs me.

Anyway, as soon as I got there, I immediately run to the PR laboratory floor and she was there, sitting on the wood tone tiled flooring while leaning her back on the exact door of our research room.

"Mirna, I am here. What's the urgent call that you need my presence in person?" I almost panting since my heart was beating really loud since its echoing through my ears.

"I will tell you inside since there are no turning back once I tell you." Mirna answered while smiling at me tiredly.

"Nice reason. Fine. Come." I am not sure but my heart calmed down while I handheld her shoulders and when she smiled at me like that. Did she felt relieved and safe?

"Great and thanks." She chuckled as she gets up from her feet while I started opening the door.

"Don't thank me yet, since I have to hear that first." I countered her which made her giggle.

"I know but you still came." She suddenly put her arm from my free arm that she could reach while we walked inside the PR lab 1.

"Just one call way." I only managed to say since I don't trust my words without being paranoid or something.

"Sweet." She smiled before she let my arm go. I missed that already.

Anyway, as we drop out things on our locker table and quickly cleaned our hands, we went to the experiment table and she spoke.

"I know it sounds crazy but let's try our blood." Mirna dropped the bomb and I couldn't reply to her as I usually do. It took me a couple of seconds before I could even reply if she didn't nudge my side.

"Oh, yeah we could but why do you think that?" I wondered.

"Well, to be honest, I have AB negative-plus blood type which we still didn't try on yet." Mirna honestly told me her blood type which I never encountered before. She has neutral blood.

"Nice. We could but…" I got what she was trying to say to me until she cut me off.

"We could at least try it since it's just experimentation." She pleaded which made me sigh and stood up to get the syringe kit.

"Fine. I get it." I told her before putting the kit in front of her.

"Get your blood sample and I do mine." I added which made her smile went wide almost like she was grinning like a lunatic kid that finally got her biggest favorite treats.

"Thanks." She said as she started on getting her blood.

Just watching her doing that, I can't even stop to watch her blood being extracted from her arm and I hate it. I am not sure why I felt that way but the feeling was still there and honest.

"She's going to be the death of me." I mentally noted to myself before I turned to arm to get my own blood for our private experiment.