
Chapter 41:

Kev: -I'm laughing, here is finally an opponent to my measure. (Kev gets up and a psychopath smile appears on his face and hastens to rush towards the Orc while the Orc who has just thrown him with a punch does the same he also runs at full speed to meet him.The two against each other with a powerful punch, fist against fist.

Visma: -I didn't know he was that strong .. he had to charge all alone .. What a monster !!!

Marc-Anthony: -and it's nothing, he is the monster of our group of mutants he only fights, he is an egoist who only thinks of himself and has fun fighting a strong opponent. He even fought these fellows before arriving here .. well those he deemed strong enough to fight him ..

Visma: - um (she looks at him with wide eyes.)

Kyrions: - it's good to know that you're not all good for nothing ..

Silvia: - what do you think ?!

Kyrions: - pff !!! Try not to die easily.

Silvia: Grrr ....

Stanator: -It's still not over..Be ready !!! (The other group of Orc and Botanians look into the distance towards their enemy, the mutants and Gaspar's gladiator. The screams of the crowd are deafening. The spectator screams of excitement as they see the gladiators.

A thin tiger man with two swords: - well I'm going !!

It is two swords are orange, he bends his knees by leaning in position of the chair with the legs apart, a little diagonally while pointing then with these scrillstrosse the opposing Gaspar gladiator. A large sphere of flame surrounds these two orange sword which he points in front of the gladiators of Gaspar.

Clone-Bill: - what is he up to ??

Visma: - CLEAR THE MAIN TRACK !!! (The sphere of flame surrounding these two thin tiger-man swords gets bigger. The tiger strosse also gets bigger when suddenly these scrillatrosse swords start to absorb its aura. This is what the flame spheres allow to growl and become gigantic ... after a few seconds a jet of flame surges from the sphere of fire rushing in their direction .. the fire melts the earth a little in its advance .. Some of Gaspar's Gladiator runs in the hills to dodge the jet of fire coming towards their group. And other are surprised and stay in front with their mouths open and others grind their teeth, force their eyebrows. looking at the jet of fire that is coming ..

A woman looks at the jet of fire coming towards her because she is moving forward .. She puts these two hands in front of her .. Her strosse which surrounds her suddenly enlarged .. Cartor and Stanator had to look at the jet of flame without moving while not even being surprised. The woman Silvia the mutant Blocks the jet fire with these two hands in front with her strosse.

Cartor: Huh !!!! (Everyone looks at Silvia's back, being a little surprised. She blocks this attack with a sword in her hand, creating a vicious strosse shield. An explosion of fire and viscous liquid explodes .. She managed to block this explosion but recoil because of this explosion.

In the distance this botanian having sent this jet of flame says: I can not believe it she has just taken my jet of flame with full force and she does not seem weakened so far .. She certainly backs up a little but no burn seems to be on his body ..

Orc with a green axe: -However, this is not that surprising. You Botanians your expertise is not ranged attacks but rather close combat. With your bestial fighting style. ..

Botanian with two fire sabers: -if it would be you in front of me that would not surprise me but they yes it surprises me ..

Silvia still maintains her strosse shield with her very rare element, which is a viscous sticky liquid, her strosse is like glue. She is of the third type of strosse. These allies are happy with his intervention. and certain this regroups towards her.

Clone-Bill: - let's waste no more time and start the massacre ... With me and everyone ... let's show them the power of mutants and show them our progress thanks to the strosse ...

All Mutant: - Yeah !!!!

They will then run at full speed towards their enemy Orc and Botanian.

Slim Botanian: -Well I think we should go too .. Don't you think so ?!

Another Botanian who is fat unlike the slim Botanian has a hay, he smiles as his group prepares to charge. The tiger man with a Katana and the other thin tiger man will suddenly use their fire strosse in his foot when he runs. With each step a jet of fire propels them which allows them to run faster than usual. The one who arrives first towards the opposing group is this slim botanian. Once close, he easily cuts out gladiators from Gaspar's group.

* Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash (5 person receives death blow instantly.)

Marc-Anthony: -You'll see, I'm going to slice you !! (he arrives quickly towards the man-tiger with these two electric knives against the two flaming sword of the botanian.

* Booom (explodes, their attack)

The botanist who has a fire katana slices 6 people with a saber. their limb steals because of this attack. Someone behind this man with a sword prepares to slice it, proudly holding his sword high on his head. The tiger man moves his tail on the ground which suddenly moves him to the side dodging this deadly attack behind him. The botanist with the Katana steps back two more steps behind.

The botanian with the katana: -Missing better luck in your next life.

There are Katana ranges for positioning in a sprint position, on all fours one leg forward bend and the other behind. His tail is bent touching the ground, He inked himself on the ground by concentrating his strosse in these feet and his tail to project himself like a beast towards this man who tried to cut him from behind. he grabs him with these two hands in front of him and bites his neck, subsequently tearing off a large piece of his neck, takes him out like a fountain, the man collapses. The botanian devours him while he is on the ground like an animal .. Three of Gaspar's gladiator watches him devour this man. The botanian stops to watch them then pulling out his saber, tucking the sword into a gladiator's skull de Gaspar by melting his head in addition to projecting a projectile of flame which comes out of the saber. The projectile kills three people behind the same person it has just pierced. and will then put a gladiator in front of his chest, a jet of flame will pierce his chest up to the abdomen. he then enters his sword into the abdomen of another gladiator and suddenly pulls out his sword, blood spurts out when he cuts it.


