
If These Walls Could Talk 2: Brian

*R-18 Contains Adult situations and Explicit Sexual Content and Profanity* Not for readers 17 and under. **This is a sequel to If These Walls Could Talk, you could read this first but I highly suggest you read the first one. Just so you are not confused when certain events are referenced. Thanks :)** I watched my best friend fall in love with an amazing woman, a woman that I had wanted for myself before his feelings developed, but he didn't know. I can't be mad at anyone other than myself for not taking a chance when I had it. So instead of being upset about it, I'm going to be happy for them both, they're happy together and I could never betray either of them by destroying their happiness. I envy them still though, I hate feeling like this. Hopeless. I wish I could find my own partner, one that could satisfy my sexual desires just as much as my emotional desires. But what are the chances of that happening?

Mara_Heller · Urban
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155 Chs

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"Eighteen! Thank you ma'am!" I breathe through another strike of the paddle, working myself through this. She rubs my ass, soothing it, before she turns the plugs vibration up another level to the medium range. I groan from the mixture of odd pleasure and pain from my ass cheeks and the cock ring still on.


"Nineteen, thank you ma'am." I'm breathing harder as she turns up the vibration again. "oh fuck...." I gasp out as she presses it up again.

"Do you want this last strike, my good, loving husband?" Sarina asks like she is praising me for an achievement.

"Yes. Please." I gasp out, struggling to keep myself from succumbing to the sensations and finding release this way.

"Oh... you sound like you're about to...." She giggles, "I don't think so not yet." She turns the vibration down and I'm left panting gripping the headboard to keep myself up.

"Thank you, Ma'am." I rasp out, my limbs feeling shaky from the constant tensing and relaxing of my body.

She runs her hand over my welted, hot ass and makes soothing sounds. "Alright, this is the last one. Ready?"

I nod, relaxing my body in preparation.


"Fuck! Twenty, thank you Ma'am!" That last one sets my ass on fire and causes an electric sensation to course through me. I'm breathing harder, shaking from this overwhelming sensation with no control over it.

Sarina rubs my ass again, playing with the plug, twisting and moving it. Groaning and tensing again, my body weak from this constant edging she's been doing all night. I don't think I can take much more of this tonight. My body is weak from all the emotional stress and drinking I did.

"Sarina, please...?" I beg her, "Please, baby?"

"What's your answer than?" She purrs to me.

I shudder at the question and know that she's talking about pegging me. This is my wife, I can trust her to do this, but not like this. I need to see her, I need to be able to touch her.

"Okay." I whisper.

"Okay?" She sounds shocked and freezes as the realization sinks in.

"Just not like this, baby. Unrestrained, please. I need to see you, I need to touch you. Also, please take this cock ring off." I let her know my conditions.

She quickly undid my restraints and took the lube to my cock to remove the cock ring. Once that was off, relief rushed through my body, and my cock leaked precum as the relief rushed through me. Sarina came back with a toy that went into her and protruded out about four inches for me.

I lay on my back, a pillow under my back, as Sarina climbs up in between my legs. I close my eyes, thinking she's about to prepare to take the plug out, but instead I feel the soft caress of her lips on mine. I return the kiss with her hands caressing my body before she pulls away enough to lean her forehead on mine.

"Thank you, baby. I know you've had your apprehensions about this, but I promise I will do my best to make this as enjoyable as you did for me." She gives me a soft smile and I return her smile, unable to find the words to say to her.

I feel more vulnerable than I've ever felt before, yet, at the same time I know I'll be alright. I'm safe with her and this will satisfy her desires. She's done the same for me, why should I decline her?

She leans back and starts removing the plug and sets it to the side, as she lubes her new toy up and inserts it into her. She leans back over me and kisses me sweetly while stroking my cock, my hands roaming over her chest and playing with her breasts in firm and slow movements.

Once I'm panting against her lips, she leans back, peering into my eyes and reading my face.

She gets into position, lubing me and the toy up again. She places the tip at my entrance and I do my best to relax as she focuses more on entering me. I place my hand on top of hers, helping her rub on my shaft as she begins to ease into me.

The head enters me and it's not much different than getting used to the plug as Sarina holds still, watching my face. Meeting her gaze, I nod, remembering to breathe as she presses slowly into me, her eyes never leaving mine. She gets the head in and waits, slowly and gently moving her body to work more in. Her slow movements have me relaxing more, but needing the stimulation on my cock. I squeeze her hand more on my cock, speeding her pace up more.

