
Chapter 14: Mutant training and a long conversation with the king and Carstoph!

The next morning has the same place, the sun rises and reflects the crystals that are on the ground of different colors blue, green, red, mauve, orange, cyan and yellow. The area is hot to the point that it produces smoking.

Carstoph: -round strip of lapping 200 laps for new ...

2000 for the seniors all that while maintaining your strosse. Go soldier! "mutants have trouble running, soldiers run faster than mutants."

Victor: - Incredible They are tireless or what?

Raphael: -They have energy to sell ..

mutant -huahouhouahoua huf huf huf "blow off"

Other mutant: -huahouhouahoua huf huf huf "blow off."

Other mutant: -huahouhouahoua huf huf huf "Blow off."

2 hours later,

mutant: -it's only 40 laps since all this time, it seems that you get tired faster using his strosse in addition to running so how do they get to be in good shape and more with this pace.

Carstoph: - My god, you're good for nothing, hurry off you good-for-nothing.

Zefro: - make a little effort you are able rookies ..

Time passed, after another four days, they managed their 200 laps ..

-Finally successful!




Alex: -It is incredible even if we have traveled a long distance without water and I feel all my muscles in my body are in good shape unlike the beginning, the strosse is really useful. "He looks at his hands filled with strosse, smiling."

Kamelio: -It's normal, it means that your body got used to the strosse, the more you use it and the more it strengthens your body, it can even increase your life span or heal your wounds.

Jimmy: -Ouah it's really useful this stromachin (strosse).. I did not know that all this was so practical .. "He thinks in his head" before fleeing from this place would be nice if I could learn a little more right here.

1 hour later, after the seniors finish their 2000 laps

Carstoph: -good now your second training is to hit in these giant stone of concentration of strosse using your strosse of course. The new ones will hit 250 times from the right, and 250 times from the left, while the apprentice soldier elders will hit 5,000 times from the right and 5,000 from the left as usual.

The stone of strosse concentration is a giant gilding crystals which shines like the diamond, There are several in the ground where they are. Each mutant will then put itself in front of a strosse concentration stone.

Ha, ha, what is sure is that he strikes hard despite the little strosse that springs from their body.

-It, it absorbs my energy .. "hits, hits, hits,he hits the big stone of concentration, the stone of concentration absorbs my strosse

Carstoph: - faster, faster, I said faster!

the other mutants strike with their fist with all their might "bam, bam, bam, bam, bam bam."

Max: - IT'S HARD !! "His fist is on the stone of strosse concentration it hurt him, he is angry."

Soldier-they are not bad the new ones ..

Another Soldier-Ouep, I thought they were completely good for nothing, but they just have the misery to control the base of the strosse. If he manages to master their strosse can they become generals of the kingdom.

Kamelio: - do not say anything! Even the weakest of generals is supposed to be very strong, they are like wild beasts those even the great master strosse user can not easily be general ...

Carstoph: - stop talking for nothing and hit harder, I do not want to hear you speak ,I want to hear the sound that your punch produces at the strosse concentration stone ..

bam, bam, bam, bam

After some time,

Third exercise hitting 1000 times in a vacuum using scrillstrosse epee that you have passed and I want to see you project energy discharge with every shot you make. Go execution!

A little later, the temperature is warmer the color of the sun has changed it is pale blue.


And it continued until evening ..

Well we will resume the same session tomorrow morning, so go sleep good at nothing lazy ..

The mutants all have ring around the eyes and are tired, they are kneeling suffocating on the ground sweating perspiration, others look at the sky while they are and the gigantic cyan moon, others not being able to cover their breath, on the other hand they are dry.

"Am I dead?" He is lying on his back and his eyes are wide open as he looks at the cyan moon with his mouth open dehydrated , breathing with difficulty, his heart beating fast. "

Mutant-I have a little more .. Hum, hum. "He is wiping"

Mutant-It's .. a sadist..Hum, hum. "He is wiping."

Mutant-What an asshole ...

Mutant-And how did you make yourself to stand still you did more than we could say that three of you did more than all of us while we were about 40 mutants. Are you a machine or what?

kamelio: - we are used to doing this kind of training every day and every time, sometimes it is more difficult for all of you today was a banal routine. "the mutants do not come back they are filled with despair"

Zefro: -you will get used to it in a week or two you will be able to really improve your capacity and you will be less tired..

Max: - What an asshole, this General Carstoph giving us crazy exercises ..

Zefro: -he does that, for your good!

Max: -what, what are you saying?

Zefro: - in three weeks we will go out and fight enemies of the kingdom, all these exercises serve to be able to defeat them, General Carstoph will be with us but we risk to have losses.

While the mutants hear what Zefro just said their faces become surprised and pail upon hearing him speak. "Each mutant is dressed as a peasant of Nisvesia.

2 hours later, at the castle of King Castle ..

King Castle: -Then Carstoph tell me how my new soldiers are doing?