Male: - ha (He is superior when he is suddenly sliced.)

The botanian gets back into a sprinting position having his tail behind him bend on the ground while crouching towards the ground and he will run from left to right like a wild beast on all fours while throwing himself with his tail at each step that he takes. he does . A jet of fire comes out of these feet, hand and tail with each sequi fills its speed. He waves his hand that will cut off any Gladiator in his path. in front of him at some distance is Cartor, Kyrion, Visma and Stanator.

Kyrion: - we'll see what he can do .. (He throws his weapon flames with the chain. His opponent, The botanian with the fire katana is about to dodge him when a projectile from water is shot by the end of the weapon flail, his opponent succeeds in avoiding the weapon flames however the projectile thrown by the weapon flail injures his cheek.

The Botanian with the Katana: - Ho !!!! (Cartor appears in front of him in the areas carrying his big yellow Lance behind him preparing to strike with it, The Botanian with the Katana tries to block his attack unfortunately for him his sword breaks on contact with his spear. The botanian makes a good back by jumping avoiding his spear to cut off his head ..)

Looks like these are very strong ... Shatter my sword with a blow from his spear ..

Visma is next to him, he hadn't noticed her, she appeared next to him in an instant. He then looks at her out of the corner of his eye with a cold sweat in his face. She takes out one of these axes scratching his forehead and she also wounds him by taking out another axe in the sides he takes a few steps back ... His two wounds on the forehead and in the sides become infected, he looks at the wound at the level of the sides. odds.

Ha!!! (Purple marks appear on his ribs and forehead, these marks quickly run through his body.) Shit, The poison strosse touched me .. (he sighs one last, smiles then suddenly falls on his back.)

Visma warns with these two axes, she uses an element which is poison, she possesses the poison strosse, her poison strosse surrounds her like armor. A scratch in contact with your blood and these death ensure with the natural strosse. The poison is considered to be a natural element which means that type 1 and 2 can have strosse. Visma is a 2nd type, she is only able to use one element.

Kyrions is type 1 it can use all natural elements, water, fire, earth, wind, electrity, poison etc.

Cartor is a third type of strosse. It has the strosse of light, it is a rare strosse, it is one of the most powerful and rare strosse existing. Those with this type of strosse only have a specific rare element. The strosse of light is the strosse that allows these users an incomparable speed compared to the other. No other strosse user can match the speed of strosse users of light. The strosse of light is as hot as lasers, hotter than fires and lava.

Cartor: - I think we should go or everyone could die.

Tiger man with an armor arm with a fiery aura, Think: it looks like in front of .. There are .. Monsters ..

This same Tiger-Man hits a Miniatex with a big punch and that will make the Minatex move back 5 meters, this same Miniatex having blocked his fist by crossing these two blue sabers controlling the element of the water. Four people stop the Miniatex when it rolls back due to the shock of the tiger man's punch. They will then run towards this man-tiger, however a crystal whip slices them all over their heads. the whip has a water strosse. Another tiger man appears behind the tiger man with Arms of Armor. He also holds his whip with both hands.

Tiger man with a whip: - Hmm!

Tiger man with armor: -ho he can stop my attack ..

Tiger man with a whip: -Don't say anything? (The man-tiger in armor smiles as he looks at his teammate who has a whip in his hands.)

Tiger man with armor on his arm: - very well so I'm going to take care of this Miniatex who doesn't seem to want to fight ..

Tiger man with a whip: - you will ...

the aura of Jack's arm widens and moves towards The Tiger Man with a whip, his strosse is sharp when close to the Tiger Man with a whip his aura tries to pierce his head but he will move his head in last moment to dodge this attack.

What is it?? An insect like you dares to interrupt me .. (his strosse surrounding him becomes more imposing creating great pressure on Jack who seems to be surprised by his aura.)

Jack: - Though: Serious !! I feel like he can kill me anytime and easily. Damn I might die if I fight him.

Jay: - Yaaaaa! (Jay gives an overpowering blow with his dirt ax, he hits the ground with it. Blades of dirt push from the ground certain in the direction of the two tiger men who were fighting with Jack the two backs up by jumping from the back from left to right diagonally. The tiger man with the armor on his arm will go to face other gladiators representing the slaves of Gaspar. The man tiger with a whip in hand will end up jumping very high to dodge the never ending blades of earth. Jack is a little surprised after all he managed to push them back after all he couldn't move because of the sinister aura he had, he even thought he could have died if he had attacked him. .)

Jack: - What a jump !!!

Jay watches the jump he just made and seems a little surprised for a few seconds, after the seconds pass he picks up his mind and his facial expression suddenly changes to become a little furious.

Jay: - Save yourself !! Hurry, don't stay idiot ... RUN !!! Go face the others those there are too strong for you .. (The man-tiger who has jumped very high with the whip in hand puts his whip high on his head in a straight line.)

To be continued!