
If Your Beloved is a Deceased Soul

I accompanied my boss to find his girlfriend, only to stumble upon a suspicious village. What we encountered there was a charred ruin, with lifeless bodies beneath the debris. To our astonishment, the person who should have already perished appeared before us once again. However, he lacked a heartbeat and had lost all recollection of his past. What had he experienced? And what secrets did this village hold...?

EvaHarper · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 87 The Dead Person is a Medic

Su Haicheng started the car and hesitated for a moment. He rolled down the window and said to the police officer in front, "Comrade Officer."

The police captain quickly saluted Su Haicheng and said, "Commander, this Xiao Li is new, you don't..."

"It's fine. He's a good police officer." Su Haicheng looked at Xiao Li and continued, "Officer Li, I apologize. I'm currently on a classified mission, and I can't allow you to search this car. But you're not wrong, next time you encounter someone like me, remember to persist and investigate thoroughly."

The car slowly drove past the toll booth.

"Since you were just pretending to be an arrogant second-generation official, why did you say those things in the end?" I asked, watching the police dog barking at us as it got off the small truck.

"This society is dark, but Officer Li is a bright spot. I can't extinguish the fire in his heart," Su Haicheng replied.

I looked at him and thought about how convincing he was just now. If I didn't already know him, I might have been fooled. Feeling his gaze, I looked back at him, and he said, "Back in high school, me, Zuo Yu, and several other guys around the same age in our neighborhood, we used to be arrogant and domineering, ruling the school. We got involved in a lot of incidents with the police. If it weren't for my grandfather's pressure, pushing me to join the army, I probably would've ended up like that for my whole life."

"Were you a drill instructor or a political commissar back then? You've managed to charm Kakashi, and that Officer Li..." I could still see the flashing police lights in the rearview mirror. When we left, Officer Li just stood there, motionless, watching our car. I guessed this incident had quite an impact on him.

"Turns out, things like this can happen in the city at night. I never would've imagined I'd encounter something like this," I said with a low chuckle, shaking my head.

Su Haicheng said, "At night, there are many things you don't know. Sika, do you regret me disrupting your life?"

"Was this question from Ah Tian? Did you tell him you're not dead?"

"No, that day I only told him 'what if,' 'what if I were still alive.' I don't really know what happened. He must have offended someone. The person even left the address of his bar before dying." Su Haicheng's brow furrowed.

At that moment, Su Haicheng's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and answered the call. "Hello! Zuo Yu, thanks... It's fine, the timing is perfect... Help me find out what happened with the case at Ah Tian's bar. They're currently dealing with it... Tell me, I'm listening..."

A few minutes later, Su Haicheng hung up the phone and said, "Zuo Yu already knows about the situation over there, and he's keeping an eye on it."

"What exactly happened?"

In the speeding car at night, we didn't worry about being overheard. Su Haicheng told me the information Zuo Yu had obtained. The person who was hit by the car didn't have an ID, and their identity hasn't been confirmed. But there was something strange: the body was first discovered by the janitor who was sweeping the area in the early morning. When the janitor found it, the body was normal. It wasn't until the police arrived around six o'clock and finished the on-site investigation after nine o'clock that the body suddenly turned into charred remains, as if it had been burned.

After Su Haicheng finished speaking, he continued, "Find a way to get the information on this case."

"Will Ah Tian get into trouble?"

"No, Ah Tian has powerful connections in City D. He'll definitely be fine. Besides, he wasn't the one who hit the person, and now with this... supernatural phenomenon, Ah Tian will be safe."

I nodded, thinking about the person who was hit by the car and then turned into charred remains. Burned, wasn't that someone from that village? Now we already know that those who came from that village include Su Haicheng, the medic, Sakurayuki, Monkey, and another comrade we haven't found yet.

Using the process of elimination, it's safe to assume that neither Su Haicheng, Sakurayuki, nor Monkey could be the person involved. That leaves us with the medic and the unidentified comrade. The comrade who hasn't been found yet doesn't know the name of Ah Tian's bar. However, the medic had been captured there before, so he should know about the bar. Therefore, it can be inferred that the person who was hit and killed is the medic.

I shared my speculation with Su Haicheng. He didn't say anything and continued driving, but his brow remained furrowed.

Back at home, I sat on the sofa, looking at the two black bags that Su Haicheng had left on the table. My head was spinning a bit. These bags contained guns. It was evident that the people I knew were going back to that cave again, and their preparations were underway, awaiting the right time. The beginning of spring was not far off. Typically, it falls in early February on the Gregorian calendar, which was just two months away. Less than eighty days.

I stared at the two black bags and turned to Su Haicheng, who had just come out of the bathroom after taking a shower. "Su Haicheng, let's postpone our wedding, okay? Spring is approaching, and everyone is busy preparing for the next mission. It's not appropriate for us to get married now. Just like right now, Ah Tian is still at the police station. Although you said he'll be fine, we can't act like we don't care."

He had just entered the living room, water droplets still clinging to his hair. As he listened to my words, his gaze darkened, but he wasn't as forceful as before. After a while, he finally spoke, "Let's postpone it for a few days."

Indeed, it was inappropriate for us to register our marriage while Ah Tian was in trouble.

The next day, when Monkey came over, he was also surprised to hear about Ah Tian's arrest. However, Kakashi wasn't as surprised. He was more concerned about the unidentified body.

He pulled up a webpage that I didn't know where he had found it, and placed his tablet on the sofa. We all gathered around. On the tablet screen was a picture of a corpse. The corpse was peculiar, dressed neatly with bloodstains on the clothes, but its skin was all black. The head had no hair.

I took a quick glance but turned away immediately. The image was too strange.

Kakashi said, "This picture is impressive, right? It's a paranormal event! How do you think he died?" He looked at all of us, and Monkey didn't know, while Su Haicheng and I remained silent because we already knew who the person was and didn't feel like speaking at the moment. After a few seconds, Kakashi continued, "Spontaneous combustion! The corpse spontaneously combusted! Impressive, right? This person was hit by a car first, and then a few hours later, the body spontaneously combusted into this state. What's even stranger is that when the medical examiner was trying to determine the cause of the combustion, they found out that he had been dead for several months."

"Shouldn't something like this be kept under wraps?" Monkey asked with a deep, heavy voice.

"Of course, it's been sealed off. But I have the ability to dig it out!" Kakashi said proudly.

I said, "Kakashi, do you remember the medic we saw by the river before?"

"Remember? What about him?"

"I believe this corpse is him. Before he died, he wrote down the name of Ah Tian's bar."

As soon as I said those words, both Monkey and Kakashi froze. "Ah Tian was taken by the police last night. However, Su Haicheng said he'll be fine."

After a few seconds, they snapped out of it. Monkey suddenly started crying, reaching out to hug Su Haicheng. "Captain! Sob... after I die, will I turn into this... sob... I want to go home and see my mom."

Su Haicheng pushed him away forcefully, yelling at him. Monkey heard his voice and immediately stopped crying. "The medic has already had an accident, killed in a collision! The person with the black face was killed, and I almost got hit last time. This time it's the medic. Who will it be next? Monkey, you're already in danger, and your family might be under surveillance."

Monkey nodded. "I know, Captain, I know. But I really want to go home and see my mom. If I die in a few days too, I won't even get to see my mom again." He didn't cry and clenched his lips, looking very restrained.