
If These Walls Could Talk

"You will call me, Mistress. I am your Master now and you have no choice in what I do to you. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress." Lirael loves her sex life, she enjoys the no strings attached while still having fun. But what happens when someone disrupts her routine and makes her crave something more than just sex? Can she work through her past trauma and handle the uncertainty that comes with what's being offered? R18 Profanity, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Situations & Topics of Past Abuse Occur, If you are sensitive to these, I advise reading a different story. This is the story of a dominatrix/Impact player, some themes, experiences and reactions are inspired by real life events.. However, this is mainly a work of fiction as told in whole, any and all places, people or interactions have been altered and heavily embellished for the purpose of this story.

Mara_Heller · Urban
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104 Chs

70 Reflex

Friday morning, as I'm walking into the office, the sight before me has me stop dead in my tracks.

Plastic is being draped over half of the room, like it was being prepared for construction work and needed to keep the dust and debris behind the plastic.

"What's this?!" I exclaim, seeing Jim come walking out of his office with some of his items.

He grumbles, "Old buildings. Apparently a pipe broke last night and they found mold growing in the walls. We're being put on remote work for now. I've been arguing with the board for the past hour, but what do I know? I'm just medical billing's department head."

He motions to my desk that is pressed against one of the wall with the others. "Take whatever files are in your desk and personal items you may want and follow me." Jim stops setting his small box of items on a cart by the door.

"Where did they move us to?" I inquired so he wouldn't have to wait while I grabbed things from my desk.

"Room 302." He said grumpily.

"302! We won't be able to all fit in there! It's an exam room!" I exclaim in shock.

"Yeah, that's what I told them. However, it's the only one available, since the other rooms are being utilized from the remodel, so we will have to make it work somehow." Jim grumbled as we loaded files and other work items from my desk.

When we got to room 302 though, there was a problem.

"There's not enough room, not for all five of us." Janet showed how the room was set up with small portable desks and computers with wires and stools for us to sit on. "The four of us are going to be up close and personal! Five of us, I think we're going to have sign some kind of sexual harassment waiver."

Jim looked at the cramped room and scratched his head, "Well ladies, we can't all fit. I'm going to call someone, give me a few minutes."

He walks out of the office and makes a call. We're trying to set up our areas, and figure out how to sit, but we are on top of each other, bumping elbows.

Jim comes back in to the little exam room, but can't make it to his desk. He sighs, looking at us and asks us to all stand up for him.

"Since I have to be here, one of you are going to have to go home. I guess we will have to draw a name and see who get's to go home and enjoy some PTO time."

Janet, Kim, and Teresa all chimed in with cheers and I couldn't help but join in.

That would be nice, to relax at home and be paid for it.

Jim walked over and wrote down on some post it notes, folding and sticking them closed, before tossing them into one of the medical tubs from a cabinet. He shook it up and walked out into the hall, hailing a nurse walking by.

"Excuse me, Nurse Brenda, could you please pull out a post it note for us?" Jim asked her holding it out and up slightly, still shaking it lightly.

"Yeah." Nurse Brenda pulled out a post it and handed it to Jim, before returning to her duties.

Jim unfolded the paper slowly, drawing out the suspense. "Alright, the lucky lady who gets to enjoy some PTO for the next two weeks...is....." He looks at the name and his brows rise in surprise. He crumbles the post it note and tosses it in the trash.

A chorus of "Hey!" and "What?!" rang out from us ladies and Janet even went to pull it out of the trash.

Jim laughed and let her pull it out. She gave him a glare, making him chuckle and back up in mock fright.

Janet opened it up, and scoffed, "Dang it! You lucky bit... eautiful woman..." Janet quickly fixes her language seeing Jim cross his arms, daring her to finish that sentence.

"WHO?" Kim, Teresa, and I all ask in exasperation.

"LIRAEL!" Janet and Jim both shout in unison.

I jumped, startled looking at the other faces, seeing the jealous and happy looks at me.

"Well, then two weeks?" I ask Jim just to make sure.

He nods, "Two weeks, get your stuff and get out of here already, don't rub it in with the other girls." Jim winks at me and ushers me to hurry up.

After saying later to the girls, I headed to Beth's room to spend some of my free time visiting with her. I walk into her room to find her talking to an older, bald, chubby man in a suit that I don't recognize as hospital staff.

"Hey, mom... Who's your visitor?" I smile warmly at them both and Beth returns my smile.

"Lirael, this is Mr. Grants. He's handling some paperwork for me while I'm here in the hospital. Mr. Grants, this is my sons girlfriend, Lirael." She introduces us as we stick out our hands.

His firm handshake is warm, along with his smile that radiates from his crystal, blue eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lirael. Beth speaks very highly of you." He gushes.

I feel the flames of humility turn my face and ears red as I stumble on what to say. "I ... well... I hope they're true and she's not embellishing anything." I finally get out, chuckling.

"Oh, I'm sure Beth sang your praises honestly." He turns to Beth and continues, "Now, I'll go make the changes you asked for and let you enjoy your visit with Lirael. I'll see you in a little while to sign for the changes made. It was nice to meet you, Lirael." He bobs his head and exits the room, carrying a briefcase with him.

I don't pry and sit back and enjoy a visit with her, helping her to eat through out our time together. She did inquire why I was there, not working and I got to explain to her the situation with our office.

"Lucky you." She said surprised. I stayed and chit chatted with her for a little while.

By eleven, she was tired and I left to let her rest. At home, I tended to my garden, something that had been neglected the past month, pulling out weeds and laying down mulch from a bag I still had in the shed. It was cool enough out today that the temperature and humidity was not high, making it a perfect day to garden and ready everything for fall.

By two, I was done.


I was a hot, sweaty, dirty, mulch and garden debris covered mess, in need of a hot shower. I pull off my boots and beat myself, dusting off anything that is loose, before heading inside the house. I down a glass of water, fill up another and head into the shower. I put some music on, work on getting clean and singing my heart out to Goo Go Dolls.

"Is dark tonight... little bit weaker than you used to be..." I'm wrapped up in my robe, drying my hair with a towel, singing along. I toss my towel onto the chair and walk into my closet.

I need panties....a bra.... what am I wearing though?

I pulled out a minty, sage, green bra and lace panty set, so I figure I will go with my flowy, knee length, sage green dress with the flutter sleeves and gold beaded waistline.

I slip into them and slip on some flats and walk out of my closet, slamming into a hard solid chest, face first.

"AHHH!" I scream, step back, and swing a mean right hook at the intruders face. Clocking them right in the jaw.


It's Brian.

"SHIT! Brian! I'm so sorry! You startled me and I just reacted!" I cover my mouth in shock but quickly take a step towards him.

I can't believe I just decked Brian!

He is groaning, still spitting out a "Fuck!" or a "Damn it!" with a tight jaw.

"I'll go get you an ice pack!" I run downstairs, open my freezer and find a bag of frozen corn, which I run back upstairs with. He's at the landing at the top of the stairs, coming my way.

"Here let me see it." Stepping toward him, I take his hand away from his face and assess the damage.

"Shhh.... it.. That's going to leave a mark... " I glance up at his eyes and he's looking pissed.

"Oh Brian. I really am sorry. It was just a reflex." I apologize and place the frozen corn onto his left cheek. The cheek was already red and puffed up, his eye slightly puffed as well.

"It's fine. I should have called out your name or something. Sorry for startling you." He takes a few breaths and adds, "Damn, though, where the fuck did you learn to punch like that?!" Brian walks down the stairs and lays back on my couch, the bag of corn laying on his face.