Carstoph: - they are bad, they know no base, no art of strosse creation as we the Nisvesiens knew how to do it well. I can hardly believe they managed to survive outside the city,

their strosse is very weak .. More precisely their strosse is comparable to those of the childrens of the city .. sorry majesty .. But I do not see what you find them .. They have a force phenomenal but their strength is not going be enough to fight our external enemy ..

Noble: - What impudent critic the decision of the ki ... "He is cut off."

King Castle: -Hehehehehehehehehehehe! "Other people in the room look closely at the laughing king.The people present are Nobles, generals with imposing armor and his sister Christella who sits on a throne next to the king's largest throne, she is on the right side The king's throne is gilded the other two thrones are silver.The castle is made of several colored crystal.There are giant paintings on the walls behind the king's throne is a giant painting, his painting is a portrait of himself that amazes others.In the walls also there are giants blue window.In front of the Throne is a long staircase leading to the throne and down the stairs is a large red carpet and gilding leading to the far The generals in arms on one knee on the ground looking at the king, being serious, and on the floor above, are nobles of the kingdom.

Noble: -Majesty!

Other Noble: If I can allow, my king, What makes you laugh like that?

-blablablablablablabla" the other noble speaks between himself."

A general in armor: -These Nobles are not afraid to provoke the wrath of the king, what a rude to talk without he has given us the order, knowing him if he gets angry he risks causing considerable harm. I preferred our former late king."He whispers in the ear of another general"

Christella: -It will never ever change to make fun of others and surprise everyone with these twisted ideas or create problems wherever he goes. It makes him get married, it makes him laugh, it makes him cum, curses himself sadistic .. To say that he killed our elder brother, our father, his father

own father to be able to take the power .. His ambition has no limit .. It may be my little handsome brother ever I would forgive... Ever! This bastard mix of botanians. And now he brings a weak stranger who comes from I do not know and makes them join our apprentice soldiers, how shameful he is, he has no shame in exposing our kingdoms to such an individual. "She said it all in her head, looking at the king indifferently, then turning her head in front of her, throwing the generals before her for a moment and then closing her eyes with a grimace of sigh."

King Castle: -hehehehehe, I knew you were going to say that Carstoph, quite their strosse is ridiculous, they are weak in view of their age, their strosse should be more imposing. They learned what the strosse is and use it only eight days ago so I was not expecting much from them.

Carstoph: - Eight .. Eight days .. You say ?! "He says it by raising the way."

Noble: he dares to raise the way to his king. What an impudent man!

Other noble: -the generals are good only to protect us, they are only monkey without brains, rustics, rude, without high education and they just prove my saying presently.

King Castle: -I want to see, if I really fooled myself on their account. I want you to train them hard to develop their inner capacity and then I'd like to see if they can eat mythical animals and see what the result will be. I have a presentiment that they will be useful to us in the near future and my impression never deceives me .. I place a lot of hope in you to train them so do not disappoint me otherwise you will pay the price ..

Carstoph: Eating Mythical Animals It's Impossible! They already have special transformations, it necessarily means that they have surely eat one. It is impossible to eat two if their body risks rejecting them and it will cause an immediate death.

King Castle: - you are mistaken, I too at the beginning I thought he was eating it is when I heard from one of my spokesperson who had followed me in my last saying that they were unable to use their strosse. Let us not forget that each animal mythic are born with a strosse out of the ordinary and those who manage to eat one end up by acquiring their capacity, strosse out of the ordinary in addition to acquire the they do not need to have scrillstrosse to be feared by their opponent because of strosse out of the ordinary. Outside them, they did not know the strosse existence only eight days ago. If the resistance of these new apprentice soldiers is out of the ordinary, once they get used to using the strosse that is in them they will surely become powerful.

Carstoph: - (reflection) what he said makes sense .. Mycotic animals with a body developing and the strosse reacts with the resistance of an individual which means that if you have a weak body, your strosse will be weak ... the stronger your body is, the more powerful your strand will be. And the strosse is growing each time more and more when using it, our physical strength increases with the use and the will to reinforce the strosse and it is when one obtains a good soldier. "End of the reflection."

King Castle: - then General Carstoph you lost your tongue ..

Carstoph: Or .. Yes, um, I mean no, your majesty ..

King Castle: -And then !?

Carstoph: - Now that I think about what you said about the new, it is true that I have never felt a threatening streak coming from them but by cons their resistance is very impressive for people who never knew how to use the strosse but with the proper training, they will make very good soldier.

King Castle: "Then tell me, will you be able to make of them a real one who will borrow me on the finger and the eye? "At that time the king had an angry area and his streak appeared scary to everyone in the room."

Carstoph: -What a strosse, it's a monster, I tremble despite my level "says it in his head" Or .. Yes your majesty .. Me Dublein Carstoph will train this apprentice soldier at your service and I will show the full potential of these apprentice soldiers.

King Castle: -Well happy to hear it .. "said it he smile with an idiotic way."