

"Female… what are you called?" A light, hesitant, female voice says in my head. I freeze, my head going a thousand miles an hour, Holy Macaroni and Chicken Nuggets! I stare at the creature and it's staring at me intently. I must be going crazy, I shake my head and the creature squints its eyes, slightly.      "You heard me?" The same voice says in my head. Without thinking, I nod in response. The thing releases a face of surprise, it's eyes widening, its muscles relaxing a teeny bit. I keep my eyes taped on it, or I'm guessing her. I'm so surprised that I can't speak, so… I try to speak in my mind back, "Umm… Hello? Yeah, I can hear you? whatever you are… No offense."  I really don't want to get this thing mad. It looks even more bewildered when I'm guessing it hears me.  "Hello, as I was asking, what is it the humans call you?" I hesitate when she asks this, I just met this creature, closely reminding me of a dragon. Like, two minutes ago, should I trust her? Then I realize, I thought that out loud.  "You can trust me, no one knows about me. By the way, yes  I'm a dragon. The answer to your last question." I think of what Chris said earlier, "… or a dragon perhaps…" No, Chris has a funny imagination, maybe it's just a coincidence. Yeah he really doesn't believe in dragons…. does he? "I'm Samantha, my friends call me Sam. What's your name?" The dragon's eyes smile slightly, glad that I chose to trust her. "My name…" she says in my head, hesitant, "is Emberlynn." A mix of fantasy, romance, coming of age, and adventure. Authors note: Hope you all like it and ALL comments/suggestions/ideas are welcome. also I'm trying to decide if this should be a trilogy or not. *need help on that* if you could, THANKS A BUNCH! ^-^

Shiriko_Rose · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Ch. 12: Bonded


When I say my name, tension seems to swell the space between us. I see Samantha quickly breathe in, she can sense it too. Something seems to tangle itself around both of us, forcing us closer. We both restrain from the urge to step forward. I flick my tail to the side in frustration. She seems to make a decision and slowly walks to me, I back up a little in panic, I don't want her to be frightened, she puts her snow-white hands in front of her as if to tell me that everything is fine. I stay tensed up as she slowly walks up to me and reaches for my snout.

She waits for me to give her permission to touch me. I look at her, and think should I trust her? How can she hurt me? But she can't unless she tells others. But I don't think that she will, this feeling inside me tells me she won't. I cautiously lowered my head into her slightly shaking hands, staring into her brown eyes, like the bark of the trees outside, in the middle of the season when everything is alive and flourishing. Looking into these eyes… A feeling inside me, inside my heart. This strange feeling to protect this girl. She's vulnerable, she's fragile, And I need to protect this precious thing that's special to the world. As I admire her eyes, I notice that she freezes when her hands meet my scales, My eyes stay on hers, concern filling me.

"What is wrong Samantha? Are you alright?" I say to her, backing my head away from her hands.

She shakes her head and looks at me in awe, "No, nothing is wrong. I just can't believe you're a dragon. I mean, I'm kind of into dragons, and your eyes are similar to the ones in my dream…" She thinks as I relax and lie down in front of her, I'm about four paws taller than her.

I was thinking the same thing, I think you should tell me the dream from you're point of view. I say, looking at her. Wondering if we had the same dream…

"I was by a river, it's foggy. I have the urge to look into the water, and when I do… I see eyes like yours, staring back at me. And I feel a connection to these eyes and want to come closer to them when I try to. I wake up. It started a few days ago…" She becomes deep in thought, her eyes becoming distant, she raises her hand, touching her wound on her head. She winces slightly and looks at her hand, bloodstains her fingers, as it runs down the side of her face. Her cut has reopened, I move closer to her and lick her wound, making her face and hair sticky, I get this itching feeling in me that I can't recognize. I stop licking and examine her wound, all that's left was a red mark.