I'm handsome. No, I'm not lying... Yeah I am
of reading
Read books
People do crazy things when put in crazy situations. Plus, as the author, my mind goes to the fact that many people are still holding onto the hope, even if unconsciously, that everything will be fine, and will grab onto anything that might further that hope. At least, that was my logic behind all of this
Hence why I said they intended for us to catch the feels. In my opinion they failed horribly at that
Extremely valid questions, which will be addressed as the fic goes on. In the end, though, it really mostly boils down to the law. I come from a country with no death penalty, but I did a fair bit of research, and it is (as I believe it should, but let's not get into that) a very last resort thing. There are a thousand hurdles and safeguards to guarantee you are not killing an innocent person. Take Japan, for example. They have the death penalty, but it can take decades before someone actually gets sentenced and it gets carried out, and even then it's only after they were judged and the verdict was guilty of horrendous crimes. SAO is an exceptional situation. The LC players can't get a hearing or go to the court because they are also trapped. To pull the plug on them might be justice, but, by law, it would also be murdered. There is an argument that pulling the plug might be like a cop shooting a dangerous criminal during the action, but even then, that's kind of a stretch, and it would have to be while they are doing something criminal in-game, can't be randomly. I truly believe this is a discussion that could last for days without ever arriving at a proper solution, and I don't have enough legal knowledge to even start. I can just do my best to portray what I think would happen of this were a real situation.
Legal ramifications. I explained it in another chapter, but not only is Kayaba protecting the identity of red players since he doesn't want outside interference, but they can't just pull the plug on them, that would be murder. The law exists, and they need to follow it, and any half,baked lawyer could argue that the red players aren't in the right mental state due to being trapped in SAO, and that ultimately everything is Kayaba's fault. Sure, they are murderers, but theres a difference between saying that and applying what essentially is the death sentence to them.
Indeed. Always found it a weird thing to appear once and never again in the anime, although I do understand what they intended to do, with the whole Black Cats, Sachi, everything to make us viewers catch the feels. I do think I have a better idea for it (yes I'm this smug sue me) ;)
Sorry to say I never delved into warhammer so I don't really have the knowledge to write a fiction about it
My little sister called me a few weeks back to say she was studying Greek mythology in school, just kinda stuck with me lol. No major reason, just that
Nearly the same mistake, actually. He got in over his head and led his guild to a massacre, only it was because someone tricked him with bad information into thinking that it would be an easy raid.
It's just an expression, chill
Yup. It was a giant turtle tho, not a fish