
If the world had a Sequence Game

In the bustling metropolis, bathed in the neon glow of the blue and purple night, the system bestows upon players the abilities they've always dreamed of. Immortal arts, martial prowess, Yin-Yang sorcery, extraordinary technologies, spirit-binding enchantments... Players from different systems engage in the battle of the sequences. ——My name is Shadow, and by the time you read this message... I am already the first in the sequence.

Bdd_rr · Games
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113 Chs

Chapter 64: Have You Heard of This Legend?

Have you heard of this legend?

It is said that hidden deep within the virtual data network lies a mysterious webpage that can grant people's wishes.

The content of this mysterious webpage consists of just three simple steps: "Wish," "Self-introduction," and "Confirm Wish."

If you complete these three steps, your wish may catch the attention of the gods.

If your wish is successfully chosen by the gods, you will receive an invitation to welcome the arrival of the gods.

And then, your wish will manifest in reality.

"Do you believe in such urban legends?"

In the Psychological Rehabilitation Department's office, next to the coffee table with a tablet, Luorou leaned over and whispered mysteriously to Alister.

Since almost no one came to the Psychological Rehabilitation Department for counseling, they had unknowingly begun to chat.

"It sounds interesting," Alister, who was getting restless from boredom, leaned back on the sofa and pondered, "But where did you hear about this urban legend? I haven't heard of it..."

Nowadays, internet rumors are rampant, and even ordinary events can be spread as mysterious and bizarre occurrences, enough to become a symbol of the times.

Urban legends like "Yuki-onna Visits at Midnight" or "Married Woman Comes to Sleep with You at Night" were things Alister had heard of. However, a mysterious webpage that grants wishes was entirely new to him.

Is it a recently popular urban legend? Or perhaps a trace left behind by a certain gamer in the real world?

"This is a secret that only those chosen by the gods can know~" Luorou proudly hummed a few notes and brought out the tablet, saying, "Just wait a moment, I'll find it..."

She swiped her fingers playfully, opened the default browser, and clicked on the bookmarked page, revealing a link to an unknown and mysterious webpage.

Alister leaned over, resting his chin on his hand, and said, "Is this it?"

Sitting on the sofa, Luorou's slender legs wrapped in white stockings swung back and forth, and she looked like a saintly angel, using a child-like tone to proudly say, "That's right. I worked hard to find it from a certain post."

Alister kept his gaze fixed and whispered, "Open it and take a look."

Luorou hummed, lightly touched the mysterious link, and waited for half a second. Then a webpage composed of simple lines appeared, just as Luorou had described, containing only three steps.

"Wish," "Self-introduction," and "Confirm Wish."

Then Luorou turned her head, curled her lips into a smile, and with a unique tone of an old swindler, asked, "So, my mediocre and humble friend, what is your wish?"

"I want someone to transfer 50 yuan to me every Friday during the big discount." Alister decisively stated his wish.

"You can't make that wish," Luorou placed the tablet on her thighs wrapped in white stockings, crossed her arms, and made a "no" gesture while giving Alister a coquettish look.

"The webpage rejects access after one wish is granted, so how can we not have a super-value wish?" She continued.

Alister crossed his arms and leaned back on the sofa, sighing, "Since there's only one chance, you should make the wish since you're the one who found the link."

"In that case, I wish for the ability to make three more wishes," Luorou asked in a child-like tone, seeking advice.

A classic wish paradox, an infinite loop, a common trope.

"If you really make that wish, the gods will probably ignore you. An endlessly exploited god would probably resign," Alister analyzed seriously. "So, what do you want to wish for?"

The atmosphere fell silent for a few seconds, with only the ticking of the office clock ringing in their ears.


"Oh, I've got it!" Luorou's eyes lit up, she raised her index finger and smilingly suggested, "Let's wish for a monthly income of millions!"

"Having dreams is a good thing," Alister agreed, looking directly at the webpage, "Then let's make a wish."

So, Luorou casually tapped on the virtual keyboard, completing the three steps of "Wish," "Self-introduction," and "Confirm Wish" in a leisurely manner. The webpage then abruptly changed to a "Lost Link" status.

"Alright, now we wait for the invitation to appear, as the legend says..." Luorou let out a sigh of relief.

But before Alister could say anything, Luorou's phone suddenly received a message from someone with the nickname "Big Sister," probably the Hiji Corporation employee they had just met.

"The president is coming for an inspection."

The moment Luorou saw this message, she instinctively exclaimed, "Huh?!" and quickly tidied up the coffee table before rushing out in a fluster.

However, just a second after she left, she returned like a wilting sunflower and weakly called out to Alister, "Bring out the corporate style! A black shirt, a rose-red pleated skirt, and those delicious chocolate-like black stockings... You know, the noble and untouchable girl..."

Himizuki's crimson eyes carried an aura of authority as she scrutinized the two people who had come out of the Psychological Rehabilitation Department. She yawned and said casually, "Come here."

"... Yes."

Luorou fidgeted with her hands behind her back, her expression unnatural, like a timid little deer.

She reluctantly approached the sofa on Himizuki's right side, crossed her legs, and sat up straight.

Then, Himizuki locked eyes with Alister, lowered her gaze slightly, and observed him with interest, her smile growing more pronounced.

Under Himizuki's gaze, Alister calmly moved to the sofa on her left side, sat down, and waited for this group leader's impromptu evaluation.

Usually, when higher-ups from a company come for an inspection, it's a nerve-wracking experience. However, when he thought about this group leader being the one he had role-played with...

He just couldn't feel nervous, and even felt a little familiar.

Alister recalled the "role-play" that day.

"Are you the new employee who just arrived today?" Himizuki's voice was awe-inspiring, making others feel reverence. "Your reaction seems acceptable... Do you know the rules of our Hiji Corporation?"

Luorou slightly curled up her body, her hands anxiously resting on her thighs wrapped in white stockings, her eyes signaling Alister to do his best.

Alister stared at Himizuki for a second, then calmly withdrew his gaze and said smoothly, "First, employees must abide by all Z-country laws and regulations; second, employees must follow the provisions of the 'Labor Contract' and other agreements; third..."

Time passed, one minute at a time...

And so, he kept reciting until Luorou was astonished, until Himizuki's eyes indicated, "Enough, there's no need for you to recite further."

Only then did Alister pick up his cup, take a sip of tea, and sit in front of the three women, like a model employee, under their watchful gaze.

"Quick, come out! The president is here for an impromptu inspection~ Ahh~"

Glancing at the still-displaying tablet, Alister put down his water cup and didn't waste any time, following Luorou out.

However, shortly after Alister and Luorou left, a new interface appeared on the tablet screen, with the words "Invitation" prominently displayed...

After five minutes of standby time, the tablet screen went black, hiding the "Invitation"...



In the office outside the Psychological Rehabilitation Department, in the previously spacious hall, the big sister was skillfully reflecting on her actions while sitting on the wall.

And on the sofa where she used to "work," Himizuki, the leader of Hiji Corporation, sat with her legs crossed, looking like a princess.