
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I stepped out of the taxi and into the afternoon's unforgiving heat. I spent an hour in the library downloading as many articles and files as I can so I could read them in the evening then I rushed to Brennan's apartment. I don't quite think it's proper to call this place an "apartment".

I climbed the stairs to the third floor. The place didn't even have an elevator. I walked to the farthest door on the right and knocked thrice before letting myself in.

He should really lock his door.

It was dark when I stepped inside despite it being broad daylight outside. The humidity was barely tolerable. A few seconds inside and drops of sweat were collecting on my skin. I inched my hand over the wall to flick the light switch on but the light bulb which was probably the same from when the building was put up didn't do much to illuminate the room. I walked in a few steps further to see Brennan was passed out on his bed, wet with sweat and reeking of alcohol. Walking to the end of the room where the fan was, I couldn't help but sigh. He could've at least turned the fan on. The fan made a deep whirring sound as the blades picked up speed. My eyes scanned the room as I stood there wiping the sweat off my forehead. There was no way we would make it to the 3pm meeting. The room was a mess and so was its owner. His closet was half open, and things were all over the floor.

I sat on the edge of the bed and took a good look at him. He was splayed out, exhausted from too much drinking. If I looked hard enough I could still see glimpses of the kid I met eleven years ago. I knew he wasn't asleep so I let the sound of the fan fill the silence until he acknowledged me.

"Why are you here?" He finally said.

"You've been drinking since yesterday?"

He sighed in reply, covering his eyes with an arm. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I hate seeing him like this. We've both been through worse situations but life seems to have more shit prepared for us.

"What happened?" I asked.

His silence told me he wasn't ready to talk about it so I got up and started fixing the things that spilled out of his closet. "You told me you'll try to sober up."

"I wouldn't make it by 3pm anyway."

"Change out of those clothes, B. You can't afford to be sick."

He slowly got up and walked to the bathroom. I heard the shower start to run as I closed the door to his closet then sat on the bed with my laptop and started to read.

"So the meeting?" He asked when he stepped out of the bathroom, surprised that I was still there. I looked up from what I was reading to see him rummaging through his mini fridge shirtless.

"It's futile at this point anyway."

He settled next to me, our arms and shoulders touching as he started going through the folder I brought with me.

"What a bore." He said as he flipped through the pages quickly.

"Just read it." I said, looking at him from the side. Brennan is good looking. Everyone could say that. But he was every bit as terrifying to everyone as he was good looking. He could speak in a way that made people feel completely worthless and his lack of a care just put people off.

"When was the last time you changed these sheets?" I asked, noticing how wrinkled and loose they were.

"I don't know. A few months ago I guess."

"B." I said, my tone warning. "You bring women here then you don't change the sheets?"

"That's the reason you want me to change my sheets?" He had the nerve to sound accusatory and I couldn't believe it.

"Among other things."

He sighed, holding a hand to his head that was probably still throbbing. "I don't 'bring women here', Victoria."

I took a breath and tried to sound like it wasn't a big deal. "So you fuck them in a motel? Is that where you were last night?" My chest tightened from both anger and disappointment.

He looked at me trying to read my face as I kept staring at the words on my laptop's screen.

"Get up." I said as I quickly got to my feet. I pulled out the sheets from the bed, letting the pillows drop to floor. I shoved the sheets into a bag and got new ones from the top of the closet. Brennan picked up the pillows and changed their covers as I put the new sheets on, then we both sat back down like nothing happened.

I kept reading as he stared at his room for what seemed like an hour.

I could tell the sun was setting outside by the light from the one window the room had.

Brennan turned to look at me and said, "Grandma wants us home this weekend. Dad's dead."