
If there's already a million isekai, why not one more?

After surviving getting transportated into another world, losing his left arm to an ordinary human in the world, surviving a battle royale with 50,000 other people who got transported into the world. He finally got to go home to his home planet but disaster has struck when he was away, dungeons started appearing and other people also received systems like him. Except theirs had more functions, his remained the same. (credits to zhang xu Pinterest for the book cover)

West_walker · Fantasy
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19 Chs

8 the apocalypse

From inside the building i could hear roars of the monsters and screams of the people, but there's very little i can do.

Especially now that I'm hiding from a rune golem, golems are just rock beings, being able to move because of magic!

This rune golem can sense everything around it, and can cast ancient magic! What's bad is it can sense the slightest movement, and body temperature, i use my own innate abilities to make my body temperature seem like I'm dead.

Even though its a rune golem, it can't sense magic but can use magic to sense living things through vibrant vibrations.

By using dark magic to stop my heart from moving, using blood magic to keep my blood moving, air magic to gather oxygen through my nose, and using nerve magic to remove the pain that's happening to me.

After 45 whole minutes the golem has felt an explosion and left, i took this opportunity to run like hell immediately. I was at a door, it had a trap attached to it... An explosive... To keep anyone from entering...

I cut the wire, took the explosive, then opened the door, but i felt something stopping me... Considering its the apocalypse anyone will probably say that it's normal and that there might be a slight blockage of debree...

But why was there an explosive connected to the door... The answer is... Both sides have an explosive trap, to keep anyone from leaving, or entering in a secret location...

However anyone smart enough to figure this out by a third explosive ... These two explosives are connected to another one, if both explosives were disarmed.

The third one which is most likely above or below will explode. But what choice do i have? I opened the door then took cover, after it exploded i ran out immediately, but what i was was thousands of corpses...

Humans and monsters alike... It seems i walked in on a feeding feast... An event where all monsters alike would gather to feast on meat, even if it was their own kind...

Especially demons, they don't give a fuck. But i have no time to completely explain, it seems that I've attracted a horde of feasting monsters towards me.

I ran away, i couldn't fight them all, especially since i don't have much mana left in me, then i heard loud noises and explosions behind me.

A soldier in front of me said "follow us!" soldiers and hunters escorted me while killing the monsters, when Until we reached a large facility.

Fighting against a huge army of monsters, with impenetrable steel like walls, a large force field, and weapons to fight off the army.

The flying enemies, be it ants, drakes, or demons, they all froze and fell, dealing damage to the army aswell.

Then the force field opened, and 2 large flying machines came out, using some sort of weapon that fired a dark matter bullets, when hit by it the monsters burst in flames.

Except for demons. We entered the vehicle and safely entered the facility.