
The Proposal

After a playful banter with his brother, Ignus, Brenna, Roxy, and A'Moi followed Gallagher to the grand throne room of the capital. The doors swung open, revealing a scene of opulence and power that left Roxy in awe, while A'Moi couldn't help but snicker at her reaction. They walked with purpose until they stood in front of the king, queen, and their chief advisor, Ingra Darcour.

Ingra was a man who exuded an air of superiority, looking down upon others as if they were mere insects. Ignus and Gallagher gave a small bow, but Ignus remained standing, acknowledging his status as royalty despite his decision to leave the kingdom to avoid a succession dispute.

"Ignus, my son," the king greeted, his voice heavy with authority. "To what do we owe this unexpected visit?"

"I come with urgent news, Father," Ignus replied, his tone serious. "Monsters have attacked Valenstead. We need your help to defend our people."

The king turned to Ingra, who stepped forward with a smirk. "Your majesty, as your chief advisor, I must advise caution," Ingra said, his voice dripping with condescension. "We cannot risk our resources on a mere village."

Roxy stepped forward, her voice filled with determination. "Valenstead may be small, but its people are our kin. We cannot abandon them."

Ingra scoffed. "And what would a fox know about loyalty? You are all the same, sneaky and conniving."

Ignus's eyes flashed with anger. "Watch your tongue, Ingra. My friends are not to be insulted."

Ingra chuckled. "What will you do, little prince? Use your magic to strike me down?"

"I will do what is necessary to protect my people," Ignus replied, his voice cold and menacing. "Even if it means facing you."

Ingra's smile faltered, replaced by a look of uncertainty. "Perhaps a challenge is in order," he said, his tone now serious. "A tournament, to prove your worth. If you win, I will lend you my aid. If you lose, you will leave this kingdom and never return."

Ignus's gaze bore into Ingra, his voice dripping with venom. "You have made a grave mistake, Ingra. If you speak ill of any race in front of me again, I will do more than just face you. I'll be back to ensure you regret every word, and even your dark magic won't save you from my wrath."

Ignus stepped closer, his face inches from Ingra's. In a deep, menacing tone, he continued, "Just know, I'll be back," mimicking Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic voice.

Ingra paled, his bravado crumbling in the face of Ignus's threat. "I-I see," he stammered, taking a step back. "Very well. The tournament will be held in a week's time. We shall see then if you are truly worthy."

As Ignus and his companions walked away, leaving Ingra, the prince, and the king speechless, his mother smiled, not understanding the reference but knowing that her son had made a joke, and it was a good one. Brenna, the small black wolf who had been with them, followed silently at their heels, her presence a comforting reminder of their journey together.