
I was sleeping

Eun Ha slowly opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to get her eyes in focus and once she did, she saw Ha Eun, sleeping while holding her hand. This was the first time she had ever woken up with someone next to her, holding her hand.

Ha Eun opened her eyes and noticed that Eun Ha was finally conscious. A sense of relief flew through her.

"Unnie" Eun Ha murmured. Ha Eun smiled and quickly wrapped her arms around her.

"I was so scared," Ha Eun told her as she hugged her. She let her go, to look at Eun Ha's face and placed her hands on her face "I am so glad you're okay" she said as she looked at Eun Ha, then she hugged her once more.

Eun Ha's face reddened. She doesn't remember the last time her own mother hugged her or someone worried about her.

Then she thought back to what happened that night with Chang Wook and those bad men. Chang Wook was also worried about her and tried to protect her. These nice people that hardly knew her, cared so much for her than her own parents.

Eun Ha started to cry as she grabbed onto Ha Eun's clothes. "It's alright" Ha Eun whispered as she ran her hand down Eun Ha's hair. "You're alright now."

To Eun Ha, Ha Eun didn't seem to understand her tears. More than the feeling of being scared and surrounded by bad men with guns, the feeling of being loved was what brought her to tears.

The two let go of each other. Ha Eun passed her hands through Eun Ha's face and placed a strand of her hair behind her ear "I know you just woke up, but the police are here" Ha Eun said. Suddenly a nurse came into the room and once she noticed Eun Ha was awake she left the room to get the doctor as well as the police officers.

The doctor rushed in and did a check-up on Eun Ha. Once he was finished, he said it would be wise to keep her in the hospital for another day, just to be sure she was okay. After the doctor left, two police officers entered the room.

"They'd like to ask you a few questions about what happened to you and Chang Wook last night," Ha Eun told her. Eun Ha looked at the police officers then held onto Ha Eun tighter "You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but someone hurt you two last night and they want to find out who it was"

Eun Ha got closer to Ha Eun and laid her head on Ha Eun's chest. Ha Eun wrapped her arms around Eun Ha and looked at the officers.

"I was sleeping, when my bedroom door suddenly opened," Eun Ha said, "I thought it was unnie or ahjussi but then I smelled cigarettes and neither of you two smoke. I turned around to see two men in black suits. One was standing by the door while the other one was reaching to grab me."

Eun Ha recounted all the events that happened to her. She fought the two men off, managing to break one's nose and was able to run down the stairs and make it to the front door, but there was another man by the door. He was the one that grabbed her. All three of them tied her up and gagged her then dragged her towards a car outside the residence.

She saw there were two cars and managed to catch the license plate of one of them. The officers were delighted to hear that.

One of the officers excused himself to call for backup on searching for a car. While the other remained to listen to Eun Ha's story.

"Go on" Ha Eun told her.

Eun Ha continued as she said how she was thrown into the trunk of a car but it didn't move. She didn't know how long she was there, but she suddenly heard the gates of the residence open, so she could only guess that Chang Wook and Ha Eun had arrived home.

Later she heard the gates open again and someone say, "Frisk him" then she heard someone else's voice yell "Nothing."

Suddenly the car she was in started to move. She didn't know how long it took but once it stopped she prepared herself to kick whoever opened the trunk and make a run for it. Once the trunk opened, she only saw one man and as he got down to reach for her she kicked him on the face and managed to escape.

She ran into the woods, thinking to hide between the trees but two of the men were right behind her. One lunged at her but only managed to trip her and she rolled down a hill. Once at the bottom of the hill, it was hard for her to move. Before she could get up and continue to run, the men caught her. One of them slapped her for causing them trouble.

She was then carried into an abandoned warehouse. Once inside she saw a table right in the middle, but she wasn't sat there, she was taken to the back of the warehouse facing the wall. After a while she heard Chang Wook's voice ask if he was going to be sitting there and if he was going to be restrained. Eun Ha was so happy to hear Chang Wook's voice that she started to cry. Then she heard a man tell him to sign some papers.

"Do you know what the papers contained?" the officer asked Eun Ha. Eun Ha looked at Ha Eun sadly and Ha Eun hugged her tightly.

"It's okay if you don't know" Ha Eun told her, but she couldn't deny that she was curious. Who on earth would kidnap her husband and Eun Ha just to get Chang Wook's signature?

"Did you see the man's face?" the officer asked.

Eun Ha shook her head. It was too dark for her to see his face clearly "He mentioned unnie" Eun Ha said. Ha Eun and the officer looked at each other.

"What did he say about your unnie?" the officer asked.

"He mentioned a pool and that he'd wait for her. Ahjussi called him crazy and he…" Eun Ha stopped talking, remembering the scene "He shot him two times in the leg"

Ha Eun was saddened but was also confused. She saw him covered in blood and his heart had stopped. Something else must have happened after he got shot in the leg.

"Then what happened?" the officer asked. Ha Eun looked at him with an annoyed expression. He took a step back, biting his lips.

"The man told two men to get rid of ahjussi and another two to get rid of me" Eun Ha said. She then recounted what happened after.