
Chapter 20 - Showdown

The sound of furniture breaking, and the screams and groans of Chief Jones filled the whole police station. Every cop had stopped working and was listening carefully. Some were angry and shocked, while others were cheering inwardly, although they didn't dare to show it.

Several corrupt cops had tried to barge into the office - they knew that without Chief Jones' backing, they would be fired, and some of their crimes may even surface - but Lieutenant Carson and a few of his trusted subordinates stopped them. According to them, Chief Jones and the two rangers were just having a conversation.

"Jones is going to kill you after that, Carson! You better let us stop them!"

"Ha! Jones won't even be able to stand after this lesson. But if you want, you can go tell your owner, Anderson, that the rangers are coming for him. They didn't hide that."

Everyone opened their mouths in shock when they heard the officer. He was openly challenging Anderson, the big boss of Fallen Star City. The cop that he was facing snorted before leaving the police station.

"You are a dead man, Carson. And whoever stands with him will suffer too! Mister Anderson won't let that slide."

It was true that his words struck fear into the hearts of many of his coworkers, but for now, they all kept their silence. The majority of them supported Lieutenant Carson, so Chief Jones' accomplices didn't dare to do anything else but spit threats.

"Well said, Ted. I see that Fallen Star City isn't entirely lost yet."

Higler opened the door of Chief Jones' office while laughing. He had a stack of papers in his hands. Warkin was standing proudly on his shoulder, looking at the cops. Behind the ranger came Drake, dragging an unconscious police chief.

The cop had been beaten black and blue. His entire face was swollen, and his nose was broken, with blood trickling down. His uniform was torn apart in many places. Through the open door it was possible to see that not a single object in the office was left intact. Desk, chair, computer, everything was in pieces, more likely than not from Chief Jones being thrown on top of it.

Everyone shuddered, especially the corrupt cops, who tried to shrink behind their counterparts. If the police chief had received this kind of treatment, imagine what would happen to them.

Drake dropped Chief Jones on the ground in front of them, while Higler gave the documents to Lieutenant Carson.

"Put this trash on a holding cell. The proof you need to arrest him and all the other members of the Association of Riverplate is here. Haha... Jones might be a bastard, but he was meticulous. He was afraid his partners would betray him, so he kept evidence against them."

The lieutenant quickly scammed through the files, and his eyes shone. Higler wasn't kidding.

"I will arrest them all immediately. And although the methods you used to obtain them might be a little... Unusual, I know a judge who will overlook it."

Higler laughed, and patted his shoulder. He would use his connections later to make sure Chief Jones got what he deserved, and Lieutenant Carson was promoted. Fallen Star City would need good officers more than ever after they were done cleaning the scum that infested the town.

"Good. But how about you... I don't know, go have a cup of coffee first or something. Just block the city exists, and give us one or two hours. We would like to pay Anderson, Montez, Bartow, and Cramer a personal visit, if you know what I mean."

The officer stared at them uneasily, while Drake cracked his knuckles just to solidify their intentions.

"Okay. But try not to go overboard, please."

"We would never! Hahahaha..."

"Err... Ranger, you might have your chance earlier than you thought. Anderson, Cramer, Montez, and fifteen of their hired guns are coming here right now."

One of the cops looked through the window and warned them. Higler and Drake exchanged glances, their faces becoming serious. They had heard that one of the corrupt officers had gone to warn Anderson, but they didn't think they would be so fast.

"All right. Carson, it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to enter the party. Just make sure we aren't stabbed from behind."

"What are you going to do?"

"Anderson wants to have a final showdown, doesn't he? We will give him that."

Having said that, Higler whispered something to Warkin, who jumped from his shoulder and disappeared. Frainer followed him. Then, he and Drake walked towards the exit, leaving the police station under the astonished gazes of the cops.


Drake wasn't too sure of what Higler planned on doing, so he just sent Frainer with Warkin. In the worst-case scenario, the Iferes would see they are about to be killed, and would escape. He didn't believe for a single moment the creatures would do that.

"So, do we just walk out and let them shoot us?"

"Kinda. Anderson never had anyone contest his power before. He will want to know our reasons before. So, when the fight starts, hide behind the barriers we saw when we entered."

"What about the cops? Won't they help us?"

"Err... It's a fifty-fifty. Most of them are still too afraid to go directly against Anderson. If we manage to kill him first, then they will join. Don't count on the army either. They have very strict orders to defend the walls and that's all. The city can burn for all they care."

"That's stupid."

"Tell me about it. But it's the reality. We can only count on ourselves. You get used to it after a while."

Drake acknowledged his words, still unhappy. He also wasn't sure of how they would survive the attacks of almost twenty gunslingers, but since he had decided to follow this path, he would see the end of it.

As they left the police station, they saw the empty street. The civilians had smelled trouble, and hidden at their houses. The only people outside were Drake and Higler on one end of the street, and their opponents on the other.

Drake easily recognized Nicholas Cramer, the bar owner, and Fabio Montez, with his tanned skin and long nose. While Cramer held his pistol awkwardly, Montez had his two on the holster, and seemed very comfortable with them.

Drake also saw some of the people that had attacked Box O Farm amongst the group. However, the person who caught his attention was the one at the center, whom he didn't know. Mister Anderson.

He was a black man with long hair, and in a tight suit. He didn't have any notable features apart from a missing finger in his left hand. However, even though he looked like a politician, and not a fighter, he was holding his weapon expertly.

"Mister Anderson, I presume. I have to say, I'm glad you decided to come to us. That will make settling things easier. Usually, I would need to get your lackeys one by one before finding the big boss."

"Enough of your crap, Higler. I'm a practical man. I know your kind can't be bought, so the only option left is to bury you. Why would I incur more losses if we can solve it here and now?"

The ranger, and even Drake, smiled slightly. Anderson went straight to the point, which saved them time.

"I will take the ones on the left, you take the right."

Drake nodded, and gulped. His hands were right next to his pistols, just waiting. For a few seconds, no one said or did anything. Then, suddenly, Montez drew his guns with lightning speed, and all hell broke loose.

Get ready for some action, babyyyyy!

As always, I hope you liked the chapter, and are enjoying the novel as a whole. Remember Iferes is on Royalroad too, if you prefer to read it there, and make sure to take a look at Broke: A Clone Wars Tale, my other novel, here on Webnovel.

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