Watching her watching me so carefully, moving like this, ensuring my comfort only solidifies my trust was well placed in her. Suddenly, I get what she meant when she said she enjoyed the intimacy of anal more than the act of it. There is this greater level of intimacy as the receiver than the one who's giving. My heart blooms with love for her and suddenly I get this overwhelming sense of need for her. Her body is moving closer to mine, before she gently bends over and lays a soft kiss on my lips as I feel that sensation of being full come over me.

"Sarina..." I pant as our lips part.

"Keep stroking yourself." She instructs me, as she removes her hand and kisses me again. I grip myself, rubbing as she begins to rock her hips, gradually going faster as my hand speeds up too.

I gasp then moan, feeling it, and experience an intrusive pleasure in it. Even Sarina is making little whimpers of delight as she moves. It feels... good. Kind of, but taboo, borderline wrong. I'm trying to enjoy this for her as Sarina keeps moving. I must have grimaced at the odd sensations that the toy was causing from going deeper than a plug because Sarina slows down her pace. She sits back and slowly removes the toy from me and then herself.

"Something wrong?" I raise a brow curious about her actions, she has wanted this for a little while now. I also feel relieved because it wasn't exactly fulfilling any desires in me. She pulls the pillow out from under my back and shakes her head.

"I need you inside of me." She says, climbing on top of me. "It didn't feel right to me." She says, taking my lips in a heated kiss as I feel her lower body engulf my cock. She begins to rock her hips and I can tell by her face that this is better for the both of us.

I see stars as she rides me, her hunger for me still unsatiated. I had no problem fulfilling her appetite though. I grip her hips, helping her keep her pace as she nears her peak. Her hands grip my pecks, her nails cutting into my skin as her eyes close and her head falls back, right before she screams my name.

This is my favorite sight, watching her absolutely lose herself and it's all I need to push me over the edge with her. My balls empty out through my cock with the force of a firehose. My vision goes white then black, before I'm able to see again as the jolting pleasure of our releases racks our bodies in shudders.

"Oh... fuck.." I groan out, holding her to me, making her move her hips against me as the last few shots of my cum paints her fluctuating walls. Her face is next to my neck, kissing and breathing heavily onto it as our chests heave from the release.

Once we regain our breath, we both get up to wash off and hop in a shower together. We washed each other, holding each other closer, not wanting to part. By the end of our shower though, my cock was wanting more of her.

"Brian!" Sarina giggles as my cock pokes her when I pull her in for a kiss.

"Sorry, I can't help it. I want you. That's never going to stop. I'm always going to want you." I push a wet lock of her hair behind her ear as she turns her head and bats her eyelashes at me, her cheeks turning red. I take her chin and direct it up to me, slamming my lips on hers, kissing her deeply.

When she moans into the kiss, I lift her up pressing her against the wall of the shower. She gasps at the coolness of the shower tiles as images flash through my mind from the pictures and my dreams. I have to take a second and breathe, remembering that those were not real, they were doctored. I want to fuck her hard against the wall, replacing every single memory with her coming undone because of me.

"Brian?" Sarina runs her hands over my shoulders, "Everything all right?" She asks me, running one hand to my cheek.

I turn my gaze up to her and shake my head, "I need you. I don't want to hurt you or our child though."

Sarina gives me a knowing smile, like she knows the answer to a secret that I don't. "You won't hurt either one of us."

That's all I need to hear, my hard cock already poking at her entrance. I take her lips, pushing my tongue into her mouth, stealing her breath, stealing her cry as I ram my cock into her. I release her lips, leaving her heaving for air, each stab of my cock into her causing her breath to catch again.

Her head is against the wall, her breasts arched towards my face, her hips pinned against the shower wall. I drive into her, listening to each cry, each gasp, each whimper.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" She whines out as I pound furiously into.

My hand slides up her neck, squeezing the sides. I watch her eyes widen, her mouth open in a silent cry as my cock pounds her closer to release.

"You're mine. My wife. Mine. Never again do you let a man touch you in that way." I demand through gritted teeth.

She nods and I feel her body tightening around me.

"SAY IT." I growl at her, our faces mere inch away from each other, our eyes intense as we stare in to each other.

"I'll never.... let a man... touch me again..." She gasps out, "Brian, I'm yours!" She screams the last sentence as she cums hard on my cock.

"Oh... fuck.. yeah, that's right, Sarina. Cum on my cock baby. Such a good girl.." I coo at her. "Now it's my turn, to take that sweet little ass of yours baby."

She whimpers from the comedown from her high as I set her down to stand, then flip her around press her body against the wall, and make her ass presented to me.

"Brian..?" She says my name, hesitating me with her tone.

I kiss her shoulder softly, "You trust me right, Sarina?"

She thinks for a moment and whispers, "Yes."

"That's my good girl."