
If there's already a million isekai, why not one more?

After surviving getting transportated into another world, losing his left arm to an ordinary human in the world, surviving a battle royale with 50,000 other people who got transported into the world. He finally got to go home to his home planet but disaster has struck when he was away, dungeons started appearing and other people also received systems like him. Except theirs had more functions, his remained the same. (credits to zhang xu Pinterest for the book cover)

West_walker · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 5, the switch

After i was done with the funerals, i also waited for the 12 hour reset time for the dungeon.

I entered back, but this time i was in a temporary squadron. 20% of the dungeons around the world were recleared. The dungeon boss this time didn't have an extra transformation.

However the skeletons had weapons and the zombies had become faster and stronger, turning it from level 5 to level 10.

I repeated the process until I was level 20, i also started on collecting materials to make another mechanical arm.

With the money i accumulated i can only get 1/3rd of a mechanical arm, Also, because my level had finally reached level 20...

I can now go to an even stronger dungeon! This time i can earn money by selling corpses! Not 2 dollar knives...

I was about to enter but i heard a commotion, someone was thrown out from the portal, his eyes filled with fear, he looked at his surroundings and shouted "dungeon break!" and just ran away.

(let's be honest we all know this so do i even need to explain?)

Then hunters banded together to try to stop, not all of them though, there are those who left with loot.

Not caring about the people, i wonder how the future is sometimes... I asked the person next to me "what monster is gonna come out?"

He replied "nothing to worry, its just oversized ants." an ant leg came out from the dungeon. Our defenses tightened because we know its about to come out.

Defenders in the front, fighters in the middle, and mages and archers in the back. This will be...

An armored knight ant appeared, standing in two legs, i asked the person again "you said it was just oversized ants?"

He looked at it in fear and said "a switch... Happened..." i slapped him and said "snap out of it!"

Then i asked him "what's going on?" he replied "a switch is when a dungeon switches monsters with another dungeon, but the dungeon must of monsters from the same species..."

Then he said "this monster is from a level 100 dungeon..." by the time he finished explaining... It seems that already half of us were dead and that their numbers increased from 1 to 100.

It seems however they know how to fight these things as dozens of them are also on the ground without heads.

I casted flame and piercing enchants on my sword and then casted an aoe buff, a skill that's hard to come by back in the old world.

It increases target units within the vicinity, increasing all their strength by 30, increasing their agility by 20, and increasing their magic casting speed by 10%, at the cost of temporarily losing 1 vitality per minute.

Skill is called aoe buff, then i to 5 seconds to cast another aoe buff, however an ant charged at me, but i was defended by 3 people.

It seems they knew what i was doing. This buff i casted is called sacrificial inspire. Sacrificing a certain number of stat points from 1-10 from a random stat but increasing the strength, vitality, agility and wisdom depending on the number sacrificed, and its reach, reaches 100 meters, and the exp gained from kills are spread equally.

I chose 5 points, and it increased everyone's stat points by 20%, because of this we managed to barely fend off the enemies, with a total survivors of... 13..

But this isn't over... That was just the 1st wave...