
If there's already a million isekai, why not one more?

After surviving getting transportated into another world, losing his left arm to an ordinary human in the world, surviving a battle royale with 50,000 other people who got transported into the world. He finally got to go home to his home planet but disaster has struck when he was away, dungeons started appearing and other people also received systems like him. Except theirs had more functions, his remained the same. (credits to zhang xu Pinterest for the book cover)

West_walker · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 7, the mutation

It turned 1.5x bigger, its body became blood red, it has insignias on its body, and it seems it evolved into a demon emperor ant during the process of mutation.

If i still had my strength i would only need to flick it away into an ocean and watch it drown... And turn the ocean of water into an ocean of wine.

But i can't do that with my current strength, what's worse right now is... I buried my mechanical arm back at the fishing village...

Considering i don't even have a house the only choice i had was to Bury it, but the bad thing is that the dungeon is near the bridge of the fishing village.

If the riot is successful and they will need to contain it and is also successful, their next target will probably be the fishing village...

Citizens will probably be evacuated but... Looking at the television right now, it seems that even powerful hunters can't damage it.

A meteor that could destroy a city had only scratched it, well the camera was blown off so i could only assume it was scratched.

But considering it was only scratched by a meteor nobody in this planet has the strength to defeat it if only 20% of the crystals that came from me were found.

Then it will be just enough to stop it, but this country might only have 5% of it, considering its world wide.

Calculating that the population of the world increased by 1300x since my time, market price of the crystals... Amount of dungeons in this country...

Out of the 20% this country might have the largest amount of... 3.455193% of the crystals found...

Then the news reported "this just in, the US isn't the only area that has been affected by the sudden mutation..."

Then the news reporter was sent flying by a large club. A hunter came and killed the one holding the club then shouted at the camera.


Then he was also sent flying by a large club, and the tv turned static people ran outside panicking, some people with knives, swords, odd weapons that fire tiny objects and Is extremely loud.

Fuck! From the comics I've read the one's who return to their world after getting reincarnated returns at times of peace after a great disaster...

Why am i returning during the great disaster! People outside seems to be fighting something, a green being appeared but...

Half of its body is red while the other half is green... Raged goblin... Goblins that feel no pain whatsoever. They have an ability called smite.

When they are fighting an enemy that has a skeleton, their damage increases by 200%, hunters tried to stop them, but they are too many, a normal goblin is around level 30, raged goblins are around level 70.

Hunters tried to take them down but it was no use, rage goblins feel no pain and will try their best to not fall down. It seems that... I have to deal with the apocalypse...