
Chapter 2: The tiger-man vs the mutants

Three mutants enter the field of plants.A few second after getting into the field, a mutant head flies to the side of another mutant, once this mutant see it, it will stop abruptly and look at the head on the ground.As he look his comrade's, half of the body of one of the three mutant goes out of the field and steals from him.This same mutant will start shaking and can not move and talk.

-What is happening?

Jay: -I have a bad feeling, we have to go faster..

-I do not know who is the bastard who dared to do that.. But he is a dead man.

-We will kick his ass.

Right after saying these words, a big tiger-man come out of the field of plants, when everyone sees him,they stop to run.The Tiger-Man has a height of 2 meters and 5 cm and has sharp teeth and an impressive musculature with orange and white fur with black stripes all over his body. He has green eyes and big ear on his head.

-What that shit??

-A tiger

-A giant tiger. "The tiger-man look at him while shaking."

Jay: -a tiger man!

The tiger-man walks toward a mutant who keeps shaking him.

-It is very big. "The other mutant look at him"

The tiger-man does not pay attention to the mutant, he look in the void before him without fixing whoever it is. The tiger-man is in front of a mutant who keeps on trembling with fear.The tiger-man appears an aura that covers his body, he will then calmly look down at the mutant,which is shaking more and more.

-Pi.. Pi.. Pity ."He trembles while having his eyes wide open, while peeping himself.The tiger-man forces his eyes, as he looked at mutant, the mutant is now receiving is thought that crosses his mind and he feels (despair), then the tiger-man kick him in the belly after the mutant will fly very far. He will hit a rock and then spit blood and have a big hole in his stomach.The other mutant are watching the scene."

-Oh not bad..

-Interesting, then like that there are dangerous men-tiger in this dimension, which is more wild seen these clothes.

This same mutant begins to turn these arms into a blade and then disappear before the tiger-man and then hit him once. Despite the fact that he has transformed these arms into a blade, no scratch

appears, the mutant is surprised for a moment, the mutant will continue to hit him by doing chaining.

-He continues to strike in the legs, arms and stomach but not the slightest injury appears on him because his aura protect him, the tiger-man does not move he remains motionless, he ignores the mutant who keeps attacking him.

Okay you may be hard everywhere, But everyone is vulnerable to the eyes.

-What's this shit?

-It's very resistant skin.

Get ready to put his arm in one of those eyes.At the moment his shot was going to go in his eyes, the tiger-man moves his head to dodge the attack of the mutant. Before he pull his blade arm toward him, the tiger-man is going to catch his blade arm toward him, the tiger-man is going to catch his arm that tooth.

Aaaaargh (cries of pain).

The man-tiger mouse while biting his arm, he will then put both hands on the mutant's shoulder to then tear off his arm.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Aww my.. My arm.. My arm.

While the mutant is on the ground suffering the tiger-man will not waste his time, he will push his blade arm into his skull.Then the other mutants will change their appearance, turning into a beast and then run to the tiger-man.The tiger-man takes back his blade arm, he put his eye attentively on the blade arm while admiring it, then watching them come to him.

-Bastard.I'll give you a lesson..

The tiger-man cuts it in half after he is finished his sentence, then turn diagonally to slice a second person so once,twice,three times.Then a mutant takes a grenade and launches it to the tiger-man.


The tiger- man step back a few step but still has not the slightest injury, however, he has a sore ear. He stand up, Jay appears in front of him and give him a punch in the belly, this time he move back very far.Once he cashed, another mutant appears in his back, he notices a handle containing a knife, he will pull the knife from his back.The tiger-man will then put these hands behind him by grabbing the mutant and then stick his head to the ground after the shock will explode. His knife will roll in front of another mutant.

-Shit! What a monster!

Marc-Anthony: -not bad.. "His name is Marc-Anthony, he as the knife in his hands, he look at it carefully."

What is this Knife?It look like blue diamond! An interesting crystals knife, in addition it is light..

Following this,the tiger-man takes a big step back and then puts himself in a four-legged position and put his tail on the ground and propels himself forward. Electricity springs up inside the body of the mutant, so he quickly dodges the tiger-man. Jay rushes towards the tiger-man, as he continue to move four paws trying to catch Marc-Anthony who has his knife, while increasing his however he can not catch him.

What speed, but thanks to the electricity, I can move faster than an ordinary mutant so it will not work against me..And if I touch my opponent I can even give him an electricity discharge. (Touch) it can cause a heart attack..

When he touches him an electric shock hit him, after he will move his tail a lot, jumping up. Jay is behind the tiger-man, the tiger-man turns around, while Jay get ready to give him a punch but he will miss it.The tiger-man will dodge his attack by jumping, after Marc-Anthony appear in front of the tiger-man and say "it's the end for you!" he puts his two hands on the chest of his opponent.Then the tiger-man gets a great discharge, we can see the smoking that appears on the tiger-man.The tiger-man has his eyes shut, he will quietly opens his eyes and when the smoke will be scattered the other mutants will notice that he does not have any injuries. A crooked smile will appear on his face, has he opens his mouth to smoke out, his aura will become more and more imposing.When Marc-Anthony see the scene he feel for the very first time the fear of being invulnerable. For fear, he gets the knife into his stomach..

-A pierced him..

The tiger-man force his eyes and look at the mutant smiling, he puts a hand on Marc-Anthony's shoulder.

Marc-Anthony: -I must go deeper..

Marc-Anthony force to get the knife deeper using his electricity to pierce it in depth, the electricity in his body springs out of the body and goes in his knife, when his electricity goes in the direction of his knife, the knife in question goes then absorb his electricity.

The tiger-man: -Aaaaaharrrgh.(Cries in pain).

Suddenly an electric explosion occurs in the tiger-man's wounds. The mutant is thrown backwards at a phenomenal speed. A few seconds after the tiger-man remove the knife from his belly. We can see a big hole through her belly to such point that we can see through her belly.

-Become serious..

-I'm afraid..

-Get him! You think you can defeat us all..

The tiger-man raise his knife to top of his head and then throws his knife into the head of the last mutant who spoke. When he hits his head an impressive explosion pops up.

-Is he dead?(look at the tiger-man)

-Son of a bitch!

Jay: -Then, they are monsters of this level in this dimension.

-It is not so strong, it's not like the other Half-God level mutant nor those nor those God level..

-Idiot! There is no Half-God among us and no level Gods. We have with us some level Half-Demon would have a little trouble defeating him..

The strength rating of the mutant is judged by level:










-It look like the soldiers are dead, I went to check!

-Oh yes, what a band of zero.

-Well anyway, he would not have survived a long time. There are probably other tiger-men in the area. Let's stay together, there may be a way to return home.

Marc-Anthony: -this belong to me! I defeated him. "The other mutants look at him, take the knife and lift it up and then he'll put it in his sheath to adjust it to him.

Clone-Bill: -The soldiers had said they had to send other mutants in this dimension."The name of the person who speaks is Clone-Bill."

-If so, there must be other groups in the same situation as us.

-We should check if there are close to us.

-No, we should look for food or shelter for the night..

-Good idea!

-I am really hungry..

end of the chapter!