
If there's already a million isekai, why not one more?

After surviving getting transportated into another world, losing his left arm to an ordinary human in the world, surviving a battle royale with 50,000 other people who got transported into the world. He finally got to go home to his home planet but disaster has struck when he was away, dungeons started appearing and other people also received systems like him. Except theirs had more functions, his remained the same. (credits to zhang xu Pinterest for the book cover)

West_walker · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 4, trouble

I casted enchants on my weapon "flame enchant, penetration enchant, acid enchant" if i enchant using both fire and acid, the acid will increase the combustion of the fire and be swallowed.

So if swung my sword, a beam of flame will come out. I did try it but it only made his feet hot. And smoking. But no effects at all.

Usually my enchants are permanent, but because of my strength right now it's temporary so i will need to finish this quickly.

He smashed his hammer towards me, but with my strength right now i cut his hammer in half.

At the cost of both my legs! I can feel something cracked in my feet, i jumped with all my strength left. And then lunged at his middle head, piercing it like butter.

But it wasn't over yet, there was still one head left, and its barely on sword reach. I his arm grabbed me and threw me, then he picked up what was left of his hammer.

He tried to pierce my head with it's pointy edge but with both my arms held strong i managed to cut through it along with 2 fingers.

This hybrid feels no pain and has no brain, so he just continued, the sword enchant disappeared. I threw my sword at his remaining head and he punched me.

I flew through 2 trees, but finally he died. And that was something i thought, but the trees fused into its body.

I also became even larger, and its head's returned but now its protected by a wooden helmet.

To be honest, i don't wanna use this skill, because with my current abilities, I'll have all my stats reduced by 3, i mean before i almost lost because i lost some stat points.

So i before it finished morphing i chanted the spell. "infernal flamw, blaze down my enemies, and send them back to hell! blue flame, spiralling inferno!"

And then I set it ablaze, not even ashes were left. At least it did drop a crystal! Half... A crystal though...

It seems the other half of the crystal is somewhere... Else... Then i looked at one of the hunters that went here, one part of him was glowing.

I cut the part out, and i binded the crystal together, they bind naturally once close to each other.

Then i used it, each crystal gives 5 stats in each category, as for the girl in the television... She used more than 10...

So if i want to defeat her i have to be at least level 600, or I would need to use 350 crystals...

Meh I'll just do both to make sure! After all... Who knows what strength she would've had once i reach that level...

After i was done with the dungeon, i asked around the village about the dead hunters, i found their families and gave them the body.

Instead of thanking me they said its disgusting and asked why i didn't just cremate them and send it to them.

So i told them "are you just gonna burn a warrior to ash? He died fighting, and you all just wanted to burn him!"

They all stayed silent, but in the end they agreed to do a proper burial, and I also attended it.

It was also hard because i had to drag the bodies one by one, because if i just left and came back for the other, it might've just disappeared.

But in the end... The hunter's sword was given to me, along with his leather armor, to thank me i guess.